
Reborn as a Hyuga

"Reborn as a Hyuga" follows the story of Kenji Satoru, a fan of the Naruto series who is reincarnated into the body of Satoru Hyuga, a member of the branch family of the renowned Hyuga Clan of Konohagakure. As he navigates his new life and body, Satoru must face the challenges of adapting to a new world, a new family, and a new set of abilities. Despite his struggles, Satoru uses his knowledge of the Naruto series to his advantage and gains the respect of his family members through his determination and hard work. He becomes determined to uncover the mysteries of the Hyuga Clan and the true history behind it. As Satoru's relationships with his family members and his growing feelings for Hinata Hyuga develop, he must also confront the discrimination and prejudice he faces as a member of the branch family. Satoru is determined to prove himself and become a powerful member of the Hyuga Clan, forging his own path in this new world. "Reborn as a Hyuga" is a thrilling tale of reincarnation, adventure, and self-discovery set in the beloved world of Naruto.

Nathan_Yves_Garcia · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 : A brief orientation with the Hyuga Clan

As Hina stepped onto the grounds of the Hyuga Clan compound, She was nervous as to what the Hyuga Matriarch would want for her, Koji and Kenji after Kenji had just gotten better from an illness.

Kenji's POV : As they entered the Main family branch compound, Kenji was struck with the sheer size and amazing view of the compound, The buildings were massive, with ornate architecture and intricate designs. There were gardens and courtyards, training grounds and meditation rooms, all carefully constructed to promote the ideals of the clan.

As they were led through the compound, Kenji couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and intimidation. This was his new home, but it felt like a completely foreign world. He was introduced to various members of his new family, including his cousins, one of which was practicing hard and recognized by Kenji and it was none other than "Hiashi Hyuga". They welcomed him warmly but also with a hint of caution, as they were not yet sure what to make of him.

Finally, they arrived at a large training hall, where a group of Hyuga ninja were gathered. The head of the clan

, stepped forward to address them all.

"Welcome, Kenji," she said, her voice firm and commanding. "As a member of the Hyuga Clan, you have a great responsibility to uphold our traditions and protect our way of life. You have been given the gift of the Byakugan eyes, and it is your duty to master them and use them to their full potential."

Kenji listened intently as the matriarch spoke, his eyes widening as he realized the importance of his new role. He had always been a fan of the Hyuga Clan, but he had never fully understood the weight of their responsibilities.

"Your training will begin tomorrow," the matriarch continued. "You will be assigned a mentor who will guide you in the ways of the Hyuga Clan. You will also attend classes on ninja techniques and strategy, as well as physical training to hone your skills. You must be diligent and disciplined in your studies, for the fate of the clan rests on your shoulders."

Kenji nodded, feeling a sense of determination and excitement building within him. He was ready to take on this challenge and become the best ninja he could be. He had been given a second chance at life, and he was determined to make the most of it.

As the orientation continued, Kenji was shown the various training facilities and given a glimpse into the history and traditions of the Hyuga Clan. He learned about their unique fighting style, which relied heavily on the Byakugan eyes and precise strikes to disable opponents. He also learned about the various missions and tasks that the clan undertook, from protecting the village to gathering intelligence on enemy forces.

By the end of the orientation, Kenji was exhausted but exhilarated. He had so much to learn and so much to prove, but he was ready for the challenge. As he was led back to his room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and wonder. He had been given a new life in a world he had only ever dreamed of, and he was determined to make it count.

Hina and Koji's POV : Both of them had been brought to the Hyuga Clans Meeting Hall which the elders had been discussing about what to do with the case of Kenji Hyuga, obviously Kenji hyuga was separated to his parents because he was being oriented of the family's glory.

As the current head of the clan entered, Both Hina and Koji looked at her with awe as she was silencing the elders and had a suggestive look on her eyes "Kenji Hyuga, will become a prominent member of the Main Family... I have pondered this decision of mine as to be the best course of action, he will not be assigned as a protector but as a Hyuga of the Main Family although he will not be protected by a branch family member and will be restricted most of the time with his byakugan". As the matriarch spoke, everyone was silently nodding and agreeing.

As the meeting ended.

"Hina, your brother was a good friend of mine and you are like a little sister for me" the matriarch said with a warm voice.

" I hope i have made the right decisions for both of you... I am sorry for this is only what i can do as the matriarch, i have to be fair for everyone. Hina, Koji go and get Kenji so the three of can rest now." she said at the start with a cold and serious voice then said again with a warm voice. As well as signaled both of them to go home.