
Reborn As a Pirate

When Ryan opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar world, marked, accused of murdering a noble and condemned to the life of a pirate. Shipwrecked from the start, his fortunes changed when he was rescued by the enigmatic Captain Freni, a ruthless witch who commands the "Black Rose" without a shred of mercy. But Ryan is not just any ordinary castaway, he is equipped with a mysterious system that allows him to level up and unlock new abilities, guiding him on a bizarre and fantastical journey. [Save the dying shark to gain a secretive ally] [convert a dead planet into a powerful warship] such were the choices offered to Ryan offered by the system.] Unbeknownst to others, Captain Freni is the fugitive fifth princess of the Augustus Dynasty, masquerading as a novice pirate while seeking to recover her family's lost treasure and restore her fallen dynasty. As she navigates through treacherous waters, Freni saves Ryan, who proves to be a knowledgeable navigator for the Black Rose, despite his odd tendencies to spout bizarre statements and collect strange artifacts. Welcome to the Age of Discovery! #Pirate #VirtualReality #+18 #Reborn #Funny

Rqmk · Fantasy
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109 Chs

Dragon-Headed Crab!

On a sun-drenched beach, several colossal crabs, each stretching over a meter in length, meandered leisurely across the golden sands.

At the heart of this group, dwarfing its companions, a behemoth of a crab sprawled indolently, basking in the searing sun as if savoring a midday siesta.

From his covert vantage point behind a craggy rock, Ryan peered out over the expanse of beach, squinting against the glare.

"1, 2, 3...are there only four beach crabs?" he murmured to himself, tallying the creatures in his line of sight.

Moments before, Ryan had stealthily neutralized 11 of the giant crabs that had ventured to the northern fringe of the beach in search of food. His actions had boosted his experience level significantly, he was now a Level 4 adventurer, 60% on his way to the next level.

Ryan's gaze swept past the oversized beach crabs and settled on an even more formidable figure further afield, his expression grew intense.

Upon reaching Level 4, Ryan's physical prowess had surged to 5.08, five times that of an ordinary human. Yet, the prospect of facing the dragon-headed behemoth did little to bolster his confidence.

Careful observation revealed the staggering scale of the dragon-headed giant crab: standing three meters tall, it resembled a small, mobile fortress. Its carapace, a meld of dark green and slate gray, appeared as impregnable as granite, likely impervious to conventional weapons.

Most striking were the creature's twin pincers, disproportionately large and robust, capable of forming a formidable shield wall to block any attack. Crowning its formidable form was a dragon-head-shaped carapace, bone-white and rugged. From this protective shell protruded a lethal spike, soaring two meters high at an oblique angle, a formidable weapon that could gut an opponent with horrifying ease.

Ryan knew the challenge ahead was daunting, the dragon-headed crab was not just another level boss; it was a fortress on legs, a test of every skill he had honed in his adventurous journey.

Beholding such a monstrous creature from afar was unsettling; up close, its formidable presence made even the sturdiest human appear as insignificant as a newborn baby, not just a mere ant.

"These four obstructive beach crabs must be dealt with first," Ryan contemplated, his eyes scrutinizing the beach from his hiding spot.

If these four were left unchecked during his face-off with the dragon-headed behemoth, they could wreak havoc, potentially turning a challenging fight into a catastrophic one.

The strategy was sound, but its execution posed a significant challenge. Unlike the typical beach crabs, these four seemed to serve as vigilant guardians. Larger and seemingly meandering aimlessly, they were, in reality, stalwart sentinels encircling their formidable leader.

It was improbable they would abandon their post voluntarily. But then, a glimmer of opportunity sparked in Ryan's mind.

The colossal dragon-headed crab would undoubtedly require massive amounts of energy daily, a daunting task given the sparse resources of this isolated perimeter. Its cohorts, the beach crabs, fanned out in all directions across the island's outskirts to alleviate group strain and forage for sustenance.

