
Reborn as a fallen angel in DXD

A 16year old boy is sent tto the world of DXD as a fallen angel with 2 wishes join him on his quest to become the strongest or lazy around Ps bad grammar

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 14 :lost princess Part i

One month has passed since I started with the torture dad calls training asshole captain on increasing the gravity levels but progress has been made as I am able to stand up and walk around even if it takes me forever I still say it's a step up from kissing the floor so yeah it a win for me and I also realized that my physical strength has shot way up because I'm now as strong as I was when I entered darkness mode and before anyone says I'm get to strong to fast I would like to point you all to issei the boob loving dragon who was one shoted by riasr pawn then did some light training for a ten days went to the game and was able to dominate fucking rooks

Anyways after I was able to walk dad said that I should take a week off to rest because overworking myself would led to problems and I couldn't agree with him more

So what have I been doing this whole time well I've been at....library and I've also been reading that demon book and have aslo been busy with my blood 'it would be fun to start my own race and from what mittelt has told me fallen angel are see as scum among scum I'm going to have to fix that and the whole race in general like who the fuck WEARS S/M SHIT TO A FIGHT and dad gives them too much freedom so I'll have to do something about them and the human of this world also need help but I can't do anything now as I may be born a high rank demon I'm still weak so demon blood powered beings is going to have to wait for a while' but back to the books I got from the library

Well since I'm Azazels child I was able to get any book I want even the forbidden one but I know when to stayed in my lain and only got the ones I think dad would allow so I got books on


Black Smithing

Magic circles




Sword arts



science-based books and some other in the races and there abilities'

'but since he dems some of the books as "don't try until I find a master who can watch you and teach you" I'm not able to do anything with that knowledge and those books are senjtsu, touki and rune and I can't make illusion with our senjutsu but everything else is fine anyway I have also made some improvements to my circle that dad calls "mass of overkilling bullshit" and he is right but I have to call bullshit as there are people in this world who can't die but anyway my magic circle can do a lot of thing like

Shield, enhance my magic attack, enchant my weapon and body, teleportation to any place I've been, disrupt magic flow in magical barriers, light magic transformation and duplication I am able to make different light weapons, increases there numbers and fire them at my opponent and so much more but Ive also been busy with my darkness able to enhance my weapons with darkness to make them even more deadly but I'm am unable to channel it into my circle but I'm able to enhance the light the instant it comes out take to long but the results are so worth it. I've also been working on a second circle for senjutsu to act as my body so I won't have to take in nature energy and go insane because I want to use it for something epic and it has the same name as a certain storm God '

'but the biggest improved is my demon powers as I am now at the first demon mark and I got to say I become an even bigger asshole then I already am but it's a 5 times boost to my everything so I don't mind but I'm only able to hold it for an hour before it goes into cool down as the stress it has on my body, Purgatory Fire is really op I mean flames that can't be extinguished trust me we tried and the power to stop the regeneration powers so op and I'm able to run it through Masamune to make it more deadly and speak of Masamune

This sword is amazing! To be able to handle my darkness and light at 100% without breaking or melting when I add the flames dad even said that it may be a God killer but it does not give me anything its just a very very strong sword and I've started training with it but to be honest I suck and the only sword art book in the whole fallen angel library are about claymore so sword training is slow since I'm making shit up as I go but the swords still cool and I also made so discoverys about mystery and powers first my darkness grows at the same rate as my body so the stronger my body is the more darkness I can use and the more powerful my darkness is second I am able to fly with my one wing but I don't have any control and I end up crashing so how to fix the problem..... Well I just learned telekinesis to give me some control over my and boom problems solved and I know I could just us my darkness to make wings but that would be to easy and I'm not about that life when it comes to my physical self and besides dad said my wing is stronger then his own so yeah I have three shield now my darkness, magic circles and wings but I do use my darkness to replace my five missing wing but I need to get my weaknesses out of the way first but I still use my darkness if I'm in a high speed fight in the air and learning all this took me a week the perks of high intelligence I guess'

"seph let's go we going to be late coming on azazel said he has something special for us and I want to see it on time" in the past month mittelt has gotten along with us without any issues and between me and vali she's the most tamed as she has stopped us from kill other fallen when we go out I mean do you know how shitty fallen angels are like most make that ranyass chick look like a Saint and I've also been teaching mittelt how to make my old magic circle because she asked me to help her get stronger and since shes been with me for a month and we get along without issues I saw no problem with it and besides I don't need it anymore 'I'm also planning on giving her my blood but there's a high chance she is going to turn into a bomb so let's wait until she gets stronger'

"yeah idiot hurry up you've been in there for an hour" that would be vali my new brother our relationship is like all siblings relationships and that is we hate each other with a burning passion but we have built a trust over the past month I mean we've tag teamed so many scumbags that we could and have taken down eight winged angel so yeah we kick ass together and we've done enough damage to other fallen angels that no one is willing to even come near us or they just scared of my dad but not all as I've been get people trying to kill us on the daily its become a ritual and dad has not done anything about as he says that it good for us it's to keep sharp but to be honest they are get boring as most of them are powerful but idiots like I've always thought that say what you powers are and what they can do is cool but fuck its stupid I mean one guy had the power to poison you by touch you and I would have died if he had kept his mouth shut I mean all I had to do was snip him with spears covered with my flemes and the mother fuck was out it was really a waste of time

