
Reborn as a Skeleton with a System

The story begins with Philip, a young necromancer who inadvertently turns his uncle into a skeleton monster whom Jason Todd a soul from earth comes to possess, sparking a desperate escape from the confines of Border Town. Initially scorned as a weakling, Jason's with the help of a system, against insurmountable odds becomes a true godly figure. Over the first three years, through trials and relentless leveling, Jason emerges from the shadows of the Undead Mountains as the revered Undead Knight under the Moonlight. His legend grows as he conquers the underground maze, earning the title of the lone king of bones, a ruler who sits unchallenged upon his throne. With each challenge surmounted, Jason's strength and abilities grow exponentially, his reputation spreading like wildfire across the realms. Thirty years into his journey, Jason achieves the unimaginable, breaking through the devil abyss. This feat earns him the awe-inspiring moniker of the angel of death, a being whose mere presence evokes fear and admiration. Jason's transformation from a hunted skeleton into a figure of immense power challenges the very foundations of the world, setting the stage for a confrontation with entities beyond mortal comprehension. After a century of relentless pursuit of power and mastery over death itself, Jason stands at the pinnacle of existence. His gaze sweeps across many planes, instilling terror in the hearts of gods and mortals alike. At this moment of triumphant full leveling, an unexpected twist reveals the true nature of Jason's journey.

Rqmk · Fantasy
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149 Chs

Opening "Aura Vision"!

In the heart of a secluded forest, where the shadows whispered secrets of ancient times, Jason stood amidst the ruins of a once fearsome nest of poisonous demon bees. His journey had been arduous, a testament to the will of a warrior seeking mastery over his craft. The panel before him glowed softly in the twilight, a beacon of his recent triumphs:

[Martial Arts: Spear Skills (Elite 0/1000)]

[Understanding the Ultimate Move: Heavy Rain Meteor Spear]

Three days of relentless practice had borne fruit, elevating Jason's spear skills to the elite level. Yet, it wasn't just the advancement in rank that marked his growth. He had unlocked a killer move that epitomized the pinnacle of his training: the Rainstorm Meteor Spear. This technique, a flurry of jabs delivered with such speed and precision, mimicked the relentless assault of a tempestuous rainstorm, each strike a meteorite tearing through the atmosphere.

This mastery was not born of mere physical practice but of a deep symbiosis with the breathing methods of the ancients, a way to channel and amplify the energy coursing through his veins, breaking the limits of speed and power known to man.

Eager to test the bounds of his new skill, Jason ventured out to confront a nest of the poisonous demon bees. As he approached, the air became thick with the buzz of anger, the insects swarming in a frenzied defense. Within moments, they enveloped him, a living shroud intent on overwhelming their intruder.

Jason stood unfazed amidst the storm, his body relaxed, a conduit for the power of the undead that flowed within him. With a breath, he summoned the cold, dead essence of his being, repelling the swarm with the sheer intensity of his aura. The bees retreated in fear, leaving him standing alone, a figure of serene might.

With a focus sharp as the tip of his spear, Jason channeled all his power into his arm, his grip tightening around the weapon. The air around him seemed to crackle with anticipation. Then, with the precision of a master craftsman, he unleashed the Rainstorm Meteor Spear. The air hummed as the spear danced, a blur of motion too swift for the eye to follow, its path illuminated by the ethereal glow of his energy. Each jab was a bolt of lightning, a white rainstorm that roared with the fury of the heavens.

Before him, the poisonous demon bees met their demise, their bodies obliterated by the relentless force of Jason's assault. The ground quickly became a macabre tapestry of their remains, a dark reminder of the power he wielded.

As the echoes of his attack faded into silence, Jason stood still, the only sound the residual hum of his vibrating spear. This was the domain of elite-level spear skills, a realm where martial prowess and the ancient breathing techniques merged to create something extraordinary.

In the shadow of the night, under a sky where stars wove themselves into the luminous tapestry of the Milky Way, Jason stood resolute, his newly acquired mastery over the Rainstorm Meteor Spear igniting a fire of confidence within him. It was this newfound prowess that emboldened him to contemplate facing the scar-faced mercenary known for his deadly Shadowless Knife technique. Yet, wisdom tempered his desire for confrontation; Jason knew well that a direct challenge against the formidable Eagle Group was beyond his current reach.

[Mission Completed! Experience +200, Strength +1]

[Experience Value: 250/380]

[Strength: 4.4→5.4]

Weeks of dedication had culminated in a significant advancement in his spearmanship, but time was a luxury Jason could no longer afford. The Eagles, relentless in their pursuit, were closing in, and Jason needed to carve out a safe passage through the perilous depths of the mountains—a daunting task, yet one he faced with an unyielding spirit.

