
reborn as a mouse in an apocalypse

a mich a chef went to a high class restaurant and ordered some fugu but the cook messed up the process and resulted in mich dying after a while mich woke up in a cave as a..... mouse! ____ English isn't my first language so there might be some grammatically errors the art isn't mine it was made by Aaron Miller on twitter go check them out. review to let other people know your opinion on this webnovel

frost_claw · Fantasy
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36 Chs

high rune

after mich had killed the shacker a blue shining orb dropped onto the floor grabbing the orb mich felt it be absorbed into his body the orb lost it's shine and a notification popped up

[you have absorbed a skill orb ]

[skill draining wound gained]

mich was amazed by how "lucky" he got .

after eating the core another message appeared

[+2 strength +5 agility]

the wound had taken too much of a burden on mich so he went back home.

as soon as he entered the house, lumin jumped on him and glowed a blue color

[your built up necrotic energy is dissipating]

as soon as lumin finished what he was doing mich felt different

"wow I feel a lot better, I feel lighter and more energized I guess I never thought what all that necrotic energy did to me"

mich ate some food then cleared the table and started to draw a map of the areas he's been to

after he was done with that mich took lumin out for a walk and to purify the surrounding area and lumin didn't object to any of this he was quite happy to spend time with mich.

then mich went into his workshop and started to make a rune. mich was very nervous, he was making a very difficult rune that was really easy to mess up. inject too much mana into the blood and it'll explode inject too little and it turns to stone

then the carvings had to be precise and the rune stone you're carving on has to be strong enough to withstand the strength of it.

he started by crushing up the exoskeleton of the charger ant that he had collected then adding the powdered up core of the gloop and mixing both of them with the royal ant blood

when the mixing was done a thick purple liquid was left then mich placed his hand into the liquid and and carefully imbued it. little by little mich injected the magic suddenly the entire room flashed blue

"d-did I mess it up" mich was about to run out of the workshop when the purple liquid turned into a black thin liquid. most of it was gone and a condensed version of it was left.

then mich took out the royal guards exoskeleton and broke the size of a rune stone off of it and started to carve in a symbol of a shield with eyes

then filled in the carvings with the black liquid and imbued it again to finish the rune. the rune glowed a heavenly golden light that dimmed and faded out quickly

" oh thank God it worked" mich breathed a sigh of relief that was interrupted by a system message

[you have created a high level rune most rune smiths can never accomplish what you did you deserve a reward:

skill rune smith has leveled up


1 free question ticket to the book of truth]

"woah I didn't think I would get anything but this is amazing" mich was exited about the gifts he had received, after a bit of celebrating mich put away the new rune and went back into his home and started to pack for the next day of exploring