
Reborn [Being Rewritten]

Tsuki-Yomi. She was reborn and asked to chose a power of choice. Now she is given a chance to start from the beginning, What will she change? How will she change the world?

Aalis · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 6 - The monster hidden in the mist

"Aut vincere aut mori"The grand hall of the traditional estate was bustling with life, glowing lanterns hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the polished wooden floors. The walls were lined with delicate silk embroidery, their vibrant colours enhanced by the flickering candlelight. In one corner, a group of musicians played soft, melodious tunes, their music blending seamlessly with the murmur of voices and the clinking of porcelain cups.Wealthy merchants and their families, dressed in the finest silks and adorned with precious jewels, gathered to discuss business, politics, and social affairs under the hospitality of the second Mizukage. The men wore elaborate kimonos and haori jackets, while the women displayed a stunning array of colourful kimonos, their hair styled into intricate updos decorated with combs and pins. The air was filled with the delicate scent of incense, mingling with the aroma of exquisite food laid out on low tables, inviting guests to indulge.Amidst the grandeur, Yomi walked through the groups of people talking. Her white hair and red eyes turned into luxurious black. She wore a beautiful white and gold robe with floral patterns flowing gracefully as she moved. She had to admit Kakuzu had an high for sophisticated Kimonos, she wondered if he was the son of a rich family or something. Her demeanour was poised and elegant, every step taken with the grace of someone born into high society, she played her part well blending into the scenery.Trailing behind her was Kakuzu, his imposing figure hidden beneath an elaborate oni mask, his presence was both intimidating and protective, a silent guardian who ensured no harm would come to his lady. The red and black kimono he wore accentuated his muscular frame, his menacing aura kept lecherous eyes at bay.As Yomi moved through the crowd, she drew the attention of many guests. Her beauty and poise, combined with the enigmatic figure of Kakuzu behind her, created a sense of mystery that intrigued those around her. Conversations paused and heads turned, whispers spreading like wildfire as the guests speculated about the identity of the striking young woman and her fearsome companion.Yomi maintained her composure, gracefully acknowledging the respectful bows and curious glances sent her way. She approached a duo who seemed open to conversation. With a subtle nod from Kakuzu, she stepped forward, her voice soft yet commanding as she introduced herself."Good evening, this is quite a well arranged gathering isn't it?""Yes It is, and I dare say- the gathering just became much more enjoyable.." The man who spoke had a cold voice. Straight black hair that falls past his shoulders, adorned with small decorative beads. He had a calm and composed demeanour, almost stoic. He was their employer; so Yomi was courteous."I could say the same to you.." She said bring her gold fan to her face, only her dark eyes could be seen and they looked quite sensual. "Sozo Amatsu"The black-haired man raised his bow at her name, "Arakawa Yuma.""I am Uzumaki Ikue" The other woman said. She was a beautiful red haired with a traditional hair ornament featuring white flowers and golden hairpins sitting gracefully on her hair. She was wearning a red kimono adorned with subtle, flame-like patterns, complemented by a white inner layer and an intricately tied obi. She was beautiful. She reminded her of Nagato."It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, I have never seen such beautiful red hair before, are you from a clan per chance?" Yomi asked."Yes I am, I wonder how popular the Uzumaki clan is on the other side.""Unfortunately my country is quite isolated, If I knew there was a clan of beautiful women I would have come to Kirigakure sooner.""You're such a smooth talker; Arakawa, where have you been hiding her?"Yuma laughed, "If I had hid her I would never have let her out, lease you eat her whole."Yomi kept polite conversation with them before moving to another group. Kakuzu remained a silent sentinel. As the evening progressed, Yomi and Kakuzu navigated the intricate social web of the wealthy elite, gathering information and making valuable connections. Introduce the kage's party, he mentions an up and coming merchant is attending."Announcing, the second Mizukage, Gengetsu Hōzuki!"The second Mizukage walked into the room with his head held high. He had silly blond, slicked-back hair. A tall