
Chapter 10: Rahako's POV

Chapter 10: Rahako POV

Rahako had finished Loading the horses and they were now leading the two columns of horses down south towards Slaver's bay.

He enjoyed the 'prank' they pulled on the girls making them think that they were going to get butchered for being witches, their faces were priceless, and them not knowing that we both spoke their languages made it even funnier.

He was glad that he won 'rock, parchment, scissors", he was able to secure the Sarnori woman, she was by far the stronger looking one and quite enjoyable to the eyes, even with the wide robes he could tell she would make strong and healthy kids. not that he wanted to have any at the moment.

Personally he did not know what he wanted to do, he was lost. In his mind Order 66 was so far away he never made any plans and now that he was to be free to do anything he wanted he just could not decide.

He had coin, and even though dothraki don't use it he learned it's value when visiting the market in Vaes Dothrak and right now they were in possession of a small fortune.

After securing the Prisoners with 'nautical knots' as Brother called them we had been riding for a while. When they were children Rahako could not understand why a Dothraki would learn nautical knots when the Dothraki did not sail, and who taught him the knots in the first place.

His brother as always answered with "I learned it from a slave" and as for why he proved to me that some knots have different uses, and once you get creative enough they can be quite useful even if not used on a ship.

Other ideas of his were that you should only drink water that has been boiled, at first I did not believe him, but then I stopped getting sick and having the shitters. Another of his insane ideas was the concept of what he called "basic Hygiene", he told me to wash myself with a wet cloth every night and morning and to "brush" my teeth as if it was a horse and not the inside of my mouth.

Well to say that not smelling like sweat and dust on the road all the time only made him realize how much everyone else smelled, at that one he did not know if to thank him or curse at him, but he was right once again. A fellow Warrior came back from battle with a small wound on his arm, he did not wash it and went to drink to celebrate his victory, it ended up getting affected by fleshrot or how brother calls it "infected", it is logical, even Dothraki healers clean a wound before treating it, but his theory about "germs" was quite interesting, yet it also seemed the product of the imagination of a child.

Kycelian and brother Ogatto ended up cutting the man's arm off to save his life, good thing it was not his arakh arm or he would have stopped being a warrior, and destined to live in shame as a cripple for the rest of his days.

After all these years Rahako has learned to ignore his Brother and the weird things he does or says, like strange words or expressions, or the fact that he seems to know many things like someone that has been reading all his life like Kycelian has before he was kicked out of the Citadel.

His Brother was blessed by The Great Stallion in anything he did, from healing to Languages, combat, Riding, archery, javelin throwing, hunting, 'you name it' as he would say.

Rahako had to admit that he did feel jealous sometimes, but then it just made him wish to become better, to try harder to improve.

Learning how to write and read was a chore and he almost gave up at some point but Ogatto kept dragging him, they could not afford to barter for parchment and ink so they wrote on the dirt and with time he learned, but it it wasn't for his brother undying resolve to make him learn he would have given up.

And now his brother was planning something else. Valyria, the doomed land, he heard of the history of the place from Kycelian, Valyria is supposed to be cursed, full of StoneMen and monsters like FireWyrms that can reach a length of thirty feet and spew fire like dragons of old.

To say that it was suicidal was to put it mildly. He needed to talk with his brother when there were no ears listening to them, the Sarnori woman seemed to know some Dothraki, clearly she was not fluent at all, he remembered her thick accent and how she misused words when she tried to introduce herself before, back at the camp.

After watering the horses and getting all the water containers they had filled with fresh water Ogatto decided to wash himself while he was keeping an eye on the captives. the way they looked at him with desire made him jealous, he smiled as he was getting ready to make sure that this will be a fight that he will win.

After Ogatto was done he decided to take his turn and wash himself but showing off in front of the women. The way they looked at him with hungry gazes only to turn away in shame when their eyes met was invigorating and a boost to his confidence.

He turned around and covered himself like he was ashamed of his nakedness and started to tease the women that were seated on the ground staring at him, even only illuminated by the stars and moon he could still tell that they were red as a boiled river crab.

They kept on riding but inside the river this time, it was a technique that his brother taught him to lose BloodHounds and regular trackers since the tracks will be washed away by the river, and it would be impossible to know in which direction they went.

"There are maybe three hours left of dark, I say it's better if we sleep for the rest of the night and let the horses get a break, that way tomorrow they will be fresh and we can ride south as fast as possible." I told Ogatto, Brother just looked up at the stars then the moon, grunted and nodded.

It took them around 20 minutes to find a suitable spot under a tree, after tying up the horses to the branches so they don't wander away we placed the bedding on the grass floor and went to sleep under furs for warmth.

