
Reborn as a Dragon with Devouring System

In the mystical world where dragons reign supreme, Bruce who just found himself in a body of baby dragon which stands as a stark anomaly. Unlike his kin, he is born devoid of the magical talents that dragons hold in high esteem. His mother, disappointed, labels him a 'waste dragon.' Yet, unbeknownst to all, Bruce possesses a secret strength: the ability to absorb magical powers from objects imbued with magical essence. Bruce then began his journey on a captivating adventure as he seeks to prove his worth in a world rife with danger and wonder. Each object he consumes transforms his perceived weakness into formidable strength. When Bruce devours the heavy shield of a Berserker, his Dragon Scale Iron Element fortifies, enhancing his natural defenses. The ingestion of an alchemist's poisonous concoction unexpectedly boosts his Dragon’s Breath Toxin, allowing him to unleash a deadly breath attack. Most impressively, consuming the staff of a thunder master bestows upon him the sought-after Thunder Magic Ability, enabling him to strike his adversaries with fearsome electrical attacks. As Bruce's newfound abilities emerge, so does the recognition of his true potential. From a ridiculed outcast, he evolves into a respected figure within the dragon realm. However, with great power comes new challenges. Bruce finds himself navigating the complex politics of dragon society, forging alliances, and facing both old and new enemies. This is not just a story about a dragon's physical transformation. It is a tale of resilience, cleverness, and an unyielding quest for greatness. It challenges the conventional understanding of power in a world where strength and ability define one’s place. Witness the metamorphosis of Bruce from a disregarded waste dragon into a legendary figure, redefining the essence of true dragonhood in a realm where power reigns supreme. #Dragon #Magic #Goblin #Nonhuman

Rqmk · Fantasy
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207 Chs

Shia's Troubles.

In the realm of the vast and wild, where the dance of predator and prey orchestrated the rhythm of life, the story of Dragon Mother, known as Shia, and her brood, especially the young dragon Bruce, unfolded against the backdrop of a changing wilderness. The narrative was one of survival, growth, and the merciless laws of nature that governed the land.

Shia, a majestic creature whose wings cut through the sky like blades, had recently returned from a hunt. Her silhouette, a symbol of power and maternal care, cast a vast shadow over the cliff's edge as she landed gracefully. Her latest conquest, a ferocious tiger, lay lifeless in her grasp. This creature, a first-level monster, was known not for magical prowess but for a mentally debilitating roar. This roar, capable of paralyzing the weak and disorienting the strong, represented a formidable mental attack in the wild's unforgiving hierarchy.

Bruce, a young dragon under Shia's care, watched keenly. His sharp eyes missed nothing, from the tiger's striped fur to the subtle twitch of Shia's muscles as she moved. Over time, Bruce had made an intriguing observation: the benefits gained from consuming monsters varied. This variation was not just among different species but also among creatures of the same species. Larger, more formidable beasts provided more sustenance, yet not in a way that was directly proportional. This anomaly puzzled Bruce, leading him to conclude that it was linked to the limitations of his stomach capacity.

The young dragon, intelligent and contemplative, preferred lighter monsters of the same level when given a choice. He found them not only easier to consume but also more beneficial in the long run. Thus, the ferocious tiger, though smaller than the massive two-headed rhinoceros he had encountered before, was a more appealing target for him. Bruce trusted in Shia's hunting prowess, confident in her ability to bring down such formidable creatures.

However, unbeknownst to Bruce, Shia was contending with her own set of challenges. As the matriarch of her territory, she was acutely aware of the delicate balance that needed to be maintained. Bruce's growing appetite and increasing demands were beginning to strain this balance. Shia knew that continuing down this path could lead to resource depletion, forcing her into perilous territorial conflicts or leading to overhunting, which would disrupt the natural order she so fiercely protected.

Shia stood at a crossroads, each path fraught with danger and uncertainty. She could expand her territory, risking conflict with other formidable creatures. She could continue overhunting, potentially throwing the ecological equilibrium into chaos. Or she could make the heart-wrenching decision to exile Bruce, ensuring the preservation of the territory's stability at the cost of her offspring's safety. Each choice was a gamble, with stakes that were too high and outcomes too uncertain.

Meanwhile, Bruce remained blissfully unaware of these looming concerns. His world revolved around the hunt, the feast, and the slow but steady growth he experienced. The Dire Tiger, weighing nearly two tons, provided sustenance for merely a day. After devouring his meal, Bruce felt a deep sense of satisfaction. The benefits he gained from the tiger, though seemingly minor, were more frequent compared to those from the larger prey like the two-headed rhinoceros. However, this preference, unbeknownst to him, was leading to a crisis that threatened to unravel the very fabric of their existence.

As time passed, the frequency of benefits Bruce gained from his meals began to diminish. The bountiful days of feasting on large prey like the two-headed rhinoceros seemed to be a luxury of the past. Now, the gains were sporadic, happening only once a day on average, a trend that seemed to persist and worsen over time.

The situation was dire. Shia, aware of the dire circumstances, resumed her relentless hunting. But it wasn't until the following noon that she returned, and by then, Bruce, Torenço, and Carona were famished. Their hunger was intense, a physical ache that seemed to gnaw at their very bones. The young dragons' eyes, filled with a mix of hope and reproach, turned towards Bruce, silently blaming his voracious appetite for their accelerated hunger.

The prey Shia brought back this time was not the formidable Warcraft they had hoped for but a black crocodile. While a top predator among beasts, the crocodile paled in comparison to the mighty Warcraft. Yet, despite its size and ferocity, the three young dragons devoured it in one sitting, their hunger driving them to a frenzied feast. Shia, understanding the gravity of the situation, didn't pause. As soon as the trio began their meal, she took to the skies again, her determination unwavering, her resolve to provide for her brood as strong as ever.

In the weeks that followed, a pattern emerged. The prey Shia brought back were mostly ordinary ferocious beasts. Sometimes, the dragons even endured a day or two of starvation, a stark reminder of the harshness of their world. Bruce felt the effects more profoundly than the others. His dizzy spells and weakening limbs served as constant reminders of their dwindling food supply and the precariousness of their existence.

Shia, despite her formidable appearance and fierce demeanor, faced her own set of challenges. As a young dragon, only recently past her adolescent years, she was relatively weaker compared to her kind, especially those with established territories. At fifty years, she was just entering her reproductive phase, beginning the arduous task of collecting treasures and establishing her domain. Among her peers, she ranked lower in combat prowess, a fact that made her current struggle even more daunting.

Yet, despite these overwhelming odds, Shia had supported her brood through the most arduous two months of their lives. The quality and quantity of prey she managed to capture were declining, a trend that had a direct impact on Bruce's growth. The best she had managed to bring back was a first-level monster, a far cry from the more formidable creatures that would have been more beneficial for the growth of her young.

Bruce, witnessing Shia's relentless efforts and understanding the constraints of her hunting capabilities, felt a surge of sympathy for her. Behind her stoic, fierce gaze lay a world of relentless pressure and unspoken fears. As autumn approached, the landscape transformed. The lush foliage turned golden, heralding a season of scarcity and hardship. For Bruce's family, apex predators of the area, this change was more than a shift in scenery. It was a signal of the trials that lay ahead, a test of their resilience and adaptability in the face of dwindling resources and the unforgiving laws of nature.