

Eson the searcher: Celestial state your function or face termination you will be branded as a traitor and killed if you don't answer.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUNO POV:

Shit. What can I do, in a situation like this. I had just survived a fight with Galactus which was hard enough but now, here I was with another omnipotent being threatening to kill me. NO. I can't die yet I HAVE ONLY JUST BEEN BORN!!.

Juno: I am Juno the searcher, I go explore the universe, going from planet from planet.uh uhhhh. Just having fun?

Eson The Searcher: Fun? Fun!. We celestials have existed before the universe itself, even existed. We decided what planet lives and Dies! WE CREATED LIFE ITSELF. WE ARE JUDGE,JURY AND EXECUTIONER AND YOU ARE THE EXACT OPPOPSITE OF WHAT WE STAND FOR YOU SHALL DIE.

Juno: He started to charge his spear which had, a purple glowing light that crackled with sparks of lightning. If I was right that should be the power stone of the six infinity stones. Fuck. It had the power to exterminate planets and now it was being used against me .

Esonn: I poured in my energy and directed it to him, a large gushing beam of energy came out hitting him. This bastard who had already destroyed some data we were going to collect, had caused me to increase the damage.


Eson: How's this possible, he had survived the blast. If he kept on existing he would most likely, become a problem in the future .

Juno: He brought out this weird sphere and threw it into the sky. It created a loud signal that deafened me.. Suddenly in a flash light the rest of the celestials were here.


Juno: Suddenly I was engrossed in energy and thrusted into the Earth. Deeper and deeper I was so far deep that I could feel the heat of the outer core. Shit. I couldn't move it's like I was bound up by chains. All of the rocks and dirt suddenly came pouring in one me. Darkness. That's all there was.