
Reborn as a girl in the worst labyrinth

Is this the legendary truck-kun development? Wait, what do you mean I was reincarnated in the worst labyrinth??? ...System-san, why did you reincarnate me into this hellscape?? There are S+ ranked monsters on this floor you know? I'm just a level 1 girl!! Ah yes, I reincarnated as a girl. Why else do you think I chose that setting? Updates every day. When I've finished writing volumes, updates will be twice a day until the next volume begins, at which point it will return to once a day.

avyvanja · Fantasy
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Chapter 20 - Evolution and the A rank

I finally stopped rampaging on the 31st floor. The reason being, I had finally acquired the requisite number of EXP points to reach level 30, and the mechanical voice had rung out.

-Conditions have been met. [Vallen Asssassin] is now eligible for evolution. Evolution routes are: [High Vallen Assassin], [Greater Vallen Assassin], [Voidfall Vallen], [Voidstorm Vallen]. Please selection evolution route.-

I immediately dismissed the first two options. They were simply routes that led back to the main [Vallen] evolution line. The other two, however, seemed to be related to my <Occupation>. Because of my immense [MAG] and <Special Skill> [Void Control], I had gained the <Occupation> [Void Mage]. It seemed that [Voidstorm Vallen] was an evolution route that took that into account, further optimising my magical output and improving the skill growth rate of my magical skills. On the other hand, [Voidfall Vallen] was an evolution route that placed more emphasis on my [Void Assassin] <Occupation>. I wanted versatility as much as possible, so it was kind of a no-brainer, unlike the previous time I had to choose.

"[Voidfall Vallen]."

-Confirmed. [Voidfall Vallen] has been selected. Evolution commencing.-

Just like the previous time, a cocoon of purple light surrounded me and I felt my strength increase explosively. The symbol on my navel also glowed brightly, sending thrumming waves of comfort through my body. My black wings lightened slightly, becoming tinged with a slight purplish hue that was only visible under bright light. The feathers then vibrated and sharpened, looking like metal daggers. It was then that the light faded.

-Evolution complete. [Vallen Assassin] has evolved into [Voidfall Vallen]. Stats altered. <Innate> [Featherstorm Lv.1] has been acquired. <Innate> [Presence Suppression] has been acquired. <Innate> [HP Super-Regeneration Lv.5] has been upgraded to [HP Hyper-Regeneration Lv.1]. <Innate> [MP Super-Regeneration Lv.6] has been upgraded to [MP Hyper-Regeneration Lv.1]. <Innate> [Flight Lv.8] has been upgraded to [Supersonic Flight Lv.1].-

-Blessing updated.-

<Name> [Ava Kino (A)]

<Species/Race> [Voidfall Vallen 26♀︎ Lv.0 EXP:0/500000 +50%]

<Blessing> [Ava's Blessing]

<Occupation> [Void Assassin], [Void Mage]

<Condition> [Normal]

<Location> [Megaceris Endless Labyrinth: Floor 31]


[HP: 2000/2000 +10%/s]

[MP: 4435/5000 +10%/s]

[PWR: 500 (+45/25)]

[DEF: 200 (+160)]

[MAG: 600 (+30/40)]

[RES: 200 (+120)]

[AGI: 300]

[WIS: 300]

[WPR: 300]

SP: 1


[Trailblazer (A+)] [Synthesist (A)] [Apex Hunter (A)] [Reincarnator (B)] [Voracious (B)] [Magister (B)] [Headstrong (C)] [Instant Killer (C)] [Hellape King's Favoured (C)]

<Title Skills>

[World Handbook Lv.3] [Resilience Lv.5] [Predation Lv.4] [First Impression Lv.7] [Hyper-Efficiency Lv.1] [Inscribe Lv.1] [Gluttony]

<Occupation Skills>

[Instant Kill Lv.2] [Void Assault Lv.2] [Void Supremacy Lv.1]

<Special Skills>

[Void Control Lv.2] [Critical Devastation Lv.1]

<Basic+ Skills>

[Skill Management Lv.6] [Equipment Refinery Lv.3] [Detection Lv.8] [Monster Processing Lv.9][Appraisal Lv.6] [Zone Cast Lv.6] [Constrict Lv.1] [Thought Super-Acceleration Lv.3] [Multi-Cast Lv.4] [Hidden Strike Lv.4] [Pathfinder Lv.2] [Killing Intent Lv.3] [Elemental Manipulation Lv.1] [Hyperspeed Lv.1]

<Basic Skills>

[Swordplay Lv.4] [Target Lv.4] [Thread Manipulation Lv.8] [Life Magic] [Harden Lv.7] [Hack Lv.2] [Void Slash Lv.9] [Light Magic Lv.4]


[Supersonic Flight Lv.1] [MP Hyper-Regeneration Lv.1] [HP Hyper-Regeneration Lv.1] [Featherstorm Lv.1] [Presence Suppression]

Over this period of time, I had been busy. First, I decided to combine [Weapon Refinery] and [Armour Refinery] into [Equipment Refinery]. I had also tried my hand at combining three of my <Title Skills>, [On The Hunt], [Cull The Strong], and [Smite The Weak], which resulted in my current skill, [Predation], which had the following effect:

<Title Skill> [Predation]

{Skill Description: Merciless towards those designated as prey.

