
Reborb To Kill (DXD)

(USED TO BE WOLF KNIGHT IN DXD) Owen Black and Walter C Dornzes have only one thing in common. They could kill and they loved it. When they both died their souls did not pass on to hell, but were fuzed together in a sloppy slurry and sent off in the past of a different world. How will the result take it to be here?

BlackSwordman1234 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

British or American, Both?

As Walter walked past the vast fields of wheat he picked one strand and placed it in his mouth. He may not have a cig at this moment, but he could sure as well look the part. First thing he needed was to figure out where he was, when he was, and if he should speak British or American.

They may speak the same language, but Brits just had a funny way with words which because of his conflicting nationalities was a real mind fuck.

"Oh well I'll just speak as it comes to me."

He felt that if he did not pick up the pace he may never get out of this wheat fields so he started to run and one good thing is that he in no way would put Owen or Walter to shame.

If anything he was better than they were as he had all the best of their traits and none of the weakness. He was the sum of their parts, but he did not intend to follow in old Walter or Owen's foot steps.

They sold themselves for a fleeting dream and he had no intention to sale himself. He spat out the wheat in his mouth as he found a small town and he walked in. As it was already nearing night most people were going to bed, but a few were still awake.

Just looking at them they looked like America's, but they were dressed more like people from from the early 20th century. Of course this was ok for him as Walter grew up in the 20th century and he even fought in ww2 against the Nazis.

A older man who looked like a farmer was putting away his tractor so Walter walked up to him. He even spoke with a British accent and he even could speak with a American one if he so choose.

"Oy, got a cigarette?"

The farmer scoffed at Walker and shook his head.

"Brat you look younger than my son, what you doing trying to smoke. Dressed kind of sharp ain't you?"

Walter glanced at his outfit and he did look out of place. However he noticed the pack of cigarettes' in the farmers pocket and he waved his fingers and his before the farmer noticed his pack and lighter was gone.

Walter lit himself one and took a long drag on it.

"The hell is this? Tastes like shit?"

The farmer did not even see anything wrong and now Walter had both his cigarettes and his lighter.

"Brat how did you do that?"

Walter threw the back, but kept three for himself.

"Slight of hands old man. Now care to answer some questions for me?"

"What you want brat?"

"When are we?"

The farmer shrugged and answered.

"June 5, 1938,You really are lost aren't you?"

Walter thought about it and the war in Europe which should be starting in less than a year. He took a drag on the cigarette and asked another question.

"What state are we in?"

The farmer face palmed as this kid must have hit his head or really got so drunk he forgot his own name."

"Kentucky, besides shouldn't you introduce yourself kid. Not only did you steal some of my cigarettes you also have been asking question after question."

Walter smiled and he placed a hand on his chest and introduced himself.

"Walter Owen C Black is my name. You."

"Chase Owens, kid really are weird. You sound like a Brit."

Walter smiled and out of nowhere his accent was gone and replacing it was a American one.

"Good to know, I should talk like this then. Well you most certainly have bene helpful. If we meet again in a few years I will buy you a beer."

Walter walked away, but Chase whistled after him.

"Hey Walter brat?"

Walter looked back and a pack of cigarettes was thrown at him.

"Keep them, as long as you can smoke in moderation their yours. I will be waiting for that beer from you in time."

Walter walked away before waving goodbye. He might come back here as he was still a super soldier he could choose when to stop aging. For now he would keep this kid like form as he really could see it messing with people.

One thing about Owen he got was his love of messing with others. He never missed a chance to piss of his superiors and now he had a goal. Walter and Alucard at one point massacred Nazi vampires and it was is turn to have a service.

Of course instead of fighting for the Brits he would do so for the American's for a time. He would be a mercenary and it would give him a chance to find out if their was more from this world than just history.

Would this be a copy of Earth with no vampires, no super soldiers or was their more. As he walked in this small town he grabbed a map and decided to go to New York.

The war would start in a year and if he wanted to be see any croutes he would have to prove his mettle. Sadly the fact he had no backing in this world was holding him back. He was not about to serve someone, but a organization would be helpful.

He sighed and he found a old car which he slashed off a part of the window to reach his hand in. He jump started the car and drove off, he would have to apologize to whoever's car this was, but he had no intention to run all the way to New York.

He did not think that even Alucard would do something like that, and Owen would have. He drove at the max speed this car could go which was nothing compared to the vehicles of even the early 21st century, not to mention the late 21st century.

He drove for about 10 hours nonstop as he had no need for sleep and when he drove into New York he could see how the city was not great as the Great Depression was still a thing.

One good thing was that it would soon end as soon as Hitler invaded Poland in a year. Walter parked the car and lit himself a second cigarette after he had not smoked one since he finished his first.

When he got out of the car he got a few looks for how young he was and the cigarette, but it was nothing more than a few glances. Walter did not mind it as this was the 20th century and their were less laws.

He left the car as it was not even his and the big square shaped hole did not do him any favors. He left the car and walked to a one of the few recruitment offices and walked right in.

