
Dont Be Too Tough!

Bruce watched from the shadows as Carona and Torenzo struggled in the pit, their usual pride replaced by panic and desperation. He knew this was a crucial lesson for them; sometimes, strength alone wasn't enough. They needed to be more cautious and aware of their surroundings.

"Brother Bruce... please, help us! We're going to be sacrificed to the black dragon Kasavia by these despicable werewolves," Carona pleaded, her voice tinged with fear. Unlike Torenço, she understood that insults would not save them and calling for Bruce was their only hope.

Bruce, however, remained hidden among the dense foliage, observing the scene silently. He knew this wasn't the right moment to intervene. He needed to let them experience the consequences of their recklessness, even if it was tough love.

Counting the werewolves, Bruce noted there were fifteen in total. In his current form, which was already the size of a young dragon, these werewolves posed little threat to him. They relied mainly on physical strength, lacking the magical talents that would make them a formidable opponent.

In Bruce's memory, werewolves with magical abilities were rare, their lack of innate magical talent a significant drawback compared to other intelligent species like humans, elves, or orcs.

"But Sam, how do we deliver these green dragon hatchlings to the great black dragon Cassavia? Should we descend into the pit, tie them up, and then pull them out?" one werewolf, Terra, inquired naively.

"Idiot Terra, that's a sure way to get yourself killed by those dragons," Sam, the apparent leader with a higher intellect, chided. "We'll guard them here, and I'll go inform Cassavia. She can deal with these hatchlings herself."

Bruce understood their language easily, a gift of his dragon heritage. Carona and Torenço, realizing their dire situation, now regretted not heeding Bruce's advice. They had acted impulsively, without understanding the dangers around them.

They flapped their wings desperately, trying to escape, but the werewolves, armed with long poles, kept them at bay.

Sam, confident in his plan, set off with two others towards the eastern jungle, envisioning a bright future under Cassavia's protection. To him, offering the green dragons to their old enemy, the black dragon, was the perfect sacrifice.

However, as Sam and his companions hastened towards their goal, they were suddenly confronted by an imposing figure. Bruce, the strong green dragon hatchling, blocked their path. Despite his youth, his formidable size and strength were unmistakable, and the werewolves were instantly taken aback, realizing the danger they now faced.

Bruce's piercing vertical pupils locked onto the three werewolves, their intense gaze sending shivers down their spines, as if they were in the presence of a fearsome predator.

"Where are you going?" Bruce's voice boomed, resonating with a newfound power.

After his mental prowess had been enhanced, Bruce discovered he could use his consciousness in communication. While he didn't speak the werewolves' language traditionally, he found that he could project his thoughts, using his mental strength to bridge the gap. The werewolves understood his words not through language, but through the direct transmission of his intent.

Bruce marveled at this form of communication, which he dubbed 'conscious communication.' It was more potent than language or magic, capable of selectively transmitting thoughts to intended recipients. To those not meant to hear, his words would sound like mere dragon roars.

However, he realized that for effective communication, he needed to be within a certain proximity to his targets. His experiments showed that the range was within three meters.

As he stood imposingly close to the werewolves, they trembled under his formidable presence.

The werewolves, understanding their connection to the trapped green dragon hatchlings, feared revealing their true intentions. Instead, one werewolf, trying to deceive Bruce, claimed, "Great Lord Green Dragon, we are merely passing through. Please show us mercy and let us go."

Bruce inwardly smirked at their dishonesty, sensing their fear. Without warning, he extended a claw, swiftly and silently piercing the lying werewolf's neck. The creature fell without a sound, eyes wide with terror, struggling briefly before collapsing lifelessly.

Sam and the remaining werewolf were struck with terror, their faces turning ashen as they witnessed Bruce's decisive action.

"I didn't want to kill him, but I despise dishonesty. Now, tell me the truth. What were you planning?" Bruce's voice rumbled with authority.

He relished the thought of improving his tactics, making these creatures realize his inviolable power, and basking in the shock he induced.

Overwhelmed with fear, the two werewolves collapsed to their knees.

"Great Lord Green Dragon, we beg for mercy! We captured two green dragon hatchlings to offer to the black dragon Kasavia in the swamp, as a gift in exchange for protection and to become her subordinates," Sam confessed, his voice quivering with fear.

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