and imposing stature, with a confident and slightly arrogant demeanour. Dressed in a distinctive grey striped coat with a high collar, layered over a black shirt and green pants."Please everyone, do not let me interrupt you, enjoy the festivities!"'If you wanted us to not to be interrupted why interrupt us?'Yomi's smile widened in amusement but she carried on as instructed. The night came to an end a few hours later, Kakuzu and Yomi left in a carriage they came with. The district boss spared no expense in making sure this job was done perfectly, he had even prepared a place to stay so they could keep up their façade."So, what do you think?" she asked Kakuzu once they were alone in the carriage. Kakuzu performed a few hand signs, placing a seal around them."He's not as scary as the first Hokage. I could kill him if the assassination doesn't work."Yomi nodded. "I only had a second to pass him, so I could only drop a few on him. It'll take a few days for the cells to cross the skin barrier since I couldn't get it in his wine.""What are the chances he'll find out?" Kakuzu asked."You said it yourself, I have no identifiable chakra, unless someone can separate my cells from his and identify them as mine.""Then how many days?"Yomi closed her eyes, concentrating. "About three days should be long enough."The carriage jolted suddenly. Kakuzu released his seal and stuck his head out the window. "What's going on out there!?""My apologies, it seems there's a thug fight happening. We'll get rid of them," the driver said."Thug fight? Let me see this," Yomi said. Kakuzu opened the carriage door for her."You brat! Just you wait! We'll beat you up properly this time!"As she approached the group of kids, she heard shouting."Let me go! Fight me one on one, cowards!"She peeked through the scruffy heads to see who was being cornered.'Is that a shark?'Spiky dark blue hair and odd-looking blue skin with gills, he looked absolutely feral with sharp canines, all beat and bruised. Yomi was intrigued—a shark person was new to her."What you gonna do? No one's gonna stand up for you!" one of the kids taunted."I'll kill you!" the shark kid screamed before attacking."Kakuzu," Yomi said, and he moved, incapacitating the kids. The fish boy looked up at the tall man in the oni mask with fear in his eyes."What do you want from me? Don't come closer!""Just knock him out."Kakuzu obeyed and knocked the kid out.'Kidnapping is still a crime, you know?'Yomi rolled her eyes. "Let's go," she said to Kakuzu, who picked up the boy by his shirt and dragged him along.The small shark kid woke up suddenly, anxiously looking around. His heart pounded as his eyes darted from one corner of the room to the other, taking in his unfamiliar surroundings. The room was clean and tastefully decorated, with tatami mats on the floor and shoji screens casting a soft light. He noticed he was bandaged up and lying on a soft futon, a far cry from the rough streets where he had been before.He struggled to sit up, wincing at the pain from his bruises. As he did, a servant entered the room, bowing politely."Good morning. How are you feeling?" the servant asked, a hint of concern in his voice.The shark kid eyed him warily, ready to fight if necessary. "Where am I? Who are you people?" he demanded, his voice hoarse."You are safe here. Our lady took you in and had you treated. She wishes to see you now. Please, follow me," the servant replied gently, gesturing for him to follow.The boy hesitated but curiosity got the better of him. He got to his feet, feeling the tenderness of his wounds, and followed the servant down a corridor. They walked in silence, the only sound being the soft padding of their footsteps on the wooden floor.The servant slid open a door, revealing an open room overlooking a traditional Japanese garden with a koi pond, meticulously pruned trees, and a small stone bridge. In the room, Yomi sat gracefully, arranging flowers. She was still in her disguise, her hair a sleek black in a low ponytail with a simple hairpin sporting a pair of wings."Lady Sozo, the young man is here," the servant announced, bowing before stepping aside.Yomi looked up from her arrangement, her expression warm and inviting. "Thank you. You may leave us," she said softly, dismissing the servant. She then turned her attention to the shark boy, her eyes scanning his features with a hint of curiosity."Come, sit," she gestured to a cushion opposite her.The boy approached cautiously, his eyes never leaving hers as he sat down. "Why did you save me?" he asked bluntly, his voice filled with suspicion.Yomi continued to work on her floral arrangement, her movements fluid and serene. "You were in trouble, and