
Reborn as a Pig: Kingdom

Takashi is a company worker who found himself unemployed after offending his boss.The reason for his termination was he was not listening to his boss, which angered the boss. As Takashi sat on a bench, contemplating his next move, he was struck by a meteorite and died. However, that was not the end of his story, as he soon found himself reincarnated as a pig with a system panel. Determined to become powerful, Takashi sets his sights on achieving greatness. Follow his journey as he navigates the World and strives to reach the top. --- Discord link ↓↓ https://discord.gg/TzScrr33S2 ↑↑

Godfather_Gambler · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 11 Lost

As the sun began to rise, its warm light penetrated through the caves and the forest. The forest was alive with the sounds of animals stirring from their slumber and the rustling of leaves as the breeze picked up.

In the cave, Takashi was sound asleep, but the bright sunlight that had seeped through the cracks of the cave walls roused him from his deep slumber.

He slowly got up and rubbed his eyes, letting out a yawn as he stood on his hooves. He made his way towards the cave entrance and looked outside, feeling a rush of excitement mixed with a hint of apprehension.

Takashi remembered the trap he had set up some days ago to kill the goblin. As he stepped out into the open air, the cool breeze brushed past his fur, sending shivers down his spine.

He cautiously made his way through the dense forest, scanning his surroundings for any signs of danger. After some time, he finally arrived at the location of the trap. It was eerily silent, and the air was thick with a foul stench.

He approached the trap and peered down into the pit. The sight that greeted him made his stomach churn - the goblin's body was rotting, and maggots were crawling all over it. Takashi recoiled in disgust and quickly made his way out of the area. As he made his way back to the cave.

After reaching the cave, Takashi took a moment to catch up his breath and made a mental note to mark the spot on his map as a place to avoid.

As he looked around, Takashi's mind started to race with ideas for setting traps. He remembered the words of someone from his prev life: "The key to trapping is to think like an animal. Understand their habits, their needs, and their instincts. Then use that knowledge to outsmart them." Takashi knew that many animals needed water to survive, so he decided to head towards the river to scout for a good location.

As he made his way through the forest, Takashi savoured the feeling of being surrounded by nature. The rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds provided a soothing soundtrack to his journey. He took a deep breath of fresh air and felt his senses sharpen. He knew that in the wild, every sound and smell could be a clue or a warning.

As he got closer to the river, Takashi slowed down and started to observe his surroundings more carefully. He looked for signs of animal trails, droppings, or footprints. He also scanned the nearby trees for potential hiding spots or climbing routes.

Finally, he found a spot that looked promising. It was a small clearing near the riverbank, with a fallen tree providing cover and a few bushes for camouflage. Takashi smiled to himself and started to plan his trap. He knew he would need some bait and some materials for constructing the trap. As he walked back, Takashi felt a sense of accomplishment and excitement.


Takashi was making his way towards his cave in search of spiky, spear-like branches he had created. As he moved through the forest, his keen senses were on high alert for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, he heard a rustling sound coming from the nearby bushes. Takashi instinctively assumed a defensive posture, ready to flee or fight if necessary. He scanned his surroundings, looking for any signs of a potential predator.

After a few seconds, a small rabbit darted out from the bushes. Takashi's initial fear quickly turned to frustration as he realized he had been prepared to fight a harmless creature. His piggy brain boiled with anger, and he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as the rabbit hopped away.

Determined to prove his strength, Takashi gave chase. Despite his size and power, the rabbit proved to be incredibly quick and nimble, dodging and weaving through the underbrush with ease. Takashi pursued the rabbit for what felt like hours, his heart pounding with exertion and excitement.

Finally, after a few minutes of relentless pursuit, Takashi was able to catch the rabbit. With a fierce growl, he pounced on the creature, sinking his sharp teeth into its flesh. The rabbit struggled for a moment but soon went limp, its lifeless body hanging limply from Takashi's jaws.

As he gazed down at the dead rabbit, Takashi felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. He knew that he was now one step closer to achieving his ultimate goal: becoming the strongest, most powerful pig in the forest.

However, despite his fierce determination, Takashi couldn't shake the feeling that his behaviour was at odds with his true nature. After all, pigs were known for their sociability and intelligence, not for their violent tendencies.

Takashi, now in his pig form, cleared his thoughts and opened the system panel to check his status. He read through the information displayed on the screen:

Name: Takashi (Pig Form)

Species: Pig Level: 1

Experience Points: 65/100


Strength: 4

Dexterity: 2

Constitution: 3

Intelligence: 105

Wisdom: 22

Skills: Foraging: 2

Rooting: 2

Running: 2

Pig Sword Art (Beginner)


Adaptive Evolution

Improved Underwater Vision


Health: 100/100

Hunger: 79/100

Thirst: 70/100

Takashi's eyes were a little surprised when he saw the increase in the exp. He usually gets 2 or 3 exp by killing normal animals.

Takashi looked around, his forehead beaded with sweat despite the cool air of the forest. His heart raced as he tried to get his bearings. He had no idea where he was, and that realization filled him with a sense of dread. Although he knew the area near his cave very well, he could tell from the unfamiliar surroundings that he was now in an unknown location.

The trees here were tall and densely packed, their branches twisting and tangling overhead. Shafts of sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting shifting patterns of light and shadow on the ground. The underbrush was thick and tangled, a chaotic mass of ferns and brambles and vines that made it hard to move without tripping.

Takashi took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. He knew that panicking wouldn't help him get out of this situation. He looked around more carefully, taking note of the details that might help him figure out where he was. He saw a stream nearby, its banks fringed with reeds and cattails. In the distance, he could hear the faint sound of rushing water, perhaps a waterfall or rapids. A flock of birds flew overhead, their raucous calls echoing through the trees.

Despite all these clues, Takashi still couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped him. He wondered how he had gotten so far from home, and what dangers might lurk in this unfamiliar territory.