"shut up vali and I'll be out in a minute mittelt just drying my hair" I said 'oh and did you know that long hair is a pain in the ass like I us like half a bottle of shampoo and conditioner just for my hair imaging when it gets longer as I get old but I don't care because I look like one of the most bads characters in video games'

"well hurry up it's almost time" she said as I was coming out

"Okey fine whatever but let's eat first"

"I'm pretty sure you just ate an hour ago and didn't you empty out the fridge again"

"eat my ass vali but anyways let go" I said as I teleported us to the outside of dads building because of the barriers around it you can only get so far with teleportation

As we want inside the building and made it to dad's floor without any problems 'I guess there's a first time for everything'

"hy you three what are you doing up here" 'I spoke to soon' I said as I turned around only to see a woman with purple hair and eyes and very large breasts 'probably bigger than older akenos but this is the boob anime so i'm not surprised but damn there is no way they real and if they are how are the not brought down by I don't know gravity'

"I don't know who you are or what you want but we are currently busy with something so if you can just run along and go bother someone else it would be appreciated" I said as vali and mittelt kept quiet

"what did you say boy" she asked with rage in her eyes as her magic power sky rocketed as the other fallen angels in the room slowly moved away 'she must be a ten winged'

"oh I see you don't understand kind words well I will repeat myself..... Lady we do not have time for you right now and we never will so if you can just fuck off like everyone else" I said with my demon voice as my demon mark appeared 'the chances of me win are slim if this was a fair fight'

"the never of... You know what leave before I make" she said as a light spear appeared in her hand

"try it bitch" I said as I made a sword out of darkness and pointed it at her "and I swear you will loss you limbs"

"I think that's enough people are trying to work" dad said as he appeared behind the woman

"I'm sorry lord I was just about to remove these children from the building" she said as she bowed deeply and was slightly sweating 'you know I just realized that the fallen angel are loyal and have a large amount of fear every time they talk to dad'

"oh don't worry about them they are all

allowed to come here after all they are my sons and there guard" he said as he walked close to me and placed his hand on my head 'mother fuck does he know how long it takes to get it like this fuck'

"wait Sons" she said as she looked at vali then me "but these two are the ones who have placed hundreds of fallen in the hospital and they are your sons"

"well in my defense they were the ones who started all the fights idiots decided it would be a good idea to act all high and mighty with us and get away with it" I said as I placed my hands behind my head

"true they deserve it all" said vali

"yes but I feel like you two want overboard with some of them learn some self control before you kill someone" mittelt said as she closed her eyes and massage them

"anyways yes they are my sons and I called them here so I could give them something so if you could let them go we will be on our way" he said with a smile

"y y yes I apologize lord azazel I will make sure this never happens again" she said as she bow to dad then us and left then dad looked at me and sighed 'I just realize she is dressed as a stripper in the office what why is everyone dressed in S/M clothes... Yep it's official I'm going fix I mean I can't have the faction I'm part of looking like this' I thought as dad placed his hand on my shoulder as I looked at him

"were you really going to fight her"

"yes" I said as I want back to normal

"you do now that she could have killed you right" he said as he gave me a deadpan look

"I know but I had a plan that would have worked if given the time and I heal quickly so no harm done" 'the plan was me using my flames at point blank and burning her before she got the chance to power up'

"and you two why did you not stop this"

"I don't think they would have listened to me if I tried lord"

"it was funny to watch"

"huh what ever come along I have something for you three" he said as he walked to his office

As we got there dad took a seat and then pulled out a file

"well this was meant for someone more qualified but every body seem to be busy and you three are the only ones I can trust to do this without fucking up" he said as he gave mittelt the file "this is going to be your first mission and it may or not decided if we are to go to war or not"

"huh I don't mind but what is this mission and why us of all people"

"well son you three have something that can help you complete this task with out any problems"

"Okey next question what's the mission"

"search, destroy and rescue nothing to hard"

"Okey but more information is needed"

"I gave you the file it has all the information you need"

"yeah but things would go faster if you summarized it"

"fine the princesses of the youkais was kidnapped by a group of fallen angels and the youkai think this is my fault and that this is our plan or something like that so your mission is to get the girl and kill all the fallen who are responsible but before that you need to meet with the leaders of the youkai "

" Okey when do we leave" vali asked with a little excitement

"right now"

"wait what" be for mittelt could finish her sentence we were teleported to the front of the youkai gate

"so that's how long distance teleportation feel should be easy to copy" I said as I sat down

"what are you doing idiot don't you know we have a mission right now and you are sitting down"

