
Reborn as a SCP

Leo was a surgeon in the foundation who had dedicated his entire life to the foundation, entering their ranks as a surgeon's assistant the moment he was qualified. He had seen everything from agents with minor injuries up to agents who had sustained major trauma to their bodies and had lost body parts, even operatives who were affected by SCP's. However, through thick and thin Leo stayed loyal to the foundation. Eventually, Leo qualified for a level three clearance level, all he had to do was complete a minor operation on an executive agent of the foundation. However, the agent mysteriously died and Leo was found responsible for the death after a trial. Leo lamented everyone as his hate for the foundation grew. "I dedicated my entire fucking life to your cause, I have saved hundreds of your operatives and this is the fucking reward I get!?!" After Leo found out he was scheduled to be tested on an SCP that could cause a horrendous death he rebelled, resulting in him dying. When Leo died, there was only one thought in his head. "Why am I the one who must always suffer? All of this happened due to the corruption of others, I've just been a puppet in the grand scheme of everything, the foundation is a predator, and I was the prey all along. The entire foundation, no, the entire world is corrupt. It should all be purged in order for a new beginning." Suddenly, Leo heard a mysterious and dark voice calling out to him. "Do you truly wish to purge the world? To create a new one?" Leo thought he was going insane for a second but still responded. "Yes, that is truly what I want. But before that, I want to trample those who wronged me in this world!"

lazylizard · Fantasy
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196 Chs

Entity (2)

"I understand and accept your condition." responded Leo.

"There is more, Leo." responded Sogrith.

"What more conditions do you have?"

"You will not be reincarnated as a human, since they are too weak. There would be no way of you conquering the world and creating your idealistic world, you will be reincarnated as an anomaly, an SCP."

Leo was shocked, everything was happening so fast.

A week ago he was accused of murder, not even an hour ago he died, and now he was being offered another chance at life but as an SCP.

He may hate the corruption of humanity, but becoming an SCP was something completely different.

However, Leo steeled his resolve. As Sogrith mentioned, he needed the power to achieve his goal.

"Alright, I agree to that condition as well."

"Wonderful! Then we are ready!" replied Sogrith.

"Wait, how will this work?" Leo asked.

Sogrith seemed to be thinking a while before responding.

"You will start off weak, bestowing you these powers will require a lot of effort for me."

"You will be given tasks by me and I will be feeding off your negative emotions and off the emotions of those who you kill. This will give me more strength allowing me to give you more powers."

"So practically, the more chaos I create the stronger I get?"

"Yes, and the more people you find that will devote their life to me, the stronger you get as well."

"Lastly Sogrith, what is my final purpose in this world? What will happen when I create my perfect world?" asked Leo.

"The people in your idealistic world will worship me, resulting in me getting more power until I get enough power to break free from my seal, when that time comes I will give you a choice.

"And that choice is?"

"You will find out when it is time." responded Sogrith.

Leo didn't like how cryptic Sogrith was being but didn't question it.

"Alright, so what is next?" asked Leo.

"Let me give you your three choices of what kind of SCP you can reincarnate as."

"Let me start off by telling you this Leo, once you reincarnate I will give you a simple challenge to overcome, if you fail to overcome it I will cut ties with you immediately, understand?"

"I understand." responded Leo.

"First of we have the shapeshifter. It is what I did earlier to you.

The shapeshifter form allows you to possess the body of anyone you kill."

"Up next we have the Hypnotiser. This form allows you to bend people to your will for a small amount of time.

This may not work on stronger people and SCPs."

And last but not least, we have the berserker.

The berserker will give you a temporary boost in your power and defense the more blood you consume. Please note that it is temporary.

You will also be able to heal some minor injuries depending on how much blood you consume."

"So, what will you choose, Leo?" said Sogrith.

Leo thought for a second.

berserker would allow him to be aggressive but it would not be great for ranking up, since he would have to kill people quickly.

Hypnotiser could work but it is not really his preferred evolution.

And shapeshifter would have its own drawbacks as well.

After thinking for a while, Leo responded.

"I will be going with the shapeshifter."

"Very well then, Leo, I will be reincarnating you as a shapeshifter.

You are a one-of-a-kind monster that is capable of stealing people's identities and powers.

You will receive your first mission soon."

Before Leo responded the white void around him started shattering as Leo felt like he was falling

"I have high hopes for you Leo, now prove your worth to me."

In the next second, Leo felt himself emerging out of the ground as a piece of white text floated in his mind.

[New mission by Sogrith!]

[Mission: Exterminate those who summoned you and shapeshift into one of their bodies]

[WARNING: failing this mission will result in you severing ties with Sogrith, failure is not an option. Good luck, Leo.]

"Sceneries were passing by."

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