

'Why is he here?'

Arvell watched the bald boy run after the beast with blatant disbelief.

'He appears to be hunting that beast.'

Feeling a gust of scorching hot wind coming from his left, he immediately jumped into the air, dodging the incoming branch.

'I guess I should first worry about my business before I worry about his.'

Arvell pivoted the swords in his hands mid-air, bringing them down onto the treant's face.



The treant's howling intensified significantly with Arvell's attack, causing its shrieking to turn into an auditory assault if anything.

Beads of sweat began to roll down Arvell's neck due to the blistering heat, and with the ears feeling like they were going to rupture, Arvell's mind was thrown into a frenzy.

However, this only served to hasten his moves.

His hands became blurs as he furiously slashed, pierced and stabbed at the Treant to kill it once and for all.