
Reborn as a fallen angel in DXD

A 16year old boy is sent tto the world of DXD as a fallen angel with 2 wishes join him on his quest to become the strongest or lazy around Ps bad grammar

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


This week has been productive. I've been able to complete a all of my projects and I was also able to get a connection with tiamat and will be see her later today

This week Elsa and I have been able to create a new type of metal from the Uru and Mahō no hagane which I am still trying to find the name but for now let's call it project USEFUL . But during the week I had found the perfect combination for the two and that any other formula would result in the an unstable bomb. Finding this took up most of my time but to be honest it was completely worth it I mean imagine a type of metal that is super strong, flexible and is able to take a stupid amount of power and beating but still look brand new, the fact that it can use the energy stored to make itself stronger is just soo beautiful.

But anyway in the week I've been able to make something crazy like an extremely long chains that have the ability to steal the energy of its victims and use it to make itself stronger and from what Gaia told me it should be able to hold gods without issues so yeah I have basically made Enkidu but it's black because I used my black flame to melt the two metals to make project USEFUL and so the matel is all black and since my flames is also one of the main ingredients to making USEFUL no one can recreate it, melting it is also impossible but I can use my flames on it like how ghost rider does.

I've also made a spear that will be used as my Dijinn but it's still missing the soul of a dragon and for that extra fuck you a lightning element

I've also created the new uniform for dad new elite group of warriors that come from all races and gander they are what he calls the best of the best and there are 47 of them and they go by the name of the Fallen Shadows I was going for akatsuki but I did get an choose

Anyway they are those that have been put through the hards of training and they are completely loyal

So dad asked me to make them a uniform for them using the Uru and I also made on for myself but it's made of (Kuroi tetsu: black metal) and it's the same as my old one just that I now have a shirt and my cloak has a silver dragon on the back. Dad also asked me to make them weapons since I was the only one in Grigori that was able to use it properly to which I charged him a lot of money which I throw in a fire in front of him just to be an ass

I also gave some of my notes to the blacksmith who were mostly humans since for some reason are the only one who actually have a complex imagination because supernatural of DXD have zero to no imagination and that why they are out classed in most things

And lastly is my demon blood. You see after heavily research my blood and it's properlys we found out that it was not made for the beings of this world that why they were blowing up but we did come to a solution. Instead of giving them the full amount we found a way to give them one of the main abilities of a demon which would be the flame as they are the most useful and the darkness but that will tie back to me and the flames were the best option. I have not tested it out on anyone yet but Elsa has done many simulation so and I've already have the right person to give this to

"I'll give it to her when cannon starts right now I need to get to the familiar forest" I said as I got up and teleported to the forest at the location that I was told to meet with the person who was to take me to her

"this is the place right.." i said as I spread my sense out to feel where the person I was meeting was

" there you are" I said as I took off and within seconds I was in front of the man I was to meet

"lord sephiroth your early.... I wasn't expecting you for at least an hour" the man said as he dropped to the ground the second he saw me

"I don't care take me to the dragon and let's be done with it" I said as devil came up to me grabbed my shoulder

"listen here you -" as I grabbed his neck and lifted him up as I cut off his oxygen but payed no mind to him

"shut up" I said as I tossed him to the side like trash

"you" I said as I pointed at my guide

"yes lord" he said still kneeling

"take me to the dragon"

"understood lord" he stood up and began to walk but

"wait what about my brother he was promised a-" a little girl with blonde twin tails ran in front of us

"I'm so sorry lady phenex but some things are more important, but I will move you up to the next full moon" he said as the little blonde girl looked pissed of as she ran to her brother who was getting up

"this way lord sephiroth" he said as the two looked terrified 'why are they so terrified its not like I fought them or..... Ohhhhh yeah the newly made yandere' but I soon stopped caring as the familiar master lead the way as we got to a cave

"we are here lord sephiroth but I am not welcomed here so if you don't mind " he said

"leave" I said as he disappeared and I walked into the cave and stopped at the entrance 'there's no door' I said as I thought of a way to knock but I could only think of one thing 'it could work but it could also back fire..... Oh well' I said as I flared my KI

