MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(Jar Zera'val/C'hartari Chaos Champion POV)
Location the Materium the Nord Sector, Eldar World-Ymir, Outside of Alderi Settlement Azir'Ymir/Battlefield: Carnage, Change & Blood Forces vs. Eldars
After watching the bitch, Kala, having fought and being able to survive the onslaughts of the Shadow, the Changer, and the Berserker and still be able to fight!?
No, she won't survive this battle, for hundreds of years and even before I hated you, Kala, and now bleeding and broken in his frozen hellscape I'll prove once and for all my superiority, to you and the weakness of the Pantheon you follow!!!
Taking a couple of step through the thick and bloodstained snow, with Kala pretending to not be tired and fatigued, moving a bit closer to me.
With a few meters of distance between the two of us, at last in Alka'lkarnak and Shik'Adammine names, I'll finally will kill you, Kala.
Not wanting a close range battle, between us, since Kala has proven herself more than a great warrior in martial prowess, now let's see if she can match that skill in warp-Manipulation.
Taking some steps closer, with my staff head buried under snow, and out of sight of Kala.
I began to channel my power, and preparing to unleash the [Grasp of Laharl] onto Kala, with her focus being on closing the gap between us, and actually believing I'd fight her in her field of power.
Mentally chuckling at the meer thought.
(Kala POV)
At last Jar Zera'val, will face me and die by my hand, at long last.
I'd may lost this war, as my brethren were being slaughter and butchered all around me, since I've been stuck in brutal battles, one after another, I couldn't reorganize my forces.
But at least it seems that Khaine, and maybe the other Gods have finally gave me the opportunity to kill this heretical witch!!
As she was getting closer to me, she must have thought that my pain, fatigue, anger, and blood, has blinded me of her suspicious moves.
Like hiding her staff in the snow, Zera'val, how long have we've been fighting one another?
Do you truly think me, a fool and ignorant of your schemes?
She most likely trying to keep our battle at her advantage, which long-range, but my hated enemy your scheme will not succeed in anyway.
Channeling my psychic power, I surged said power through my legs and blasted forwards in suchs speed, that even Jar Zera'val, from her shocked expression didn't expect me, to be capable at my current state.
Halfway between us, I leap to the air, staring as Zera'val had to rise her staff glowing violet and black, and a shadowy claw reached out to my from below.
The black claw, couldn't reach me, as I smiled and aimed my whisper spear straight at my enemy, channeling my power through it causing it to burst in crimson sparks of lightning, and I release that gathered power in a big blast at her.
It soar across the cold air, at that speed I hoped that it would kill her but the damned Zera'val blinked away.
Causing my attack to crash and explode in the snow, frustrated I land roughly but quickly sensed Jar Zera'val behind me, spinning my spear and putting it on a cross position on my back, I managed to block Zera'val's scimitar slash.
But unfortunately that meant, she was finally in my range, just as I wanted for the beginning, pushing her away I spun around to face her with my spear ready, as I heard growling in anger and frustration at me, as she got into her stance we finally attacked one another.
(General POV)
As the two mortal enemy fought, Azir'Ymir was being overrun by three force of Chaos, all were killed and slaughter in the name of Khorne, or Laharl, or Tzeentch.
Screams of eldar could barely be heard, in the cold ymirian wind, gobos cheering and shooting at everyone, shi'lanorai praising their Dark God and Queen for finally achieving their desired vengeance.
Once the killing was "mostly" done, under the command of the Dark Gods, to corrupt and find the entrance to the underground facility that was soo priced by Chaos.
Infernal and Pyre Fiends started smashing and burning everything away in Azir'Ymir, while the rest of the daemons search and kill any coward that was hiding from them.
Soo the two large daemons were joined by Decarabia blasting away at the snow, ground, and remaining standing buildings, they were empowered by all the souls/magatsuchi that they've consumed in this war, allowing them to bombard the settlement, until they secure a way unto the facility below.
Meanwhile the frost eldar and c'hartari were hunting down eldars that have run out of Azir'Ymir, either killing them out right with ice based attacks or dark sorcery of Alka'lkarnak/Laharl, or these eldar were subjected, to a worse fate of being capture for Asuryan and Isha knows what horrible end.
Returning to the battle between Kala and Jar Zera'val, they were oblivious to all that is happening around them.
Their only focus was to kill the other, striking their spear and staff against the other, occasionally Zera'val would swing her carnage-touched scimitar at Kala, only to be block or counter, in one of these exchanges she delivered a downward slash at Kala, only for Kala to block with the end of her whisper spear and in a quick, rising cross-slash, across the chest cutting into the violet-black leather, on Jar Zera'val's clothing/armor.
Her blood gushed, but Kala's cut wasn't to deep, but still stung the c'hartari, she growled and looked at Kala with utter discontent, and hatred, yelling at her enemy and they continue to fight.
Jar Zera'val, was attacking in utter aggression, and relentlessly attacking Kala, forcing the Khaine-touched Farseer, to be on the defensive, especially since she was fighting in a fatigued state and half-blind.
With a staff strike and stab to Kala's right thigh, the eight-points of her staff head piercing into the flesh of her enemy, Kala, gritted her teeth, then Kala felt a blow on her face, since Zera'val headbutted Kala, crushing her face and nose.