The Women were placed in the middle and with each of us on one end, normally they would need to keep watch, but Ogatto slept like a wild wolf. Rahako still remembered the amount of times he tried to sneak up on Ogatto, he failed every time, once even he tried to throw a rock at him from thirty feet away, the little fucker somehow heard it coming and caught it in the air then went back to sleep.

Now it was time to sleep, but having the rear of an attractive woman pressed against his member for the rest of the night was distracting but welcomed non the less.

After sleeping for a few hours he woke up to the sun hitting him on the face, he was hugging something soft, and he caught a musky smell with his nose, opening his eyes he saw the back of the head of the Sarnori woman, his right hand must have grabbed her while he slept and he was now pressing her body against his.

Rahako got up and looked around, he saw Ogatto sitting with his back against the tree, looking in the distance while concentrating, thinking about something.

After stretching He decided to grab something to eat, Horse jerky, not the best thing but good enough to wake up.

Time to get the horses watered and ready to ride south.

During that day's ride we managed to make good time and made quite the progress, only stopping to let the horses rest for a few minutes, in this time Ogatto would run with his bow and arrow into the wild and leave him with their captives.

That day after Ogatto returned with two birds he managed to hunt Rahako decided to take him out of earshot from their captives, they left them with the clean birds and a small campfire to roast the meat, while they were far away enough that He was sure they could not hear them yet they still could keep an eye on them.

"Valyria? what has gotten into you? have you finally gone mad?" Rahako said in a low tone

"It must be done, I need the steel, what is more, I need to learn their secrets, there is more to this than you think, it is important, it is probably the most important part of our journey." Ogatto was serious.

"why?" Rahako just could not understand why was Ogatto going to risk his life to go get some valyrian steel

"Because the world is changing, I heard rumors, rumors that magic is getting stronger in the world, and soon it will be back like in the old days. We need to be prepared for what will come, Valyrian steel will give us an advantage over everyone else." Ogatto finished speaking, yet he was being dead serious.

"Are you going to risk your life for some rumors?" This was madness.

"No, my mother already told me about it before she died, my grandmother was a shadowbinder from ashai she knew this day would come, why do you think i told you we had to leave before 5 years when we became warriors?" Ogatto finished speaking while reminding Rahako of that day when they talked at the feast celebrating their victory.

"So you knew? why not tell me all those years back why now?" he did not understand his reasons for keeping it secret.

"because the prophecy does not end there. in around two years there will be a red star in the sky, when that happens I will tell you the next part, The End Game, because then we will have proof of my words" Ogatto patted his shoulder and then started to go back to camp

Rahako just shook his head and walked back following him. They ate their meat in silence, him thinking about the maegi they encountered before, and how magic was getting stronger.

He could actually feel it when he meditated to increase his Ki reserves, at first he thought it was because he was getting better but now it made sense, those noticeable differences when he spends one week without meditating, the increase in the amount of Ki he could harness from the world energy was clear.

After finishing the bird leg he was eating, he manifested his Ki, coating his arm with a dark red layer made of pure Ki, then he made the bone float on top of his palm, channeling Ki inside the bone he started to make it spin at an extreme speed, soon the bone turned to dust and the wind carried it away.

Something like that would make him sweat a year ago, now he could barely feel the strain on him.

His brother was right as always.

The camp was dead quiet, Rahako looked around, all the women were staring at him, the Twins Especially.

"What?" Asked Rahako and the women went back to eating and pretending nothing happen

"You lack control, Old Fart Shan would be disappointed in his pupil" Said Ogatto as he did the exact same thing his kii manifested also but it was faint, barely noticeable. a bright red with hair thin golden strands. Then he proceeded to do the exact same thing Rahako did.

"well Old Fart Shan can go fuck himself, he left us after 2 years naming you his successor, if someone failed to instruct me properly its you" Rahako said while he laughed.

~Meanwhile in the Summer Islands~

An old man from YiTi is laying on a cushioned bench in the shadow of the gazebo he was in, a few young women in very revealing clothing were tending to all his needs.

Everything was fine until he suddenly sneezed.

"Everything ok, Master Chen?" asked the woman that was feeding him grapes while he laid down relaxing

"Yes, just some brats probably bad mouthing me" Shan was positive that his two pupils were talking shit about him. Next time he sees them he will whip their asses and teach them to respect their elders.

now that they where back in his mind he kept on thinking if he should have told them.

"well what is done is done"

Next chapter will be ether tomorrow or sunday.

I will try to post at least 2 or 3 times per week.

OnanMastercreators' thoughts
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