*ROOOOOAAAAAR* as a jet of blue flames rushed my way 'Yep totally back fired' I thought as I sliced the flames with my own

"huh such a drag" I said as I lowered my sword

"WHO DARES TO DISTURB MY SLUMBER" as a massive blue dragon came out of the cave

"me" I said as she looked at me "I'm here to make a deal with you"

"huh an fallen angel but much darker more so than a devil..... Tell me boy what are you because I've only felt this kind of darkness from one being and it was a mindless monster" she said as she looked down on me which pissed me of so I simply flew up until I was at eye level

"does that really matter"

"huh what do you want than and what is this about a deal"

"I need you to help me make contact with a dead dragon mainly one that has a high connection to storms or just a general control of them"

"ohhh the only dragon I know that meets your demands is Arashi, one of my most dearest friends of mine but just because I can help doesn't mean I will help you"

"understandable but I came here to make a deal not to bag" I said 'fuck you if you think I will beg'

"ohhh and what is it that you offer"

"this" I said as I took out a hologram image of the piece of her treasure as she saw it her eyes went wide as she tried to grab it but failed

"where did you get that boy" she said as flames came out of her mouth

"were I got it is non of your concern but I am willing to trade it back to you for the soul" I said as she calmed and looked like she was in thought

"huh how about this boy you find all my pieces and I will connect you with Arashi" she said 'what the hell does she think this is final fantasy'

"or or I leave here and find someone else as you are not my only option you are just the easiest" I said as she grind her teeth "know here's what's going to happen you are going to help me and if everything goes smoothly I will give you this piece here no questions asked deal"

"fine but if you dare think about going back on our deal I will"

"yeah yeah I don't care now if you would"

"grrrrrrr come this way" she said as she went into the cave but after a while of walk and me dodging her tail every time I said something about her cave we got to a giant sealed door

"I got to admit this is impressive" I said as I studied the seals and runes on it

"I know it took me a few hundred years to make it after that degenerate dragon Ddraig took my treasure" as her KI increased and the cave shook

"yes that all well and good but" I said not caring about her problems as I pointed at the wall

"yes" she said as she placed her hand on seal as all the runes lit up in a blue glow and the seal rolled to the side to reveal a treasure trove of gold, diamonds and a lot of weapons all in mint condition without any scratches and a few of them were releasing different kinds of magic energies

"wait here, I don't want you disgusting germs on my treatures" she said as she disappeared from view 'I see do the seals also distort space to make all this seem small than it actually is and these a high powered illustration' I thought as took out my phone and began to take a of the runes just in case I need to break in later on in life 'you can never be to sure'

"Okag here she is" she came back in her human form but I didn't pay much attention to her but what she had in her hand which was a golden urn with a very weak soul in it

"I thought you said that she was powerful but from what I can feel she doesn't seem so" I said as I pointed to the urn with an irritated look

"yes, you see since dragon originally came from the earth when we die our souls are slowly broken down and we return to the earth but to why she is in here we let's just say it personal"

"huh I see" I said as I walked over to her and to take the urn but she stopped me

"my piece give it to me"

"we are not done with my side of the deal as I have said that I will return it to you when have completed my side" as I took the urn and placed it down as I took out one of my magic batteries as I made a magic circle on the urn

"what are you doing"

"I'm giving you friends a little boost to wake her up so we can talk"


"yes talk" I said as the urn had drained the battery as I want to open it

"ahhhhhh yes" a voice from the urn said as a white Japanese dragon, with blue scales horns and red eyes came out of it

"look who's back me the one the only Dragon of the sky Arashi!" she said as she shouted out to the sky as she flew up and did a few flips

"if you are quiet done we have business Arashi" tiamat said as her friend looked at her gasped

"huuuuu Tia is that you" she said as she flew back to us as she stopped in front of tiamat as she looked around her "you've gotten old" she said as tiamats vain popped out as the they began to argue

