
Reborn as a slime in a magical world - Tensura

A young man in his mid twenties gets reincarnated in the Tensura AU as a slime. This is my first fanfic and English is not my first language Please note that this is Tensura AU, so there will be changes to the original Tensura Verse NO HAREM MC is not rimuru *I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING, ALL RIGHTS GOES TO RESPECTIVE PEOPLE*

Athena_122 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 9 - Evolution and Forming the Village (Part 2)

And from who you can hunt?

A fourteen Hobgoblins came forward along with their Tempest wolf companions, so I assigned them under the command of Rigur, "Rigur! You will be in charge of hunting team! If you can't defeat the prey, Retreat, your lives are more important than the prey, got that?"

He bowed and exclaimed "Yes Sir! As you command!", 

"Alright, I'm counting on you.."

Rigurd started shedding his happy tears and said "Thank you for giving this opportunity to my son, I'm honored.."

"I saw promise in him..thats all.." I said, Rigurd started shedding his happy tears even more with happiness, and he cleared the tears from his eyes..,and said "Rigur! Make sure you exceed our masters expectations.."

'heh..' I thought anyway before that "Aniki, while I take care of these guys, can you go and take care of building huts or houses or whatever it is?" I asked Aniki

"ha..Leave it to me.." said Aniki and called out to Ranga and took the building unit with him,

And the hunting unit is also left for hunting.

So now we are left with the remaining people, and I asked female Hobgoblin to come forward and they came forward, I tasked them to gather the fruits and others, not everyday we will be able to get hunt right, so that's why I tasked them with this, and they bowed and I asked the Tempest Wolves to guard them as they the gather the food.

And that it is also done, so now the main problem is our Defense Units so now troops we have here is Thirty Hobgoblins along with their Tempest Wolf companions, Forty Tempest Worgens and Forty Tempest Wolves. 

After testing the Hobgoblins in their respective fields, with the help of Sapient {A/N: from now onwards, Jarvis will be called as Sapient}

and I divided them accordingly,

Fencer Division (Swordsman) – Ten Hobgoblins along with their Tempest Wolf Companions

Phalanx Division (Spearman) – Ten Hobgoblins along with their Tempest Wolf Companions

Archery Division – Five Hobgoblins along with their Tempest Wolf Companions

Guardian – Five Hobgoblins along with their Tempest Wolf Companions

So now sorting out Hobgoblins is complete, now what left is Tempest Worgens and Tempest Wolves,

So now with the help of Vayu, from the forty strongest Tempest Worgens, we selected four strongest Tempest Worgens, and the remaining thirty six Tempest Worgens, they have been divided into four groups, nine Tempest Worgens each. And I have assigned a leader to each group

And Now for the Tempest Wolves, I called Ranga for this, because I want Ranga to select the four strongest Tempest Wolves.

As I called him, he appeared and bowed and said "You called me? My Lord!" and I asked him "Ranga, can you select four strongest Tempest Wolves among them"

He replied "As you command!" he said and selected four Strongest Tempest Wolves. Now just like Tempest Worgens, I have divided the Tempest Wolves and assigned leaders to them.

For their commanders, Vayu will lead the Tempest Worgens and Ranga will lead the Tempest Wolves.

And I took one-one group from Tempest Worgens and Tempest Wolves and put them in the Guardian Unit.

'sigh..finally sorting out the defence is done…but it would better if they have names right? But will it work?' I thought.

"Vayu..can I give names to Tempest Worgens? as I recall you have said giving you names will also make your brethren evolve right?, and as also it also made them evolve, if there is a no problem, can I gave them names?"

< < Answer. Giving the Tempest Worgens will not be a problem. The individuals who appointed as leaders to the groups will be evolved to Tempest Worgen Kings, and the remaining of them will be evolved to High Tempest Worgens> >

said Sapient frustratedly, some sort of in a jealousy tone, 'is he jealous?' thought

'when did you change your voice' I asked but no response came

whatever I thought

"you do not have to ask My Lord, they will be honored to receive a name." Vayu replied

So I decided to name all the Tempest Wolves and Tempest Worgens.

