

The destiny to become the strongest mage of the modern era in combat. Potential that eclipses even that of Barthomeloi. He alone, is the honoured one. A/N: While he is basically another Gojo he does not have any of Gojo's "cursed techniques"but he does have the magecraft replica.

Hans_Shonagon · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Satoru!" I turned around to find Gray, the student of El Melloi II, following behind me. I promptly turned around and grinned "Never thought I'd have Gray of all people chasing me." She timidly glared before handing over a letter with El Melloi's signature. I raised my eyebrow as I quickly skimmed over the contents before burning it. "Another hunt for a rouge mage?" Gray walked back before turning around, "Satoru, do you mind helping me work on a domain later?"

That's right, there was no way I had all this power and freedom simply because I was strong, no I had to contribute to the clocktower in a major way which was in my case, domains. Bounded fields but taken to the extreme. You construct a barrier that has the same effect as the Schrödinger effect. Essentially you hide what's inside the domain from the world, Gaia. Therefore since the inside of the domain is hidden Gaia won't know what's inside the barrier therefore you construct the interior of the domain with a mental environmental image along with the sure-hit effect. Last thing to do is to imbue a spell into the domain. It is simple in theory but the time it takes in combat to construct a bounded domain must be fast enough before the enemy kills you which is why those steps must be completed within seconds. Of course doing it is harder.

I quickly set out to finish this task off before relaxing for the rest of the week. Though I'd still have to help out Gray. Everyone's been going on the domain trend seeing as it's one of the few magecraft that doesn't get weaker the more people use it as each domain is different and it depends on the user. So realistically the domain is as weak as the spell imbued in it.

I flick my glasses back on as the information floods my view. I'd rather not live in super range definition. The trip to the forest where the mage lived wasn't too far off from the clocktower so that was a plus. Got to give it to the mage for thinking outside the box, no one's gonna look in their own garden for someone that's running away from the house. That is, unless you're Barthomeloi.

I stepped out of the car as I took off my glasses before checking for any magical energy signatures.

"Cursed Technique Maximum Output: Blue"

I poured as much prana as needed as the void of space was generated inside the middle of the house.

The space contorted and cracked as everything was sucked into the source of the negative space and crushed without mercy. "Welp, job done. You can go send in the clean up team and retrieve anything if it survived.

I heard a small snort "He's still as non-standard as ever."

A clap of my hands as the spacial coordinates distort between my destination and my current location. Back at home in Fuyuki, the turf of the Holy Grail War. Of course I was going to participate. Why not? A battle royale between legendary heroes duking it out. Amazing! With that in mind, I needed a catalyst for the heroic spirit in question.

Gray was continuing to try expand a domain of her own. "Satoru, if you don't have a special innate inherited spell like your limitless. How exactly do you imbue the domain with the spell for the sure-hit?" I smirked "Well, what determines a spell or rather a different way to cast a spell?"

Gray thought about it for a bit before answering "A magic circle?" I snapped my fingers with a little gun flick "Bingo! Now if you want to have the domain cast the spell, what do you do?" Gray lit up in anticipation before trying again. "Domain Expansion: Gandr" The internal image Gray had chosen was a graveyard as a huge black domed sphere was formed surrounding the area.

"Oho, quite interesting. Now let's see the sure-hit effect." It shouldn't matter if infinity is activated. A quiet thrum from the barrier was heard as gandr spells started launching from different parts of the domain space. "Nice!" I slapped away a few with a layer of prana surrounding my fists as a barrier.

The domain soon cracked and shattered as Gaia erased the inconsistency. In that moment the last hit of gandr simply stopped near my face. "Looks like the sure-hit definitely works. All that's left is to make sure you can maintain the domain longer and have it more refined."

Gray smiled before leaving with a small bounce. I waved her goodbye as I thought about what to do for the Holy Grail War. "What to do? What to do?" I pondered as I popped another lollipop into my mouth. I flipped open the phone before dialling a convenient number at the top of my list.

[Beer Can]

If Lorolei found out who this was, she'd try have my head on a platter delivered straight to her desk. The phone rung a few times before a slurred voice came through. "Oya? If it isn't Satoru~ What can Onee-chan do for you this time?" That was correct, this was Sumire, one of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors.

"Eh nice hearing from you too, Beer Can. I heard you found a few trinkets at the bottom of some of the lakes you've been in. Got anything catalyst worthy?"

She hummed before asking, "You got any more of that old Gojo family booze?" I smirked "Two barrels."

"Mou~ Make it five, I'll have to go through the trouble of sneaking into London with Lorolei there."

I hummed back, "I think four."

A giggle came back through the other end. "Deal! Onee-chan will see you there soon at the same spot."

It was tough dealing with the Beer Can, almost perpetually drunk. Didn't help that during a meeting she was drunk enough to declare herself my big sister and then had it going as an ongoing joke. "Jeez, what a pain."

I clapped my hands together as space warped between locations as I found myself inside a small pond in the middle of the forest. There she was with a few old looking relics. "Welcome traveller, what can I get you?" I smirked "You've been reading that medieval fantasy genre haven't you?"

"I'll take em all!"