"if you don't mind I have a lot of things I want to do today so if you could both shut your childish behavior" I said as I crossed my arms as they looked at me

"Tia who's the kid is he your fuck buddy" she said as she flew around me

"I am not going to ask how you know that, but no this boy is the one how woke you up for something" tiamat said with an irritated expression

"really kid what do you want from me" as we were now face to face but she was also upside down so yeah

"I want you to help me with a little project of mine"

"ohhh really what is this project of yours and why do you need me"

"I don't really need you just a powerful dragon soul but since you were the easiest to get to, here I am" I said as she looked a little bit sad "but to what I need a soul for is to complete my Sacred Gears" I said as the spear appeared in my hand

"oh and what do I get when I agree to be the soul in your secred gear from what I've heard those things take souls and traps them in those weapons" she said touching the spear

"true but for my gear or Dijinn you are not going to merge with my soul or anything like that all I'm going to do is put you in the Dijinn so I can use you power to add on to mine"

"so you want to use me as a weapon and I'll be sealed in this weapon of yours" she said a little angry as she got in front of me

"yes but you will only be partially seal that will allow you to take a ghost form like you are in right now and the seals its self is made in such a way that only you can break it, if you want and set yourself free at any time you can see for yourself" I said as I held up the spear ad she looked a little hesitant "if it helps you feel any better your friend here will kill me if you get trapped in the spear" I said as she nodded and walked to it and stopped

"ohhhh wait how do we do this" she said as I shook my head

"huh simple" I said as I stabbed her ghost with the spear as she got sucked in

"ohhhhhhhh" she said as she got completely sucked into the spear completely and then there was silence as the spear float in the air as the dark clouds gathered as it began to rain but I made a circle to act as an umbrella

"is it supposed to be doing that" tiamat ask as she looked at the spear that was zooming around the shy as the rain got stronger as the wind began to pick up

"yes you see I made it so that the soul inside has access to a portion there old magical powers and can use them as they choose or cut them off if they want"

"wait then she can basically refuse to help you at any time she feels like it" she said shocked

"yes but it also works like a partnership that she needs me to have access to her full power but I get control over them like all sacred gears" I said as the rain and wind pick up as some trees were being up rooted

"then what if she decides to betray you"

"them before she can her soul will be ejected out of the gear, but I think she's had enough fun" I said as the forest floor was being fladed as I snapped my fingers as my chain come out of the circle and wrapped around the spear as the rain storm stopped and pulled it back into my hands as Arashi ghost body appeared in front of us

"why did you stop me I was getting to the good part"

"ohh and which part was that you blowing away the forest or the one were you fladed it idiot" I said as I looked at her and pointed at the forest


"I don't care but what I do care about is that do you except to become my Dijinn or not"

"are you kidding me of course I except..... To be able to live again and also fight"

"good but you won't be the only soul in there I've also made contact with someone how well give me a spirit that has a high with lightning so for now you will need to get to sleep to get fully adjusted to the Dijinn"

"really well can I at least be able to stay with Tia for a little bit longer"

"I don't have a problem with that but she's going to have to bring you to my father when it's time for you to sleep soooo you have a week" i said as I opened a portal to my lab walked through it leaving them to each other as I stepped into the lab I remembered something I told Elsa a few days ago

"Elsa how many chains did you make"

[oh about a hundred sir and I've also blood tied them to you so they will only obey your comments like the first one does]

"huh well these nothing we can do about it no can we" I said as I looked at the mountain of chains 'and I was planning to hand make all of them myself'

"I have nothing to do for the next month" I said as a smile creeped up on my face as I changed out of my combat outfit and into my normal clothes

"you know the drill Elsa one month worth of anime and video games, we are doing this properly this time and make sure there's enough food this time

(one month later)

After spending a month the way every weeb does it was time to meet up with Gaia as she had called me a day ago that she had found a powerful elemental that is will to be sealed in my Dijinn and that one of the gods came to her island demanded USELESS which she refused but since she was not violent the goddess had not left the island