'Aniki, can you come here?' I asked Aniki via family link.

he replied 'why?' he replied 'I want to name all the Tempest Wolves and Worgens' I said

'Now? Alright I coming.' He replied. "Ranga, can you bring Rimuru here?" I asked Ranga

"Yes Sir!" he said and left. "Vayu, I want you to assemble all the Tempest Worgens and the Tempest Wolves, can you do that?" I asked Vayu.

"of course My Lord!" he said. And soon all the Tempest Worgens and Tempest Wolves are assembled before us.

Thus the naming spree began, Now the Tempest Worgen leaders names are 'Vajra, Vidura, Varuna, Vibhu' and the Tempest Wolf leaders names are 'Raizo, Raido, Raito, Raikou'

I named the Tempest Worgen leaders and Aniki named Tempest Wolf leaders, and we named all the Tempest Worgen and Tempest Wolves

And me and Aniki got multiple notifications from Jarvis. 

< < Notice. The individuals Vajra, Vidura, Varuna and Vibhu have been evolved to Tempest Worgen Kings > >

< < Notice. The individuals Raizo, Raido, Raito and Raikou have been evolved to Tempest Wolf Kings > >

< < Notice. All the Tempest Wolves have been evolved to High Tempest Wolves > >

< < Notice. All the Tempest Worgens have been evolved to High Tempest Worgens > >

As the naming done I felt my Magicules depleting, and it have also been filled and the Magicule count is also doubled and I followed Aniki where they are building huts.

Apparently they haven't started it yet, as Aniki went there and came back as I called him, and they started building the house, and this Vayu, he put his paws around me and his head on top of my head, I don't know if he is being overprotective or too loving, I thought I was only experiencing this, but even Aniki is the same. but I like the way that Vayu treats me.

They finally completed to build the hut, however as soon as they finished it, the hut collapsed.

"I wouldn't call that a house.." Aniki said

"Talk about discouragement" I replied to Aniki 

It seems they thought we were scolding them Rigurd apologized "Forgive us..we will do our best"

And I replied "don't worry about..i'm not scolding you guys.." to change the topic Aniki started talking about clothes "your clothes are...."

And just then Haruna arrived and Aniki continued "I-I think they are little too revealing.." and Aniki is looking at Haruna's 'you know where he is looking' and "Its not a bad thing but.." as Aniki is speaking and looking exactly at her parts, I jumped from Vayu formed a leg from my body, smacked him.

"What was that for!" he shouted and I replied via sage link 'What are you looking at ! you are a leader for god sake! Behave like that! '

I replied via sage link because I don't want him look bad in front of his people..

"hai..hai…" he replied

Its not like I'm scolding him all the time, sometimes he acts like an idiot, sometimes the stupid things he does might cause him dearly, anyway I will be there to stop that when such things happen and that also will make people look down on him, that's the last thing a leader want and me also.

"There is no one here with the skill to make them…" said Rigur

"If you can't make them, couldn't you get somewhere else?" asked Aniki

"There are some with whom we have attempted to trade a few times….aside from clothing they are quite skilled, so they might know how to build houses too.." Rigurd replied

"Hmm..well we're getting nowhere this way, so maybe we should go and see them" Aniki said

"Who they are and where do they live?" I asked

Rigurd turned towards me and replied "They are the Dwarves and they live in Dwargon"

"Dwarves! You mean the famous masters of metalworking?!!" exclaimed Aniki

There you go again with his imagination..

"I'll try to go Dwargon." He said

Aniki looked at me before he could ask me I gave thumbs up to him, "Be safe out there!" I said

"Thank yaa.." he said "don't worry about..I'm also leader to this village after you.." I said

and he left to the Dwargon

Soon night came..and I will be going to Sleep Mode again and I tasked Raido and Raizo to guard the village

'Sapient-san, put me into sleep mode for tonight

as usual Vayu sat beside and guarding while I went to sleep mode













A/N: I hope you like this chapter.

Please forgive me if there is any grammar mistakes, 

and I want your opinions on the story so far, please do comment, so that it would help me in developing the story further.

Please drop reviews if you like this fic..

That's all... see you soon...

And I thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart.