
reborn as a mouse in an apocalypse

a mich a chef went to a high class restaurant and ordered some fugu but the cook messed up the process and resulted in mich dying after a while mich woke up in a cave as a..... mouse! ____ English isn't my first language so there might be some grammatically errors the art isn't mine it was made by Aaron Miller on twitter go check them out. review to let other people know your opinion on this webnovel

frost_claw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


it had been a day since mich had made a high rune

the had collected food and healing bandages and made 10 other normal runes he had gotten a good rest and now was ready

"well here we go"

mich took out a an ornate bottle with a bright orange liquid

[object: potion of damnation

description:take a all paid vacation to hell { room service not included}. the drinker goes to hell for 4 days and then be pulled back out]

Dan drank the potion the liquid was hot as fire but it did no damage to him. mich drank the potion barely keeping it down

suddenly his vision went black and when he woke up he was in a forest and Infront of him he saw a giant ornate door made of an unknown black metal then a humanoid creature covered in purple robes and it had no face the creature was wielding a broadsword made of the same material as the door in the sword runes were etched into it that glowed bright orange a

light mich immediately noticed some rune symbols but some were too advanced observed the creature


class:key barer

description:&$*&+$ {! information withheld !}

it took a key out of his robes and opened the door, and suddenly mich was pulled Into the gates. it was like swimming in a strong current as soon as he crossed the threshold the gates slammed behind him

mich was on a floating island held down by giant chains that were connected to hooks that were piercing the backs of giants barely moving forward in a ocean of lava

every time they moved forward you could hear the bone chilling creak of their bones grindings against each other and the rhythmic thumping of their hearts could be heard even thought so far away

the island was large and was like a lush forest with bright orange plants and animals walking around eating. suddenly the peaceful nature was disturbed by a scream looking where the scre came from mich saw a human running away screaming when suddenly a wolf covered in red thick iron plates all over it's body tackled the human and ate him only leaving hair and bones then it went back the way it came from

mich suddenly hid behind a tree to not let the wolf see him

"what is this place" as soon as he said this a window appeared

[ location: layer 1

sin: disrespect nature

description: to hunt of forage for entertainment and to let the hunted food to go to waste

punishment:hunted by nature]

[time left: 71:50:33 ]

mich took out a rune and activated it, when the rune crumbled into pieces mich's fur flickered purple for a few seconds and then went back to normal



description: a rune that creates a membrane on your body that makes you lava proof]

"okay now I'm ready" said mich as he went to explore the Island...

looking around mich saw a flower with a bright orange petals and a black stem

"that'll probably be good for runes or something" mich went towards the flower when he felt the ground tremble a bit under his feet so he rolled to the side. as soon as he did a giant root covered in spikes burst out if the ground and tried to get a hold of mich . the roots swing around trying to hit him but mich charged forward weaving through the roots mich cut the flower from the stem, as soon as he did that the roots shriveled up and fell to the ground

[+100 XP]

mich put the flower into the bag and went forward into the forest after a bit of walking and hiding from predators mich saw a cave walking into it mich found something strange

it was a egg

"huh those eggs are huge" then a thought hit mich like a truck " if the eggs are big what laid them "

after a second that question was answered by a roar of a huge eagle with red feathers as it swooped town to kill mich. as soon as mich saw this he started to run and the eagle gave chase

it was fast but mich was faster.

suddenly mich opened it's mouth and a huge stream of lava pored out blocking mich's path but mich ran right through the lava with no damage.

it had been 20 minutes of nonstop running mich was fast but his stamina was running out but luck was on his side because he saw a burrowed near a tree and dove in headfirst....

meanwhile in the burrow....

here we see the common mouse it had just completed the burrow and was relaxing, being at the bottom of the food chain in hell was stressful.

he was enjoying the peace when suddenly a white mouse holding a needle dove into his home. as soon as the white mouse noticed him it swung it's needle killing him

now back to mich...

mich killed the predictably orange rodent quickly and took out it's core

he could hear the eagle sill patrolling for him so mich decided to lay low for a bit. mich ate the core it was like eating spicy food


[+2 strength + 2% fire affinity]

mich strangely felt his fire spell getting stronger

"damn that high of an increase in fire from such a low level monster"

mich sat down and took out some food and started to eat


hope you liked, it I've been debating if I should or shouldn't use this storyline but I decided to write it

and... now I'm off to my subterranean bunker my beans are about to burn