
Reborn as a Pig: Kingdom

Takashi is a company worker who found himself unemployed after offending his boss.The reason for his termination was he was not listening to his boss, which angered the boss. As Takashi sat on a bench, contemplating his next move, he was struck by a meteorite and died. However, that was not the end of his story, as he soon found himself reincarnated as a pig with a system panel. Determined to become powerful, Takashi sets his sights on achieving greatness. Follow his journey as he navigates the World and strives to reach the top. --- Discord link ↓↓ https://discord.gg/TzScrr33S2 ↑↑

Trinity189 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 1 Nirvana

In the mountains, a young man who appeared to be around 22 years old sat under a tree, gazing up at the stars. His face looked troubled as he murmured, "I lost my job, I don't have much money..."

Suddenly, he noticed a star in the distance that seemed to be growing larger and brighter. At first, he thought it might be an illusion, but as it approached, he realized that it was indeed a meteorite hurtling towards him.

"Fuck, this is a meteorite!" he exclaimed, as he picked up his pace and started running. However, he soon realized that he could not outrun the meteorite, and before he knew it, he was hit by the impact of the falling object. .The impact of the meteorite knocked him off balance and sent him tumbling down the mountain..

As he plummeted downwards, he remembered his past and closed his eyes, bracing himself for the inevitable impact. The fall seemed to last forever, and his mind raced as he contemplated his fate.

He felt as though he was in a nightmare, unable to wake up from the terror and pain that surrounded him. The sound of his own screaming echoed in his ears as he tumbled down the rocky slope.

Finally, he landed at the bottom of the mountain with a sickening thud. He lay there, barely conscious and in excruciating pain, as he gasped for breath. His body was bruised and battered, and he could feel blood oozing from various wounds


As the camera crew arrived on the scene, they could see the aftermath of the impact. The reporter, Yoko Tanaka, approached the police officers who were securing the area.

"Excuse me, can you tell us what happened here?" Yoko asked.

One of the officers responded, "We received a call about a loud explosion and when we arrived, we found the body of a young man at the bottom of the mountain. It appears he fell from the mountain after being hit by a meteorite."

Yoko turned to the camera and began reporting, "We are here at the scene of a tragic incident where a young man lost his life after being hit by a meteorite. The victim has been identified as Takashi Nakamura, a 22-year-old orphan who was seen earlier stargazing in the mountains."

The camera panned over to the area where Takashi had been sitting under the tree, now covered in debris and rubble. The camera crew then interviewed some locals who had heard the loud explosion.

"I heard a loud bang, like a bomb or something," said one local resident. "It was so loud that my windows shook."

The tragic death of Takashi Nakamura serves as a reminder of the dangers that can come from unexpected natural phenomena. The authorities are still investigating the incident, but for now, the family and friends of Takashi Nakamura are mourning his loss.


The illusory body floated aimlessly through the dark expanse of space, its ethereal form pulsing with energy. It was a strange and surreal sight, almost otherworldly in its appearance. As the body slowly stirred and began to wake, it opened its eyes in a state of confusion and disorientation.

"Where am I?" the body cried out in a panicked voice. "Why can't I move? What is happening to me?"

Its voice echoed through the emptiness of space, a haunting sound that seemed to reverberate endlessly in the void. The body struggled to free itself, but its efforts were in vain. It was trapped, adrift in a sea of darkness with no hope of escape.

As the realization of its situation set in, the body's panic intensified. "F*ck!" it cried out, the desperation in its voice palpable. "Why am I so unlucky? First I lost my job and was hit by a meteorite, and now I'm trapped in some unknown place!"

The body's emotions were raw and intense, a maelstrom of fear, frustration, and despair. It was a helpless and vulnerable thing, lost in the vastness of space with no one to hear its cries.

As Takashi moved through the void of space, he noticed that his speed was increasing at an astonishing rate. At first, he was walking, but now he was moving so fast that he could barely comprehend it. His mind was filled with fear and uncertainty as he tried to make sense of what was happening. He had no idea where he was or what was going on.

As he traveled through space, Takashi's speed continued to increase exponentially. He could feel his body accelerating to an unimaginable speed, far beyond anything he had ever experienced before. He knew that if he could see his speed in numerical terms, it would be hundreds of times faster than a plane.

Despite his fear and confusion, Takashi's mind was racing. He couldn't help but wonder what was causing his incredible acceleration. Was he being pulled by some unseen force? Or was he simply caught up in the infinite expanse of the universe?

As he tried to make sense of his situation, Takashi suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. His energy body began to feel heavy and lethargic, and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep. Despite the uncertainty of his predicament, Takashi felt a sense of peace as he drifted off into the void of space, his mind filled with dreams of distant stars and endless galaxies.

As the Takashi Energy body approached the unknown planet, it descended towards the forest and soon found itself entering the body of a creature. As he opened his eyes, he found himself in a small, quadrupedal body with blue fur. He tried to move his limbs, but found that his body was not responding to his commands. As he struggled to get up.

As Takashi's mind began to register his new form, a feeling of disbelief washed over him. He couldn't believe he had been reincarnated as a pig. The once-human body that he had known his entire life was gone, and he was left with four hooves, a snout, and a curly tail. He tried to stand on his new legs, but it felt awkward and unfamiliar. His heart was pounding in his chest as he struggled to make sense of his situation.

As he started to explore his new body, Takashi felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was fascinated by the heightened senses that he now possessed. He could smell things from far away and hear even the tiniest of sounds. But on the other hand, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss and confusion. He missed his old human body and the life that he had known. He wondered if he would ever be able to adapt to this new form and make sense of his existence as a pig."

"Is this really happening?" he muttered to himself. "I've heard of stories where people get reincarnated as animals, but I never thought it would happen to me." Takashi looked around and took in his new surroundings. He was in a dense forest, and there was a small river nearby.

Name: Takashi (Pig Form)

Species: Pig

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100


Strength: 3

Dexterity: 2

Constitution: 3

Intelligence: 105

Wisdom: 22

Charisma: 7


Foraging: 2

Rooting: 2

Running: 1


Adaptive Evolution


Health: 100/100

Hunger: 48/100

Thirst: 67/100

Takashi was surprised to see the blue screen in front of him, listing his attributes, skills, abilities, and status. He had never seen anything like it before, and it took him a moment to realize that this was some sort of status system for his new pig form. Looking over his attributes, he was pleased to see that his strength and constitution were higher than average.

As he scanned through the skills section, he realized that he had some basic knowledge of foraging and rooting, but his running skill was lacking. Looking at his abilities, Finally, he checked his status and saw that his health was at full, Takashi's eyes landed on the Abilities section. He was surprised to see that he had an ability called Adaptive Evolution. He had never heard of such an ability before, but he couldn't help but feel that it was something powerful and unique.

Takashi's curiosity piqued as he noticed the "Ability Info" option right next to the "Adaptive Evolution" ability on his system panel. With a simple thought, he clicked on the option and a new screen appeared in front of him, displaying the details of the ability.

The description of the ability left Takashi in awe. He had never heard of such a powerful ability before. The idea of being able to adapt and evolve to any situation or environment sounded like a dream come true. Takashi couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as he thought about the possibilities of his newfound power.

As he read further into the description, Takashi's eyes widened with amazement. The ability to become more powerful and survive in any environment was a level of power that he had never even dreamed of possessing. He couldn't wait to see how far he could push himself with this ability.

Takashi took a deep breath, feeling a sense of determination well up inside him. He was ready to face any challenge that came his way, knowing that he had the power to evolve and adapt to overcome it.