Jar Zera'val's pale white face, was stained in blood and violet braided long hair. (Yes, Jar Zera'val has a dark eldar vibe, but more leather, armor, and chaos-witch vibe to her)
She smiled, as her sharp, jagged teeth shine in the wind, Zera'val then cut Kala, across the belly but before she could cause much, more damage, Kala, focused her psychic power to cause a red burst, blasting Zera'val away.
Jar Zera'val, burn and hit with the full brunt of Kala, desperation attack against her.
She was thrashed through the snow, while Kala was forced back onto the knees, not only for the sudden stress and strain of using, such a level of power, plus the latest wound she suffered took its toll.
Kala heard the voice of Khaine, "STAND, KALA!! FIGHT, FIGHT IN MY NAME!!! OFFER THE SOUL OF THIS HERETIC, TO ME, HONOR YOUR BLOODOATH TO ME!!!!" Kala, screamed in pain.
Power was surging through her form, turning her blood red in color and aura, ignoring all the pain she'd suffered throughout the war.
Her muscles and limbs, were under intense pressure and strain, Kala's mind was gone only the desire of blood, and divine anger of Khaine, Jar Zera'val stood up and looked at Kala's state and laugh.
She laughed louder, as she spoke to Kala, "Look at you, Kala. You have become a shadow, of your old self. Mindless, a beast...that has to be put down, in the name of Alka'lkarnak." Kala, rushed forward like a enraged bull, all the while Zera'val had a smile on her face, getting into her stance and waited for her prey, to kill.
Their battle resumed, and Khorne along with his women, have gotten very interested in the battle, as well now that Kala had fallen to the bloodlust...but it was strange to them, that she held no blood corruption from her bloodlust and rage. (Note: technically the Pantheons of 40k haven't truly meet, only their followers have.)
Kala despite being driven by bloodlust, and blind rage, she was still a capable fighter and the rage of Khaine was acting as a boon, and curse for her body.
Her rage made her numb to the sheer agony and strain she's suffering at the moment, her muscles were being both torn and repaired by Khaine's will alone, and any wound that Jar Zera'val inflicts on her is little affective on her, Zera'val even chopped into the upper left arm of Kala, almost hitting bone if not for her muscles both cushioning the blow, and absorbing the mass of damage that the slash should have done.
Now gushing blood from her latest cut, but that's exactly what Jar Zera'val wanted.
She realized that with Kala's empowerment, she wouldn't be able to cause massive amount of damage or actually dismember her enemy, soo she went with the insanguination option.
Bleeding out Kala, all her attacks now are meant to open more wounds, for her to bleed out faster.
But even with that strategy of her's, come with a high risk, every Kala's attacks are extremely strong barely able to block them, and when she manage to breakthrough her defenses, she even stabbed her deeply to the side of her upper-waist the spearblade managed to pierce all the way through, out her back.
Jar Zera'val scream in pain, and taking the opportunity to channel her dark magic/psychic energies through her staff, causing it to be coated in a dark aura or black, violet, and burgundy.
Swung her eight-point staff at Kala chest, blasting a powerful point-blank [Dark Bolt] at her, destroying her chestplate, and launched Kala away and also cause the spear-head to tear out of her side, gushing large amount of blood, making Jar Zera'val, take a knee trying to stop the bleeding.
Zera'val was panting in pain, her breath could be seen in the air, as she was watching Kala, trash and roll in the snow, Zera'val knew that in question of pain Kala wouldn't feel that last blow thanks to Khaine's influence, but her body was greatly damage by the Dark Bolt's blast.
Kala stood up, revealing her damaged chest, burns, cuts, and bleeding despite being numb, her body struggled to stand and return into stance.
Panting and breathing heavily like Jar Zera'val, her breathe showing in the ymirian wind, her broken mind filled only with rage and vengeance again she charged at her enemy, in Khaine's name!!
Returning to the now ruined, and burning Azir'Ymir, all was destroyed, and started showing some laharlish and tzeentchian corruption on the ruins.
After some more destruction done by the infernals, arsony by the pyre fiends, and the magical onslaught of the decarabia spells managed to uncover the secret entrance to their Dark Gods, some bloodthirsters walked to vault like eldar door, and start striking their weapons with utter brute force.
Location within the Incubator Facility
Behind the door, were the remaining guardians and banshees in charge of defending the still ingesting infants, in several pods both from eldars and shi'lanorai, they been in this underground facility for many, many years.
Despite those years, they never waiver or left their posts, trusting Kala to keep the invaders at bay, but seems that Azir'Ymir has fallen and they must now fight. (In case of appearance of the facility, it's very craftworld vibe, with the red pods like soul-stone filled with amniotic fluid.)
The entrance door, it being struck without mercy, eventually a curved brass, red axeblade managed to break into a piece of the vault door, and the cold ymirian air was slowly entering the facility, the sound of growling, roaring, snarling, and much more was finally being heard by the last line of defense of Ymir.
They were about to face a tide like no other, that they've ever face, readying themselve for the last stand.
The door was busted open, with a couple of Greater Daemons of Khorne, leading the charge inside the facility, with starfish daemons of Tzeentch, the decarabia swarming inside as well, along with the rest of the three legions of daemons...for all intent and purpose Ymir has fallen to Chaos...