As night cloaked the world in its enigmatic embrace, the dense forests of the Undead Mountains whispered secrets in the moonlight, a perfect veil for Jason's departure. He mounted his stalwart moose, his silhouette armored and formidable against the moon's glow, setting forth into the heart of darkness.

The nights here were eerily silent, punctuated only by the sporadic chorus of insects and the distant howls of wolves. This realm, where the sun's rays seldom reached, was a sanctuary for those shunned by daylight. Jason rode through a world where confusion and decay reigned supreme—skeletons meandering aimlessly, rotting corpses emitting guttural cries, and specters gliding solemnly under the shadow of cliffs. This was a domain where death held dominion, casting a pall of dread over the land.

Yet, the Jason who might once have sought refuge in the shadows, a mere skeleton monster amongst many, now traversed this macabre landscape undaunted. Mounted on his moose, clad in armor and wielding his spear, he exuded an aura that commanded the undead to yield. To the periphery of this cursed mountain range, he was an apex predator, his presence alone deterring any who dared approach.

[Explore the Map Area ×1, Experience +5]

[Explore the Map Area ×1, Experience +5]

With each stride deeper into the unknown, the air grew thick with the essence of undeath, a tangible reminder of the land's corrupt heart. The wolves' lament waned to silence; the insects' symphony ceased, and not a single firefly dared to illuminate the oppressive darkness. Hours passed, and Jason found himself enveloped in the core of the Undead Mountains, where life's vibrant chorus faltered against the overwhelming dirge of death. Here, in the profound silence, the very atmosphere bristled with a malevolent energy, a stark testament to the inhospitable realm he had ventured into.

In the heart of a land where the veil between life and death was as thin as spider silk, Jason stood, his senses heightened to the whispers of the undead. The dense aura of the Undead Mountains not only fortified the malevolent beings that lurked within but also seemed to stoke the soul fire burning within Jason, making it blaze with newfound vigor.

With a sudden whoosh, a series of ethereal forms darted towards him from the shadows cast by the gnarled trees. Without a moment's hesitation, Jason's reflexes took over. His arm shot out, spear in hand, and with the precision of a storm unleashed, he executed the Rainstorm Meteor Spear technique. The air was filled with the staccato of his spear's tip shattering bone, each impact a death knell for the creatures that dared to ambush him.

As the dust settled and the echoes of combat faded into the night, Jason, with a swift movement, seized the last of his assailants—a peculiar creature unlike any he had encountered. It writhed in his grasp, a bizarre amalgam of snake and bird, its skeletal form adorned with the flicker of blue flames within its eye sockets and a bird's skeleton embedded within its ribcage. The creature's wings beat futilely against the air, a desperate attempt to escape the ironclad grip of its captor.

Jason observed the creature with a mix of curiosity and awe. Its snake-like body coiled around his arm, striking out with sharp teeth in a vain effort to pierce his armor. "A chimera of snake and bird?" he pondered aloud, the oddity of his foe sparking intrigue rather than fear.

But the spectacle did not end there. As the life—or rather, the unlife—faded from the snake's eyes, the bird skeleton within its ribcage stirred. With a surge of blue light, it shattered its bony prison and attempted to flee into the night. Yet, with an unflustered ease, Jason captured the skeletal bird, its bones crumbling to dust within his grasp.

Among the remains, Jason discovered two magic stones, one blue from the snake and one red from the bird. To his astonishment, upon contact, the stones fused into a singular, two-toned gem, its value far surpassing that of its separate parts. "Quite the find," Jason mused, pocketing the unexpected treasure along with the other magic stones collected from the fallen creatures.

As he continued his journey, a series of ethereal texts appeared before him, marking his progress and his growing adeptness in navigating the treacherous terrains of the Undead Mountains. The milestones achieved were not just a testament to his physical journey but to his evolution as an explorer and a warrior adept at sensing the unseen dangers and wonders of this haunted land.

[Map: Mountain of the Dead 10%, Experience +50]

[Unlock the Achievement "Explorer (Elementary → Intermediate)"]

[Remarks: Perception and Intuition in Unfamiliar Environments are Increased by 300%; Open the "Aura Vision"]

In the depths of the night, Jason stood a moment longer, his gaze piercing through the darkness. The path ahead was fraught with peril, but with every step, he forged himself anew, ready to face whatever mysteries lay buried in the heart of the mountains.