
Reborn as a lord of change (dropped)

note I am new to this so I it might bad but I will improve so give advice disclaimer the worlds or characters are owned by their creators for example batman owned by dc comics karios dies in a freak accident and is send to another world with new changes, can karios weave his fate to live or a pawn to a greater game?

Valentino_666 · Video Games
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22 Chs

chapter 15 New purpose

(some of you want Kairos to do things like develop character and actually doing things so focused on it on this chapter if it is good i will add more like this in the story)

Kairos working in S.H.I.E.L.D. gets news of his promotion and is happy. kairos works faster and Finish his work quicker work earlier, kairos bored becomes an artist or an animator.

kairos watching Mickey mouse when he was young goes for a inspired cartoonish, Kairos drew a rough sketch of a character who is a cartoon imp-like demon character with his appearance entirely coloured in black apart from his face, which is white in colour. He wears shiny black shoes, a white bowtie, and a pair of gloves that closely resemble those of other cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, each possessing two black buttons.

Kairos happy with this type of design leaves it for and looks at his phone. A headline pops up (tony stark his been kidnapped), Kairos runs out of his office to the stark tower and orders people to find his son. Kairos feeling this new feeling of love reflects on his actions of killing murdering and more, Kairos guilty now has found a new purpose for his self. A day pasts and nothing is found Kairos enraged by sends demons to find him, The demons appear in all sorts of shapes and sizes and bow to there lord and do their task and demons fly far.

(stark pov)

stark was riding in a transport convoy, then explosions can be heard and it hits the truck and flips and a shrapnel Stark hits is critically wounded in an ambush and held captive in a cave by the Ten Rings. A fellow captive by the name Ho Yinsen makes a device that keeps the shrapnel that wounded Stark from reaching his heart and killing him. stark thanks ho yinsen for saving him then Ten Rings leader, Raza, offers Stark freedom; in exchange, Stark must build a Jericho missile for the terrorists. Stark looks at Yinsen both nod showing that they agree that Raza will not keep his word of letting Stark live.

(pov end)

The demons send by Kairos find nothing so far and continue their search. Kairos getting more angry by that he can't find tony. Kairos uses his sight and finds he is in a desert of sorts and tells the demons.

Stark While pretending to work on the missile, Stark and Yinsen secretly build a powerful electric generator called an Arc Reactor to increase power Stark's electromagnet that is currently keeping him live. They then begin to build a powered suit of armor, designed by Stark, to help them escape. It took days for it to be complete, and close calls, The Ten Rings ambush the workshop when they discover Stark's plan, but Yinsen as the he is friend sacrifices himself to distract them while Stark's suit powers up.

The armored suit powers up and it deals massive power to the terrorist, Stark fights his way out of the cave to find a mortally wounded Yinsen, stark tells Yinsen "Come on. We gotta go. Move with me. We got a plan. We need to stick to it." Yinsen replies while coughing blood "This was always the plan, Stark." but tony tells him you keep going "Come on. You're gonna go see your family. Get up." Yinsen tells stark the truth "My family's dead. I'm going to see them now, Stark. It's okay. It's okay. I want this. I want this." Yinsen coughs "Thank you for saving me. Don't waste it. Don't waste your life." Stark determined by the death of his friend to continue his escape and not waste his life. enraged Stark leaves the cave and sees demons killing the terrorists, the demons look at stark and him to its time to go home.

tony unshore of the demon like things asks " who send you" the demons look at each other then say " your uncle", tony shocked. The demons grab him and fly away and while holding him tight they return to the tower. Tony even more shocked that they actually took him home, tony see Kairos his uncle/father figure who he respect greatly. tony walks to Kairos and hugs him and asked "who are you really" with a betrayed look at Kairos. Kairos understands and tells tony to follow him to the his office and Tells him that he is a being who is a devil but unique in a way in a way the becomes a conundrum for tony he asks " is this your true form" Kairos sighs and answers him with a yes.

Kairos transforms immense bird-like features appear with shimmering skin, wicked curved beaks and multi-coloured, spectrum-shattering wings. Kairos bird-like legs are scaly and end in vicious talons; their lank arms terminate in broad, clawed hands. Great feathered wings sprout from their shoulder blades, glittering and glinting with a thousand impossible colours. and two head appear they look at tony. tony panics but tries to remain calm and seeing this person who has been his father figure throughout his life is conflicted, Tony yells at him and asks " did you kill my parents that night" both heads speaks " we did not kill him it doing of another" Kairos tell tony that his father loved him very much and wish to see his grow and enjoy life.

Tony hearing those words made him think he cried and cried, Kairos wraps him around in a hug. Tony grateful for the person to step in and be his father figure tony looks and reflexes on the memories he had with kairos there where good and bad ones.

Tony leaves to sleep and collect his thoughts, Kairos goes to his study and makes a book about bring things live like objects. Kairos feels the gaze of a person way more powerful that him and looks up and sees a vision of a great red being. kairos freezes then the gaze stops, Kairos panics of sorts and tries to sleep it away.

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