

Atenzi stood at the head of the table in the new castle. His golden-red eyes looked over the vampire generals.

Báthory sat to his right, watching him closely.

"Things have changed," Atenzi said firmly. "Our win over Khan has upset the balance in Naaim. We must get ready for how the other Harbingers will react."

He pointed to spots on the map. "Alexander the Great will likely be our first problem. He won't be able to resist the challenge we pose.

I know him very well, and I can assure you that he was the greatest conqueror back on my planet, Earth."

A thin general with glowing eyes leaned forward. "Maybe we should attack first, my lord. Take the fight to New Macedon before-"

"No," Atenzi cut him off. "That's just what Alexander wants. He hopes we'll stretch ourselves too thin and leave weak spots."

Báthory nodded. "Atenzi's right. Alexander's land is like a fortress. Attacking head-on would be suicide."

Atenzi smiled coldly. "Instead, we'll give him what he wants - a challenge. But on our terms, not his."

He put a marker on the map between Bloodmire and New Macedon. "We'll suggest a contest. A fight between champions. It will appeal to Alexander's pride and let us see his strengths without risking all our forces."

The generals murmured in agreement. Báthory's eyes narrowed. "And who would our champion be?" she asked, though she seemed to know the answer.

Atenzi's smile grew wider, showing teeth. "I think that's clear, don't you?"

Excitement spread through the vampires at the thought of seeing their new leader fight again.

"Now, about Napoleon," Atenzi went on, moving to another part of the map. "He'll be more careful, more planning. We need to give him a puzzle he can't help trying to solve."

"What did you have in mind?" Báthory asked, looking interested.

Atenzi's eyes sparkled with mischief. "We'll leak information. Conflicting reports, half-truths, tempting hints of secret powers or hidden weaknesses. Let Napoleon waste his time and resources trying to unravel a mystery we've made up."

Báthory laughed, a sound like breaking glass. "Oh, Atenzi. You are wonderfully sneaky."

Atenzi bowed his head slightly, then continued. "Nero will be easier to handle. His ego is his weak point. We'll go to his big games, act like we're very impressed by his power."

"And Caesar?" one of the generals asked.

"Ah, Caesar," Atenzi said thoughtfully. "He'll be the most dangerous. He'll see through our tricks, know what they are. So we'll approach him openly, honestly."

Báthory raised an eyebrow. "Honestly? That doesn't sound like you, my champion."

Atenzi grinned widely. "The best lies, my dear, are wrapped in truth. We'll offer Caesar an alliance that's truly good for both our lands. But all the while, we'll be setting things up for his eventual downfall."

As the meeting went on, they refined their plans, creating schemes within schemes. The vampire generals left with a new sense of purpose, excited by their leader's vision.

Once they were alone, Báthory turned to Atenzi, her eyes shining with curiosity. "You never stop amazing me. The way you read our opponents, predict their moves... it's almost like you've played this game before."

Atenzi's face became unreadable. "In a way, I have. But never quite like this, never for such high stakes."

He walked to the window, looking out over the nighttime landscape of Bloodmire. "Tell me, Báthory. What do you know about the powers given to those who've been... reborn in this world?"

Báthory joined him at the window, her reflection pale in the glass. "Not much, I'm afraid. Such things are rare, and those who experience them tend to keep their abilities secret."

She paused, studying Atenzi's face. "But you... you're different, aren't you? Your power, this 'Lashon Kesef' you use. It's not from this world."

Atenzi turned to her. "No, it's not. Lashon Kesef - the Silver Tongue - is a gift and a curse from another reality. It allows me to make people obey, to make my words carry the weight of absolute authority."

Báthory's eyes widened in understanding. "That's how you rallied our forces against Khan. How you've been shaping events since you arrived."

Atenzi nodded. "It's a powerful tool, but it has limits. Using it too much causes physical pain, nosebleeds, even temporary loss of voice. And it doesn't work on beings of great power or those with strong wills."

"Like the Harbingers," Báthory said.

"Exactly," Atenzi confirmed. "Which is why we need to be clever, to outmaneuver them rather than trying to overpower them directly."

Báthory was quiet for a moment, taking in this information. Then, moving with a grace that hinted at her deadly nature, she stepped closer to Atenzi. "And what of my abilities? What do you know of vampire powers in this world?"

Atenzi's lips curved in a small smile. "I know they're impressive. Greater strength, speed, immortality. But I suspect there's more. Something unique to you, perhaps?"

Báthory's answering smile showed all her fangs. "Perceptive as always, my champion. Yes, as the Queen of Vampires, I have... additional gifts."

She raised her hand, and suddenly the room got very cold. Frost formed on the windows, and Atenzi could see his breath in the air.

"I can control blood," Báthory explained, her voice taking on an otherworldly sound. "Not just my own, but the blood of any living being. I can freeze it, boil it, even use it to control dead bodies if I choose. The Malkhut Damim, Crimson Dominion."

As quickly as it had come, the chill went away. Báthory lowered her hand, watching Atenzi carefully for his reaction.

Atenzi's eyes shone with appreciation and something darker, more primal. "Impressive. And terrifying. No wonder you've ruled Bloodmire unchallenged for so long."

Báthory bowed her head slightly. "And now you understand why an alliance between us is so powerful. Your strategic mind and supernatural charm, combined with my ancient power and control over the vampire armies..."

"We're unstoppable," Atenzi finished, his voice low and intense.

For a long moment, they stood in silence.

Then Báthory spoke, her voice carefully neutral.

"There's something else, isn't there? Something you're not telling me."

Atenzi's expression became guarded. "What makes you say that?"

Báthory's eyes narrowed. "Your fight with Jesus. The way you spoke to him, challenged him. It was as if... as if you knew something about him. Something important."

Atenzi turned away, looking out at the night landscape beyond the window. When he spoke, his voice was barely above a whisper.

"You're right. I do know something about Jesus. About his ability... and its weakness."

Báthory's sharp intake of breath was the only sound in the suddenly tense room. "How?" she demanded. "How could you possibly know such a thing?"

Atenzi's reflection in the window wore a smile that was both triumphant and sad. "Well..."
