
Timeskip and travelling to Asgard

Juno pov

It had been about 500 years since I had been training with the Proginator. I had learnt a lot about our race, like how our origins are a mystery to everyone even ourselves. Like some said that we created by the first firmanent who was the first universe and that, we rebelled against the black and white aspirant celestials, which caused the first firmanent to shatter thus creating the multiverse. While others say that we created the multiverse it self which I find hard to believe as there are cosmic being like the One Above All who has existed before the beginning of creation. I figured that since I now had complete control over my powers that I should go back out to space as it seems that humans, still hadn't evolved from apes. The only place I knew that should bring me some form of entertainment was Asgard as they are so called gods like Thor and Loki should exist right now. One thing I questioned was why they call themselves God's, like they had no role to play in the universe and aged. But how would I get there.

Juno: Since I have mastered and learnt, everything about our race and abilities I wondered if you would allow me to leave Earth and explore space for a few years?

Proginator: You can do what you wish, I am not your guardian or anything but be careful there are many powerful beings out there and your just a child(At 1000 years old, celestials are still considered babies or toddlers which isn't surprising as we live for ever.

Juno: I was thinking of travelling to Asgard, but I have no idea how to get there and I don't have a ship because I don't think I can fly that long as im still not used to being exposed to a vacuum for that long.

Proginator: My ship is located on the moon a few feet underground just get it from there and keep it as it seems that i'll have no use for it anymore.

Juno: ''Shit, that means I have to see the watcher's bald ass head again. ''Thanks for the ship i'll be sure to come back to Earth and visit you again''. I a fraction of the energy I had been gathering over the centuries and blasted throught the Earth's crust and then mantle. I had to check if the celestials were still conducting their tests, but was happy to see that they were finally gone. I flew upwards and when I looked down, I could see that some of the continents I had recognised in my previous life had started to form. I made it out the atmosphere and was travelling to the moon. When I landed I could see the damn watcher still in the same position that we was when he blasted me off the moon. He seemed to look at me for a moment. Hehehe he realised my awesome power. I travelled further and further until I reached the ships location. I blasted away the rubble and had caused a mini moon quake. I lifted the ship up from the ground and shrunk my self down and entered. It had weird pads that I felt like should put my hands on. When I did that I felt as if my consciousness had merged with the ship. This should be like driving a car right? Since it was now connected to my mind I thought about the place were I wanted to go. Asgard. The ship mapped out the directions on the screen for me to follow. next stop. The land of the gods.