The soldiers all looked at him with a few chuckles at his sharp dressed look and the cigarette in his mouth. Walter walked up to the recruiter and smiled before puffing smoke.

"I want to enlist."

"Boy do you look over 18?"

"No, but I can be persuasive."

The soldier looked to be in his late 20s and looked to be white, and about 6'1 which was similar to Walter who was 6'3, but it was nothing compared to Owen who was 6'9 so Walter did not mind it.

The man broke out laughing, before he pointed at the door.

"Kid it is going to take more than a little cigarette to prove you are mature. Go to your mom before she worries for you."

As Walter's hands were behind his back he smiled and shifted his hands which caused his Monofilament Wires to wrap around the soldiers entire body in less than a second.

The soldiers were shocked and one of then looked at the near invisible wires and he felt nervous looking at them. Walter tightened them a little around the soldier, but not enough to hurt him.

The man was worried about him, so he could give him credit, however he needed to show of a little if he wanted to be taken seriously. He was after a all a kid at the moment and only power would be respected.

"Do not struggle, these Monofilament wires are made of a very special steel. Even a slight movement could result in you ending up in chucks, and neither of us want that do we lad."

A movement of the fingers and the wires were removed and back in the gloves. The group of soldiers looked at Walter with a bit of fear, but they felt this kid was a jack pot.

Their was a special division in the army full of powered peple and this kid could get them rewarded. The one who was used as a test dummy sat down and pulled out a pen.


Walter smiled and answered.

"Walter Owen C Black."



"State of Birth?"


The reason he said that was that Owen was from Texas so he just rolled with it. A few more basic question and Walter was given a dog tag with his name. As he was atheist the religion said N/A.

The soldier who took down the date looked at him with quite a bit of fear, but respect.

"Welcome private, sir. I am Officer Zane Mathews, and you will more than likely join the special division of the armed forces. People like you are sent their all the time."

Walter's icy grey eyes gazed at Zane and a mere twitch of his fingers would make these soldiers flinch.

"People like me is it? Tell me more."

Zane swallowed the saliva in his mouth and said what he knew.

"I don't know much, the higher ups keep it more secret. I only know that they said if any 'special' people came to enlist them regardless of age. That is all I know."

Walter taped his finger on his chin in a similar way that Owen used to when he thought.

"Thank you Zane, can I leave or will someone come for me then."

"I would stay, we deal with normal soldiers, special people like you have their own training camp."

Walter sat down on a chair and raised his feet on the table. He only had about 5 cigarettes left so he choose to save them for later. He started to sort through more memories of one thing he was glad carried over was Walter's no how of guns.

He could make himself the Jackal and the Casull for himself. He knew how to make them, and he had the strength to wield them with ease. This super soldier body would put Captain America to shame as it was just that good.

The bad thing is that unlike Alucard he did not have spatial clips attached to his guns that allowed him to fire with our relodging. As Walter thought of his future toys his for a few minutes after Zane made a phone call to someone.

Walter did not pay attention at all, as he was thinking of even making the gun Walter had made for Seres the spawn of Alucard. Just from memory she was strong and Walter cared for her more than he let on.

"You might have been a fool, but your foolishness' led to me."

Zane glanced at Walter who was talking to himself.

"Who you talking about?"

"Oh someone I remember, I guess you can call him one of my parents. He is the one who taught me how to use these wires in a way."

Zane looked at the gloves and bit the bait.

"Can just anyone use them?"

"You? HAHAHHAHAHAHA, you would kill yours-"

He froze mid sentence as his eyes locked on the door and the sound of boots hitting the floor. Walter stood up and flexed his fingers ready for anything.

When Walter saw who it was he had to say this proved he was not alone in this world. The middle aged man who walked in felt extremely strong and he thought the same when he looked at Walter.

He glanced at the wires floating around Walter and he felt the danger and he popped his wrist in case he needed to put a brat in his place. However Walter did something that impressed him, he backed off and returned his wires to his glove.

Walter had been only using a very small amount of wire as he had not felt the need to go all out. This guy he felt while weaker than Alucard he would be much more troublesome.

"Well you are smart brat. You must be Walter, are those wires a sacred gear or were they manufactured?"

"Manufactured, even if I let you study them finding someone who could make more would take forever. Not to mention using them, so you must be the leader of this so called Special Division."

"So called? My name is General Nathan Willis, I have a sacred gear which will be explained later. Now come along Walter."

Walter shrugged and followed behind the General. He felt that this world may actually hold some challenge for him. Now he wanted to know what sacred gears are, but they would tell him in time.

Outside was a army jeep which Walter got in the back with the General as two soldiers who also felt like the General drove them.

"Welcome to the Supernatural Division of the Armed forces. We deal with supernatural threats to the United States."

'So like Hellsing Origination but instead of England it's for America. Fine for me.' As they drove to this boot camp or whatever Walter was back in his memories which would be a common thing as they were his life line.

It messed with my mind that Natzi, does not have a t and is spelled Nazi. Also this dxd fic has more militiristic use of sacred gears and devils and the other factions will come to play in time. Walter will not join a peerage. Hower he will work with others and for others if he sees a reason to.

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