"would you shut and think for a second, we where teleported into the YOUKAI territory so there's a strong chance that they now we are here and are on the way so relax and wait" I said as I closed my eyes and waited

After a few minutes we felt a strong presents come toward us as well as a few weaker ones

"get ready and remember we are here to complete a mission and nothing else" I said as something land in front of us as it created a dust cloud

"return my daughter at once and you death will be painless" a voice came out of the dust as a figure came out with nine golden tails and fox ears wearing a black traditional shrine maiden attire

"huh we do not have your daughter but we were sent here by azazel himself to help find her and destroy the ones responsible so if you would kindly cooperate with us this will go faster" I said as I sat with my eyes closed as I rested my head on my hand

"how do I know this is not a trick"

"you don't but do you have any other choice"

"you are correct but I can still kill you and look for her myself"

"yes but how is that going any luck on your side"

"tch aren't you a little rude to the queen of the youkai"

"yes and I don't see how that's my problem as I am a fallen angel not a youkai"

"huh well come with me we will discuss this more when we get to the shrine" she said as she turned around and began to walk as more youkai land but were quickly sent away but the queen

"wait we're walking there"


"and did you come from the shrine we are going too"


"and from the time you took from your shrine to here and the speed you were going it would take us an hour ... Yeah no fuck that you can teleport right? " I asked her as she looked at me

"yes but I don't see how walking is a problem it would give me time to talk to you and get to know you better"

"yeah we don't have time for that right now we need to find your daughter and I've already have two ways to search for her but they are time sensitive" not wasting any time she teleported us to her shrine but it was a castle

"what's wrong with the supernatural and castles" I said as I looked around the room

"Okey mittelt vali you two go with fox here to meet with the other leaders and Inform them of our arrival and I will be using some of my spells to track her it should take me a few minutes but depending on when the took her it could be more"

"want why do I have to go with her! " vail said

"mittelt is weaker then both of us and would be targeted by some racist youkai so you will acting as her guard until we can get on with the mission and this way you can fight someone or do you want to help me look for any leads" I offered as he stepped back as mittelt had a dark cloud as she draw a circles on the floor

"good point" he nodded as he went so mittelt side

"anyway fox I need someone to take me to the place she was last seen" I said as I turned to the fox

"Yasaka and you will show me respect child or I will end you right now" she said as she increased her power

"FOX and I am the only one who has a chance to finding your daughter so go ahead see what happens" I said as my hair covered my eyes

"Okay that's enough we are wasting time right now and a childs life is in danger so if you two can get along long enough for us to complete the mission it will be welcomed" mittelt said as she got between us

"fine but I still need to go to her last location before the trial goes cold and you guys need to do your thing oh and mittelt look for anything suspicious because this was most definitely an inside job" I said as I whispered the last part to her and placed a silence circle around us

"Okey" she nodded as she want to vali

"fine Akihiro take the boy to where Kunou was kidnapped now you two come with me" she said as a bird man appeared bow and walked off

"don't take to long now" I said as I followed him

"is he always like that or does he not like youkai"

"to be honest it was your fault for the way you spoke to him when you first met but no he doesn't hate youkai he just hates being talked down to so speak to him as if he was your equal and he will do the same" vali said as the walked with the fox


"this is the place we couldn't track her scent because they teleported away and to a far location since we can't find them so I don't see how you can find he by being her" he said as his been complaining this whole time I've been trying to concentrate

"oh would you shut the fuck up you irritating asshole can't you see I'm busy" I as I placed my hand on the ground and my circle came to life 'if I can pinpoint the magic that was used I will be able to copy the circle used and its latest command and it should teleport us to them but there are where also to many people who passed here so finding the kidnappers magic will take some time'

"I will be able to find but I want you to make sure I am not disturbed as this spell needs my full attention so if you can make sure that I'm not disturbed I will have the princess by the end of today" I said as I looked at bird man

"I will do my best" he said as he left

"finally time to get to work I said as I sat down closed eyes and focused


" huh finally" I said as a had found the magic and had copied it and was ready

"I see you've finished" a voice from behind as I turned to see vali, mittelt and fox and a few old youkai

"yes I have and all we need to do now is to complete the mission oh did you get any trouble" as I got up with the circle in my hand and turned around

"yes a few youkai attacked us but they were nothing I couldn't handle" vail said as he placed his hands in his pockets

"if you call what you did handling it" mittelt said as she massaged head


"you grabbed one of them by the tail and broke it and then used him to smash him into the others" mittelt said a little angry

"he attacked us and you did nothing about it so don't complain about it"

"I see well nothing we can do about that but I have there location so if you are ready we can go" mittelt said as I nodded

"wait take some of my men with you the should be a good help to you" said an old man with five gray fox tails as ten youkai of different types appeared

"no I don't like wasting magic and teleporting your men with us will do just that so no are you two ready" I said as they nodded "good I will be teleporting above the location so be ready" I said as I summoned my sword and activeted the magic circle and disappeared


I would like to thank some of you for giving me so new ideas