
Reborn And Became A Wendigo

In a realm of magic and myth your typical average nobody get reborn in but there's catch, You see our mc won't be going around saving some damsel in distress. Watch as how a certain skill which is more like a curse take over the mc mind and body and warp it into a unholy abomination that is detested by the gods. A new god will rise, The god of Carrion and rot "Tis is I Who shall devour the Gods, men, women and even children shall not escape my maw as I shall become the end of all". (first few chapters are beyond garbage as I am writing this lil story as a hobby)

Drakonos_Drake · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

More snacks

After leaving the goblin village, chika led us through the woods towards the human encampment.

I also wished to see if she has something more then her looks. Through the entire journey Chika always creeped closer to me. I knew what was the reason for this but didn't made many moves on her as my fren wasn't there to support me :<

After walking for nearly 2 hours we reached the encampment. I positioned all four of our goblins in the trees and chika in a nearby bush as I also learned she was proficient in not only seducti- I mean archery but also in dagger wielding and could dispatch the soldiers at close range after which our archers could finish them off.

I positioned myself behind the encampment from where i'll push the puny soldiers towards my designated spot where the goblins prepared an ambush. I'm calling them puny because they're stats are just above the average human with no speciality, only there commander possessed stats rivalling an ork but still no match for me as normal weapons can't even pierce my skin they atleast need an enchanted weapon or a strength level of very strong to cause minor non fatal damage.

The soldiers numbered around 13 wearing only leather armor and and carrying short swords only their commander wore metal chainmail and armored leggings as the rest won't be able to even lift themselves off tge ground if they even wore as much armor as their commander.

"Damned recruits, that lazy general stationed me in a nonexistent outpost with bunch of rookies who can barely lift a long sword" the commander cursed while sitting near the bonfire cooking a rabbit. I wonder a what cooked meat tastes like as I haven't eaten anything cooked after my transformation.

The rest of the soldiers lazed around with not even a single one on guard duty no wonder why the commander looked so pissed.

I emerged from bushes and casually walked towards their camp. A recruit spotted me a horrifying monstrosity over 3 meters tall approaching them. He yelled and grabbed everyones attention.

"We're all going to die" a recruit screamed in horror as expected my presence and good looks clearly have a lasting effect on creatures much weaker then me. They ran exactly as I planned with only their commander even bothering to stand and face me with his long sword drawn visibly shaking.

"Don't move any furrr....further moo" he was taking too long to finish to dashed towards him and ripped his head off before he could even react or raise his sword to defend himself.

The rest flew like flies into a spider's web as they were massacred by my archers. After finishing the commander's corpse I strolled to my lil goblins and what greeted me didn't surprised me. Chika and the rest of the goblins had finished every single piece of the humans body, not even bones were left. The goblins had bloated bellies except chika who was noticeable larger and appeared stronger then before. My abilities passed to her in a greater extent then Urok.

Most importantly her bust was bigger and could be considered average now and her cute little butt now possessed a more defined curve then before.

Not only stronger but more attractive as well      > : 3

"Master look im bigger then before" she snapped me out of my inappropriate thoughts while cupping her now bigger melons. She noticed me staring at her breasts.

"I mean my muscles" she immediately flexed her biceps while looking away trying to hide her flustered expression.

Damn system please tell I can get a shape changing skill or trait after evolving?

[True wendigos posses minor shape shifting trait inherently ]

Bonus main objective, evolve, reclaim my lost fren and smash the cute goblin.

(If you know what I mean +_+)

We then gathered all of the weapons that the humans carried along with the scraps of there leather armor and anything of value that we could find in their camp and started walking towards our village.

Upon returning all the goblins were grouped right in the center with a large bonfire lit and 2 humans and a cat like beastkin and one dwarf in a cage.

"Master glad you returned look we were just preparing a feast in your honor"

Urok welcomed me with a large wooden table right placed besides the bonfire and a skinned wolf's corpse was present on the table as main course and with adventurers they managed to capture while we were gone as the sweet dish.

"Nooo please don't feed us to that monster" the humans cried in horror after learning what monstrosity they'll be fed to.

Time to eat      >:P