Skill Prerequisites: <Title> [Apex Hunter (A)]

Skill Stats: +50% damage against designated prey; -20% damage taken; +5% missing health damage to execute-type skills; ((185ft)) Instantly executes all prey within range at a lower rank than user. EXP gained through this skill is reduced by 20%. Base range 5xLevel, Range Scaling 0.2[WIS], MP consumption 500.}

To my surprise, the combination of skills also combined my titles into [Apex Predator (A)]. It had the effect of conferring this title skill, as well as 50 [WPR].

As my [MAG] hit 500, I was given the title [Magister (B)] which awarded me four elemental magics - [Fire Magic], [Water Magic], [Wind Magic], and [Earth Magic]. I then immediately combined them into [Elemental Manipulation]. At the same time, [Quick Cast] had evolved into [Multi-Cast], [Navigation] into [Pathfinder], [Backstab] into [Hidden Strike], [Acceleration] into [Hyperspeed], and [Critical Edge] into [Critical Devastation].

There was, however, one thing I still didn't really understand. Upon achieving the first ever [Void] <Occupations>, I received a <Title> called [Trailblazer (A+)]. The skill that it awarded me was called [Inscribe], which turned up a blank description. I even tried activating it, but nothing happened. I wondered why this was the case, and figured that perhaps if anyone else ever achieved a [Void] <Occupation>, I would be able to see the contents of the skill. Whatever the case, it didn't matter. I just had to wait and see.

Thinking over the past month and a half since I had left floor 70, I turned my attention to the people I had encountered on floor 40. Somehow or the other, as I passed by them, they seemed to notice me. Perhaps there was someone with a particularly strong [Detection]...not. Every single one of them seemed to notice me. It seemed that I was unwittingly leaking out my presence, except during times that I was using {Subskill: Void Cloak} or {Subskill: Void Distortion}.

However, a happy fix came in the meantime. My evolution awarded me with [Presence Suppression]. I suppose this was because I was the first and only [Voidfall Vallen] in the world? It seemed as though this was a protective measure, gifted to me by System-sama. Of course, I immediately activated it.

As I mulled over these things, I became aware of a very small, very weak presence close by. Thinking it was a small fry that I didn't need to care about, I decided to put it out of my mind when...


My eyes instantly popped wide open. Nya? That's a cat, right? Right??

In my past life, I loved cats like no other living thing. Although I never had a cat of my own, I wished I did. Making up my mind, I teleported towards the presence. Upon reaching, I found a small cat-like monster, bleeding and injured, probably from an encounter it had with another monster. It was about 50cm in size, covered in black fur, but had razor-sharp whiskers, long claws, and a red gem set in the middle of its forehead. I cast a quick [Appraisal].

<Name> [Nameless Nyuru (F)]

<Species/Race> [Nyuru Kitten Lv.2]

Ah, so its species was [Nyuru]. As I approached the Nyuru, it hissed defensively at me, attempting to chase me away. I ignored the hissing and spoke gently to it.

"Ne, little kitty-chan, it's alright. I'm not here to hurt you. Here, look, [Heal]."

The wounds on the Nyuru slowly closed, and the hissing quieted down as well. I then slowly took out some meat from my storage and tore off small pieces, placing them on the ground between the Nyuru and I. I then murmured, "look, little kitty-chan, food. You can have it, okay?"

The Nyuru looked up at me curiously, then at the food, then up at me again, tilting its head as if to ask "you aren't gonna hurt me?"

I relaxed my face as much as possible, and blinked at it slowly. I knew it was symbol of trust for cats back on Earth, but here it would be a gamble. Would it be the same? I could only try and find out.

I didn't know if that did the trick, but the Nyuru seemed to think that I wasn't a threat. It gingerly approached the food, sniffing as if to investigate whether it was safe to consume or not. After a few moments, its hunger got the best of it, and it nibbled on one of the pieces of meat.


It seemed to be happy. I smiled gently at the small Nyuru, and took my allotted hour of sleep.