"this may get annoying" I said as I teleported to the island

"DARLING" Gaia said as she jumped at me but I side stepped

"I'm not going to let you jump on me" I said as she got up and hugged me from behind

"I missed you y'know" as she got in front of me "the least you can do is act like you missed me too" she said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek

"that all well and good but you know why I'm here don't you" I said as I simply looked at her

"yes but we also have a problem" she said as I felt three power signals coming at us

"I know but they are nothing that I should care about" I said as I caught an arrow between my fingers as three females landed in front of me

"oh look it the boy that didn't know who you where Aphrodite" the green haired one said as the one with pink hair got pissed

"shut up Demeter" aphrodite said to Demeter and then looked at me as she tried to use her magic on me but they were all brought to their knees as I used a high grade circle and my KI and a little illusion magic to make an image of kurama behind me

"give me one good reason I should not just kill you all for trying to mess with me again" I said as Masamune appeared in my hand as I let my darkness flow into it

"killing us will cause war between the Greeks and the fallen angel" the one in armor said as she was the only one able to raise their head from the ground

"why isn't this working" Demeter said as her hand glowed green as I looked at Gaia for the answer

"she's trying to use the plants to attack you and that one over there is still trying to use her magic on you but there's no point she has no power on this island and that one is to weak to break through my blessing so" she said as the two stopped as I released them since they were just a waste of time

"what a waste of time come on I want to check on USELESS and I also need you to try my food" I said walking away with Gaia followed me

"Gaia is this your doing, was it you that I'm not able to use my powers" Demeter said as she got up and looked at Gaia but Gaia just looked at her for a second with a blank look and then turned back to me

"okay darling come with me" she said with a smile on her face as she grabbed my arm pulling me with her as she walked toward USELESS as I tried and failed to pull my arm from her grasp but she was a lot stronger than me 'did she get stronger..... Huh might as well give up I'm just wasting my energy' I thought because she was stronger

"don't ignore me" Demeter said as she chased after us but we just ignored her as she yelled as aphrodite tried to grab my free arm but stopped as a sword touched her neck

"I will say this once and only once the only reason you are alive right now is because your death would be a slight inconvenience for me but make no mistake I will kill you if you ever do anything like that again understood" I said as my demon marks appeared and she froze as she looked down 'huh it's been a while since I used my demon mode and also removed my seals..... Maybe I should release and if I remember the last time I did i was able to fight against dad so at full power I'm on dad's level but the problem is that dads a smart fighter that fights with his brain so power doesn't really do much, so i'm not sure if I'm weaker or stronger' I thought as I remember a year ago when I asked dad to a fight with him not holding back

He want on to fight me to a stall mate even when I removed my seals and was full power demon mode but that was a year ago and I'm still training as I have increased my seals and haven't taken them off

"sephiroth are you okay" Gaia said as she took a step back

"fine just thing about something you don't need to worry about" I said as I want back to normal and after a few minutes we got to USELESS with that stupid smile on her face as I placed my hand on her

"have you been behaving like I asked" I said

"that tree won't listento yo-" she was cut off as USELESS shook as her leaves glowed

"I'm going to take that as a yes so here's your reward" I said as I took out a chocolate bar as a root grabbed it

"how... What..." she said in disbelief as the plant that has been ignoring her for the past week just responded to me

"yes this is my tree I made her, so she will listen to me and no one else" I said as Gaia walked back to us with a small fairy with blonde short spike hair with an huge smile

"well here she is darling one of the strongest out of the spirits and elementals" she said as the fairy flew onto my head and sat there

"huh she's not afraid of people and she's also not as shy as I thought" I said as I grabbed her by her wings as she struggled as I placed her in my hand as I looked at her

"Gaia said you were the strongest is that correct" I said as she stood up a little angry but held her chest out an nodded with a lot of pride

"well if that's so you won't mind a little test right" I said as I teleported one of our prisons that was already to be put to death as I left a note behind before taking him

"SON OF AZAZEL YOU DARE I WILL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO MY WIFE" he shouted as he ran up to me but a chain wrapped around him and his mouth pulling him into the ground