Now, with Ryan having dispatched all other beach crabs in the vicinity, the dragon-headed crab's options were dwindling. It would soon face a stark choice: venture out to hunt alone or dispatch its four 'guard brothers' to gather food.

Either scenario could work to Ryan's advantage.

As he calculated his next move, Ryan noted the passing of time. He had been in this locale for three hours already, with an equal stretch remaining until dawn, ample time to set his plan into motion and exploit the impending necessity that would drive the dragon-headed crab and its guardians into action.

Ryan decided to bide his time and closely observe the unfolding events before making his move.

He harbored no illusions about the daunting task ahead. Subduing a "special entity" like the Dragon-headed Cancer was no small feat, and he braced himself for a formidable challenge.

As minutes slipped into hours, the sun began its descent in the west. The dying light of day cast a shimmering glow over the sea, bathing the horizon in a spectacle of oranges and reds.

On the rocky shoreline, the dragon-headed giant crab, after a long period of rest, stirred from its slumber. As it stretched its massive frame, the fading sunlight illuminated its carapace in a stunning display of golden-red hues. It surveyed its surroundings with a slow, deliberate gaze. Noticing the absence of its companions, it clacked its huge pincers together in a sharp, echoing call.

Responding to the summons, the four guardian beach crabs scuttled towards their leader. Hidden behind his rocky concealment, Ryan watched intently as some sort of communication seemed to transpire among them. Shortly after, the crabs split into two groups, heading in opposite directions, ostensibly to scout for food and gather their dispersed brethren.

One group of crabs passed dangerously close to Ryan's hiding spot. Squinting against the glare of the setting sun, he watched the dragon-headed crab settle back down in the distance, then turned his attention to the beach crabs near him. After a moment's hesitation, he drew his sword and stealthily followed the group.

Attacking the Dragon Head Cancer directly was too risky, especially if the beach crab teams could return mid-conflict. It was strategic to first "clip its wings" by eliminating these scouts.

Half an hour later, Ryan made his way back to the beach. The guardian crabs, although slightly more formidable than the standard beach variety, proved no significant challenge; most of his time had been spent traversing the terrain.

With the guardians dispatched, Ryan paused to assess his condition and readiness for the next phase of his plan.

[Level]: 4 (84%)

[Spiritual Value]: 2635

[Spirituality]: 2.0 (2.0)

[Physique]: 5.08

Glancing at the "84%" on the level progress bar, Ryan let out a silent sigh.

He was tantalizingly close, just 16% shy of reaching Level 5. Strengthening further before taking on the dragon-headed giant crab would be ideal. However, his prospects for gaining that final stretch of experience were dwindling fast; he had nearly exhausted all the beach crabs in the surrounding area.

Venturing into the dense, treacherous woods of the island was out of the question; the thought of encountering the colossal birds dwelling there made the dragon-headed crab seem like a lesser evil. The alternative, battling sea creatures, wasn't appealing yet, considering the complexities of underwater combat.

"Huh..." Taking a deep, steadying breath, Ryan composed himself, standing firm and focused.

Ten minutes later, his resolve cemented, Ryan, armed with a sword in hand and two more sheathed at his waist, began his deliberate approach toward the dragon-headed giant crab.

This confrontation wouldn't be a stealth attack.

The formidable, horned carapace on the crab's back posed a significant threat, making it uncertain whether approaching from behind was any safer than a frontal assault. The "special species" crab was a riddle wrapped in a shell, and deciphering its weaknesses required direct engagement.

The only way to gather crucial information was through a direct confrontation, using the life of his traveling clone as the tester.

The long absence of its guardians had rendered the dragon-headed giant crab increasingly anxious. As Ryan drew nearer, it quickly spotted the diminutive adversary. Their eyes locked, a moment fraught with tension. The crab then raised its massive claws and clashed them together, emitting a metallic clang that reverberated through the air like a war drum.

The battle was imminent!