
Reborn again with infinite shop system

In the vast expanse devoid of light, a young man, floats miraculously amid countless souls heading towards a reincarnation pool. Here, memories are erased, and new lives are born. However, an unexpected interruption occurs when a mysterious girl appears, observing the oblivious man sleeping amidst the impending cosmic transition. Meet Arthur Ceilo, an ordinary guy with a penchant for anime, navigating life with a part-time job. He faces a life-altering accident, Transported to a void, Arthur finds himself surrounded by diverse beings—humans, animals, demons, vampires, dragons—all in transit. His journey takes an unexpected pause, leading him to a meeting with Juna, the Goddess of Void. In this ethereal encounter, Arthur learns of his demise, partly caused by Juna herself. To make amends, she offers him a unique proposition: one wish and a chance to return to his past life at the age of ten. **-------------** Author's Note :- Hello! Author here, I wanted to inform you that English is my secondary language. While I am working diligently to improve my proficiency, there might be instances where my expressions or choice of words may not fully align with native English speakers. I appreciate your understanding and welcome any guidance or corrections you may have. Thank you for your patience, and I look forward to our continued communication. **-------------**

WordWarrior · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 5: Creating new bloodline

In the midst of winter's cold embrace, a chilling wind swept through the air as we returned to the orphanage after playing outside. Dinner was followed by a swift descent into sleep, the frigid weather encouraging everyone to rest early and rise late. The silence of the night engulfed the orphanage, prompting a momentary doubt about the day's surreal events. A pinch to my own flesh, however, confirmed the tangible reality.

As the orphanage settled into its nighttime stillness, I began formulating plans for the future. Escaping the confines of the orphanage was my first priority, a necessary step to expedite my plans. The System store became my gateway to Picobot clothes, smaller than nanobots and exceptionally resilient. I swiftly located and purchased the product, marveling at its magical origins and its control through the mind, facilitated by a single drop of blood.

Embracing the blackness of the night, I left the warmth of my bed and navigated to the kitchen, the cold biting at my enhanced body. Equipping myself with a kitchen knife, I pricked my little finger and touched a circular black ball emitting a soothing blue light. The ball wrapped itself around me beneath my clothes, shielding me from the biting cold.

Having secured my defenses against the cold, I ventured to my room. There, I found John and the others sound asleep. Quietly opening the window, I manipulated the Picobot clothes to resemble an assassin's attire, dark from head to toe with a hood concealing my face. A tense moment preceded my leap from the second floor, and as I landed, an eerie quietness enveloped the surroundings, broken only by the chirping of insects.

Climbing the stone wall with the help of a stool and some boxes, I crossed the wall and stood outside the orphanage's perimeter. A relieved sigh escaped me, though the reason behind it eluded my understanding. Crossing the road, I approached the wall that separated the outer area from the fruit forest owned by a wealthy man.

Facing this new challenge, I turned to the System store, searching for tools to aid my climb. The Flying Cloud of the Monkey King caught my eye, and I promptly purchased it. Summoning the Flying Nimbus, I rode it to the top of the wall, where a breathtaking view of rows of artistically arranged fruit trees and an eccentric mansion awaited.

Descending into the forest using the nimbus, I reached above the mansion and summoned a purchased bunker beneath it. A teleportation talisman was my next acquisition, enabling me to teleport into the bunker. As I tore the talisman, I found myself in a fancily decorated space, transcribed with magic arrays and inscribed with spells. A bathroom became my sanctuary for the impending bloodline change.

With a determined gaze, I reopened the system store, my fingers moving with newfound purpose. The options unfolded before me like a cosmic tapestry, each bloodline beckoning with promises of power untold.

Swiftly, I selected the Bloodline of the Primordial Dragon, envisioning the majestic creature's might coursing through my veins. The display glowed with confirmation, the ancient lineage now a part of my being. Fire and fury intertwined, awaiting my command.

Next in line was the Bloodline of the Primordial Phoenix, a symbol of rebirth and unyielding resilience. As the purchase finalized, I could almost feel the ethereal flames of the mythical bird enveloping me, a promise of renewal and indomitable spirit.

The Primordial Vampire's Bloodline was my next choice, a dark and alluring force. It whispered of shadows and seduction, the mastery over life essence flowing through the ages. Immortality became more than a mere concept; it was now a tangible thread woven into my existence.

The Bloodline of the Primordial Angel followed suit, radiating purity and celestial grace. Wings of divine energy unfurled within me, granting the ethereal ability to soar to heights untouched by mortal aspirations. Light and benevolence intertwined with my essence.

Last but not least, the Primordial Demon's Bloodline was acquired, a dark mirror to the angelic radiance. It spoke of infernal power and the chaos that lay within. Flames of damnation danced in my consciousness, a reminder that balance was a delicate dance between both light and shadow.

Common among these extraordinary bloodlines was the manipulation of energy that transcended the limits of mortal comprehension. The very fabric of reality seemed to bow to my newfound abilities. Control over the elements became an extension of my will, and an innate affinity with the forces that shaped the cosmos rested at the core of my being.

As I closed the virtual window of the system store, a sense of awe and anticipation enveloped me. The Primordial bloodlines now converged within, a symphony of power waiting to be conducted. With each heartbeat, I could feel the ancient energies awakening, and the journey that lay ahead seemed both daunting and exhilarating.

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