I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. What's your name?" she asked, looking at him with genuine interest.He hesitated for a moment before answering, "My name is Kisame.""Kisame," Yomi repeated, smiling. "I was curious; I had never seen a shark person before.""Well, I'm not some toy for you to gawk at," he said with a glare. Yomi laughed at his reaction."Naturally. Tell me how to contact your parents; I'll send you home."His eyes seemed to sadden. "I don't have any," he said sharply, still in defense mode."Oh really? Then would you like to stay with me? At least until I leave Kirigakure."Kisame frowned. "What do you want from me?" he asked, his guard still up.Yomi placed the final flower in the arrangement and sat back, admiring her work for a moment before focusing on him. "What could you possibly give me that I would want?" she scoffed, which angered him."I have plenty!""Like what?"He choked on his words; she was right, he had nothing."Now, you can choose to leave or to stay here. I really don't care. If you stay here, I'll give you food, shelter, and clothing. If you leave, I will give you some money and send you off."Kisame looked at her, confused. "Why would you help someone like me? I'm just a street kid."Yomi's gaze softened. "I guess you're just lucky." There was no special reason; he was just lucky. Somehow, that was comforting to Kisame, who could finally relax a little.Kisame looked down, processing her words. No one had ever spoken to him like this before. "I want to be a Shinobi," he admitted quietly.Yomi looked at him, confused. Why was he telling her? Was it her business?"I want to go to the academy. I—" he picked up the courage to ask. "If you send me to the academy, I will forever be in your debt!" He bowed his head until it hit the table.Yomi was silent for a moment, watching him. The will to live and survive—she admired that."Alright."He shot up, his wide eyes looking at her. "Really!?" he asked, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Would she really send him to the academy just like that?"If I didn't agree, you would have found a way to go. You are that kind of person," she said with a sigh.For the first time, a smile spread across his face. "Thank you! Thank you, Sozo-sama!"Part of her felt displeasure. Giving him an education was enough to make him so happy? She forced a smile on her face. This was the first time meeting someone from genuine poverty. The idea that something just handed over to her in her past life was enough to make him this happy was upsetting."Ask, and you shall receive. Since it is within my capabilities, why not?"Reaching out to a cup of water, her skin split open, and blood dripped into the cup. "Drink this. You'll get better quicker. I'll ask Kakuzu to train you."He nodded and drank without a second thought."Do you even know what you're drinking?" Yomi asked, perplexed. Who drinks blood just because someone tells them to?He gulped down his drink and dropped his cup on the table. "I trust you. Since you said you would help me, I will trust you," he beamed.'You like him after all.''Shut up, he's just a brat.''Hehehe. A brat you're fond of.'"There is something I will always appreciate Kisame, someone who pushes past death. Have you heard of the saying 'Momento Mori'?"Kisame shook his head listening intently."Remember that you must die." She said, her voice engraving itself into his memory. "Either way, death will come for all of us so don't hold back and surpass it."That afternoon, Yomi found Kakuzu who had been training."No," he said."Please, I promise he's a good student! Just teach him the basics! Just the very basics!" she begged."Are you the one with Jutsu? I think not. What do you know about teaching?" he said. "Taking care of one pipsqueak is enough. I cannot deal with another.""Please, I promise to earn us more money!"He paused. "Go on." He was always all ears when it came to earning money."I've been thinking about it since Yahiko left. I want to get stronger in my own way to protect him when the time comes. Yesterday I realized that the best way I could do that right now was money. So I want to start a family."He looked confused. "Like a clan?" She shook her head."A family. I want us to join the underworld."He looked at her like she was crazy. The underworld wasn't a place for a shinobi, much less a child like her. She knew he didn't think she could handle it, but she had made up her mind."After this gig, I will start a family—the Sozo family.""You're crazy," he said."I know."He looked into her determined eyes and couldn't help but feel... proud? "Fine, where's the kid?"She jumped up, hugging his sweaty body. "Thank you, Kakuzu!" He froze, but eventually, he hugged her back.