
Reborn again with infinite shop system

In the vast expanse devoid of light, a young man, floats miraculously amid countless souls heading towards a reincarnation pool. Here, memories are erased, and new lives are born. However, an unexpected interruption occurs when a mysterious girl appears, observing the oblivious man sleeping amidst the impending cosmic transition. Meet Arthur Ceilo, an ordinary guy with a penchant for anime, navigating life with a part-time job. He faces a life-altering accident, Transported to a void, Arthur finds himself surrounded by diverse beings—humans, animals, demons, vampires, dragons—all in transit. His journey takes an unexpected pause, leading him to a meeting with Juna, the Goddess of Void. In this ethereal encounter, Arthur learns of his demise, partly caused by Juna herself. To make amends, she offers him a unique proposition: one wish and a chance to return to his past life at the age of ten. **-------------** Author's Note :- Hello! Author here, I wanted to inform you that English is my secondary language. While I am working diligently to improve my proficiency, there might be instances where my expressions or choice of words may not fully align with native English speakers. I appreciate your understanding and welcome any guidance or corrections you may have. Thank you for your patience, and I look forward to our continued communication. **-------------**

WordWarrior · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 10: Getting first Yandre wife or Servant?

In the ethereal embrace of the ancient winds, Emma gradually regained her senses. Her eyes, wide with a mix of wonder and trepidation, focused on the otherworldly being that stood before her. The air seemed to shimmer around him, as if touched by the very essence of magic that emanated from his presence.

His voice, a melody woven with the whispers of forgotten realms, resonated in the air like a haunting refrain. Each word carried the weight of centuries, and as she listened, it was as if the secrets of the cosmos unfolded in the cadence of his speech. There was a grace to his words, an otherworldly rhythm that transcended the mundane and drew her into the enchantment of the moment.

As the echoes of his voice lingered in the air, a sense of awe washed over her. The world had shifted, revealing layers unseen, and in this encounter with the otherworldly being, she felt the pulse of a reality that defied the limits of her understanding. In the presence of this enigmatic figure, she stood at the threshold of the extraordinary, poised on the brink of a journey into the unknown.

Emma, her voice steadied by a newfound courage, greeted the otherworldly being with a simple yet resolute "Hi! Who are you?" Her eyes, a mix of curiosity and fascination, searched for answers in the celestial depths of his gaze.

Amused by her reaction, Arthur, a figure teetering on the brink of godhood, couldn't help but offer a cryptic response. "I am god," he declared, his words carrying a weight that resonated with the energies of the primordial bloodlines coursing through his veins. There was a playful undertone to his revelation, a recognition of the extraordinary nature of his existence.

In that moment, the air seemed to shimmer with the revelation, and Emma stood at the intersection of the ordinary and the divine. The word hung in the space between them, laden with the potential for untold adventures and revelations. As she processed the enigmatic declaration, Emma felt the boundaries of reality blur, and a sense of awe washed over her—a mortal encountering a being on the cusp of godhood.

Arthur approached the woman with a casual smile, inquiring about her identity. "Now that I have introduced myself, what about you?" Emma, feeling baffled by the shamelessness or honesty, responded a little unreally. "Oh, I'm Emma Arison, the sole Heiress of Arison Enterprises."

Listening to the name of Arison Enterprises, all the bits of information that Arthur knew from his past life came together, forming a clear image of a powerful target for his family. In the vast landscape of international commerce, the concept of Arison Enterprise took shape in Arthur's mind—a dynamic business entity interwoven with global connections. Imagining a venture that transcends borders, Arison stood tall as a beacon of innovation, reliability, and cross-continental influence. They engaged in various businesses, importing goods from different countries, making deals, and sponsoring newcomers in their respective fields. With this kind of thinking, they became a global powerhouse capable of facing a country on their own.

Realizing he was lost in his own thoughts, Arthur asked her strangely, "Would you like to serve me?" Hearing this, Emma was once again baffled by this man or god's shameless proclamation. Although surprised, she was one of the best scientists in the history of mankind, albeit only in the field of biology. She quickly asked, "Our Arson enterprise rules all over the world in one way. I can get whatever I want in this world. What makes you think I will follow you? What can you give me that can make me follow you willingly?"

Upon hearing her answer, a genuine surprise swept over Arthur. After all, he had boldly proclaimed himself as a god, expecting a certain level of awe or submission. However, her response defied his expectations; she didn't succumb to his offer as he had anticipated. It was a moment of revelation, a realization that not every encounter would unfold according to the script he had envisioned. In her resistance, there lingered an unforeseen dynamic that added an intriguing layer to the unfolding narrative.

Coming out of his thoughts, Arthur said, "I can give you immortality. Not only you, I can give it to your whole family. I can also give you a garden full of exotic plants that cannot be found in this world. So, what do you think?" Hearing his answer, Emma was honestly surprised and quickly said, "Yes."

Arthur leaned in, suggesting he had something to do. Emma, wide-eyed and eager, pledged her readiness for anything he had in store. Arthur, with an enigmatic smirk, leaned even closer and, in a surprising move, bit Emma's neck gently. A surge of power coursed through her, leaving her entranced and utterly enamored.

As Emma gasped, Arthur revealed, "Just a little taste of something extraordinary." The night continued with Emma now under the influence of Arthur's supernatural bite, her devotion unwavering and the spark of fanaticism burning brightly in her eyes. The journey into the unknown had begun, and the ordinary had given way to the extraordinary.