"you and your wife were charged for kidnapping and selling children as slaves I only left you alive so you could suffer a little" I said in a bored tone and turned to the fariy "kill him using your full power and nothing else" I said as the fairy flew out of my hand and above the man and with in an instant lightning rained down on him 'huh powerful lightning and the speed is out of this world hehe.. she will do nicely' as there was nothing left of his body but my chain

"good you'll do but can you speak" I asked as she flew to my hand with a big smile but shook her head at my question

"I see but you can understand me so plus but" I said as I looked at her

"are you willing to be my weapon" I said as she nodded her little head quickly "good now" I said as I summoned my Dijinn

"now what I want you to do is go inside there's also a dragon that you will be working with" I said as she touched the spear and got sucked in as the spear got a power increase as lightning flashed around it for a second and then it stopped as she appeared on top of my head

"you don't like staying in the spear huh" I said as I felt her nodded

"huh that's okay but I need to test something so if you would" I said as she nodded and disappeared as I raised the spear to the sky as the clouds gathered as lightning crackled as it formed a giant dragon as it swam in the clouds but no magic power was felt from the clouds as this was me fucking with nature

"darling you can't launch something like that you may destroy the island and kill these three" Gaia said as she know the power this had since she was mother nature so I stopped as the dragon flew into the clouds as the disappeared as the little fairy come out and sat on my head

"do as you please" I said as I walked toward Gaia and the others

"are you done darling" she said as she looked at us so I just nodded

"yes and she is quite powerful and I've completed the weapon so" I said as l want into the newly made house as she followed me in as the other tree stood outside

"darling is it okay if they join us"

"do as you please this is not my house" I said as she invited them in as I made the food for about hundred people and placed the food on the table

"isn't this too much for the five of us"

"nope" Gaia said as she sat down "my darling has a huge appetite" she said as she ate the without any worries but as she took her first bite

"OOOOHHHHHHHHH" she cried out as she had a very perverted look in her eyes as the others looked at her then me but I just ate my food and then looked at their own as the all to a bite as the eyes popped out of there head and




they all had different reactions but they were the as they all got a foodgasm

"you out did yourself this time darlings ohhhhh"

"this by far the best food I've ever eaten in my life" artemis said as she dug in with Demeter nodding in agreement

"a man who isn't affected by my charms or beauty, is extremely powerful, good looking and can cook" aphrodite said as she's looked at me as I payed her no mind

"come on aphrodite surely he's a little aroused by having four beautiful women around him"

"that the thing he isn't like not even a little bit" she said as she laughed a little "I'm sure if I got naked right now and told him to fuck me he wouldn't even bat an eye at me"

"are you sure his straight" artemis said as she looked at me but I just continued eating

"ohhhhh darling is, as he showed me a mouth ago" she said as moved close to me with a perverted look and so I chopped her on the head

"stop that"

"ohhh what's this" aphrodite said as she looked at Gaia for more information

"ohhhhh darling was such a beast from the way he held, to the way he move, it was SO amazing everything about it was amazing" Gaia said as covered he mouth with her hand '

"more" aphrodite said as they all leaned in on Gaia as she began to give them every detail about that night

"I don't understand why you all are so interested in this aren't you all at least a thousand years old you have surely been around" I said as I took all the dishes to the kitchen and used a spell to wash them

"not really the only one here how sleeps around is aphrodite and number of man I've been with is very low" Demeter said as she held her hand up

"yes but in my entire life I've only been with two man before you" Gaia said as he placed her hand on her bottom lip

"never been with one before" the one in armor said I don't know her name because I was never told

"and I have had sex in years now" aphrodite said with a smile

"okay I think thats enough for today, I going home" I said as I stood up and made a portal back home

"wait are you just going to leave like that" aphrodite said as she stood up and come up to me

"yes"i said simply as I walked into the portal

"bye darling don't take long to visit me" Gaia said as I nodded

"sure" I said as the portal closed behind me

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sorry for the wait people but I've had like three other fanfiction I've been working on so that took time and I still have school so yeah sorry