
The encounter

On the following morning, my mum woke me up to help me get ready for breakfast. At the dinner table, Mum said "Dante your dad and I want you to know, we are sorry you didn't get a good quirk and we will do whatever it takes to help you achieve your dreams" She paused.

"And no matter what, we will always love and suppose you." She ended with a beautiful smile.

"Yeah" agreed my dad.

"Don't worry, son. You will be great no matter what. Even if you don't use your quirk after all, you are my son," he added.

This brought a smile to my face and tears to my ey… I mean water to my lips. I thanked them for their words, hugged them, and quickly ran upstairs to my room.

I sat on my bed, smiling happily. You know what, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that they were right. Even if I don't use my quirk, I will still have quirk-level skills like haki and the breathing techniques with those I can easily make a name for myself as a hero. Yea, no need to feel sorry for myself. I don't need the quirk.

"I will be the greatest hero ever!" I said with a joyous boast.

"Pathetic" a cold and disgusted voice came from behind me.

I quickly turned around in search of the source of the voice only to find my surroundings changing from my bedroom to a dark void with nothing but darkness. But I could feel a liquid flowing past my feet. I was terrified, I was randomly transported to a place where I was devoid of sight and could only feel this liquid flowing without me noticing until it was too late.

I franticly turned about trying to locate anyone or a light.

"Hello is anyone there?" I questioned.

"Can anyone help me?" I asked with fear, becoming pronounced in my voice.

"Is there anyone there" I shouted in terror, the fear completely feeling me.

"How pathetic" the cold and disgusted voice I heard before judged.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" I asked, too terrified to pay attention to his early remark.

 "What do I want?" the voice asked.

"I want you to stop being such a little b*tch."  He demanded, which caught me off-guard.


"Who are you? Come on, show yourself" I shouted to my surroundings. His voice sounds oddly familiar.

"Me?" he questioned.

Slowly, the black waters at my feet began to gather and take shape. I slowly formed a human shape roughly my height and size. Then water formed into a person, the water was dark, and I was in a place with no light, yet I could still see it. The pure black eyes, nose, hair, everything as clear as day. What was more unsettling was that I knew it, I would recognize those features anywhere. It looked like me.

"Me?" it said, placing a hand on its chin like it was thinking of an answer.

"Why, I'm you, of course." He answered.

"Who else could I possibly be?" He asked with a confused tone.

If I wasn't terrified before. Now, I was filled with fear. I've seen this movie before, I knew what was going to happen next and I didn't like it. I was too young to die.

"PPPPlease let me go" I stuttered.

"I…. I'm just a kid-

"Shut up" he snapped.

"Look at you. Do you not see how pathetic you are? Don't you realize how much of a disgrace you are?" he questioned angrily.

"You have been cheated by this ROB, and yet here you are, grinning happily.  

where is your anger? Where is your rage? You were so scared of being rejected by your family so much so that you even stooped to kneeling and begged him for help. The same person that cheated you, deceived you. Treated your life as though it were a mere plaything, and you begged him."

"F*ck that! I will not allow it. I will not condone it. You are not allowed to be weak. You are simply not allowed" he ordered.

"You were nothing. Everyone looked down upon you. They didn't expect much from you. You didn't expect much from yourself. Just another poor sap that nobody loved and was going to die alone in some hole in the ground. You are nothing."

"This was our chance. This is our chance to be something, to be someone. To prove them wrong. To prove to everyone that we are important and that our life has meaning. Yet you run. You run from your anger. You run from your rage. F*ck you even run from your own quirk."


"Because it hurts? Because of a little pain? Because it burns?"

"SHUT UP!!" I screamed

"What do you want? What can I do? He is ROB for heaven's sake. How I'm I supposed to compete? How can I rebel? I don't even stand a chance. He gave me this new life he can literally take it away. What can I do against such a person?" I cried with helplessness.

Of course, I was angry but what could I do? He was not saying anything that deep down I didn't already know.

"You are right. There is nothing you can do. But why give up your pride? Why give up your quirk? Why give up your quirk?" He asked

"It is yours to decide. They are yours to decide"

"So, I say. Fuck the pain. Fuck everyone. Fuck. That. ROB. This is our life!

If he doesn't like it then he should do something about it." He roared with vigour and sheer malice.

I don't know when I left that place but I was back in my room sitting on my bed. As for how long sat there I do not know but his words kept going through my mind. After a while, my mind was made up.

"Fuck the pain. Fuck ROB. This is my quirk".

"It's my life."