
Reborn as a Dragon in Genshin Impact!?

Lin Yuan woke up to find himself surrounded by pitch darkness, and the sensations coming from around him told him something peculiar. It seemed like he had been reincarnated as an egg… By sheer coincidence, he was picked up by Hu Tao, who nearly buried him alive. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Lin Yuan broke out of his shell! Looking at the scales on his body and his long frame, Lin Yuan became even more confused. What exactly had he turned into? Hu Tao: "Wow! A lizard this big?!" Lin Yuan: "???" After some twists and turns, Lin Yuan finally confirmed his... species! He had become a five-clawed golden dragon, a symbol of Huaxia civilization?! Not only did he possess innate dragon majesty, capable of intimidating all living beings, but he could also freely use the power of the seven elements! The people of Liyue even worshipped him as the new Emperor, bowing down to him! He trampled on the Sumeru Akademiya and fought the Fatui with his claws (and fists)! And what of the gods? In front of the divine dragon, they were no more than one-hit foes!

Ashborn6969 · Video Games
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35 Chs

The God of Milk's Relics, the Arrival of the Adepti!

Hu Tao kept her distance from the cart filled with ancient paintings and artifacts, looking curiously at the next one. "What's in this cart? It doesn't look particularly special," she asked.

Unlike the previous two carts, this one was filled with plain wooden crates, making it seem much less impressive.

Ganyu responded calmly, "This cart only contains Mora."

"Mora?!" Hu Tao's excitement skyrocketed.

"This is what I've been waiting for!" she exclaimed, clearly more thrilled by the sight of simple currency than the earlier rare treasures.

The members of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor also sighed in relief, feeling more at ease now that they saw something they were familiar with.

"But the next cart is even more valuable," Ganyu said with a knowing smile.

"Oh? What's in the next one?" Hu Tao asked as she sneakily cracked open one of the crates to see it filled to the brim with Mora. She smiled in satisfaction before turning her attention to the next cart.

This particular cart had only one box on it, immediately giving off an aura of importance.

Ganyu explained, "This cart contains items once used by a god."

"Items used by a god?!" The entire Wangsheng Funeral Parlor staff was stunned.

In Teyvat, gods were synonymous with unmatched power. The objects they used were often imbued with mystical powers of their own, and the idea of receiving such items was beyond anyone's imagination.

"These are relics of a god? Am I hearing that right?"

"I've heard that objects left behind by gods often have miraculous abilities, with some granting incredible power to their owners."

"Can we really accept something this extraordinary?"

The group hesitated. Could they really take possession of something that had once belonged to a god?

Hu Tao, similarly shocked, quickly raised her head. "Ganyu, you must be joking, right? A god's relics? Wangsheng Funeral Parlor can't accept something like that!"

For once, Hu Tao wasn't driven by greed. The notion of accepting relics used by a god was far too overwhelming. Even the weakest of gods held dominion over life and death, and their possessions could easily be beyond the mortal realm's ability to handle.

But Ganyu, as calm as ever, had anticipated this reaction. "Hu Tao, don't worry. This particular relic is actually a gift from me, and it's perfectly suited for the little one."

"Oh? What kind of object could that be?" Hu Tao's curiosity piqued once more.

Lin Yuan, too, eyed the box with growing interest, wondering what could possibly be suitable for him in his current form as a baby dragon.

Ganyu smiled gently. "Inside is a bottle once used by a god whose domain was milk. It can pour out an endless supply of milk."

Hu Tao blinked, surprised. "A god of milk? There's a god like that?"

The members of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor were equally astonished.

This was the first they'd ever heard of such an unusual god.

"A bottle that can pour out infinite milk—perfect for this little one."

"This world is full of such wondrous things."

Lin Yuan, listening, was just as shocked. He had heard legends of objects left behind by the Salt God, which could endlessly produce salt. But he never expected Ganyu to have a similar item related to milk. If he didn't know any better, he might have assumed the item belonged to Ganyu herself!

However, the thought of having a never-ending supply of milk filled Lin Yuan with joy, and he let out a pleased cry.

"It seems the little one likes the idea," Ganyu said, smiling warmly.

This item had come into her possession during the Archon War. After defeating countless gods, the Geo Archon had left this bottle in her care, seeing no need for it. She hadn't expected it to be useful until now.

Hu Tao playfully tapped Lin Yuan on the head. "Since he's so happy, I'll accept this on his behalf," she said.

Ganyu nodded, adding, "Just attach a pacifier to the bottle, and it will be ready for the little one to use."

She then pulled out a list and handed it to Hu Tao. "The remaining items aren't as valuable as this godly relic, but they are all listed here."

Hu Tao glanced at the list. Though the other items weren't quite on the same level as the god's relic, they were still precious and rare.

"Wow, the Qixing have been so generous! I'll have to give them some special discount coupons as a return gift next time I see them," Hu Tao mused.

Considering the treasures the Qixing had sent, Hu Tao felt it was only fair to offer something in return—specifically, Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's most prized possession: super-discount vouchers, reserved only for their most esteemed guests!

Ganyu, now accustomed to Hu Tao's quirky nature, smiled gently and said, "The Qixing will visit the little one occasionally. If you need anything, feel free to ask them."

Hu Tao tucked the inventory list away, remarking, "With so many gifts, I can't think of anything else I might need for now."

The Qixing's offerings had covered a wide range of needs, making it hard to ask for more.

"I'll take my leave now," Ganyu said, preparing to depart. "The Millelith will help move the rest of the goods for you."

Just as Ganyu was about to leave, several beams of rainbow light streaked across the sky, causing her to pause and look up, surprised.

"What's going on?" Hu Tao asked, noticing the unusual phenomenon.

With a frown of uncertainty, Ganyu muttered, "The Adepti... Why have they come?"

"Adepti? The immortals have arrived?" Hu Tao was equally shocked.

Liyue hadn't seen the Adepti appear in the mortal realm for many years, let alone in such a dramatic fashion.

Ganyu returned to Hu Tao's side, her heart racing with an inexplicable sense of anticipation. She had a feeling that the Adepti were here because of Lin Yuan.

Suddenly, a few figures flashed into existence, appearing on the rooftops. Leading the group were two magnificent birds—one red, the other green—and a creature with the head of a deer and the body of a qilin.

The arrival of the Adepti instantly captured the attention of Liyue's citizens.

"Immortals! The immortals have come to Liyue Harbor!"

"It's been so many years since we've seen them descend from their celestial abodes."

"Please, immortals, bless my family with health and good fortune, and ensure the prosperity of Liyue!"

"I'm old, and even in my lifetime, I've never seen all the Adepti appear at once. Has something extraordinary happened?"

The people of Liyue were overcome with astonishment, some taking the opportunity to pray for blessings, while others dreamed of becoming a disciple to one of the Adepti.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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