18 Update and Questions

What will you like to see more in this story?

There will be R-18 content and it will be graphic just to warn people.

How many updates you want to see a day?

Would you like to see longer chapters?

Anything I should change?

I also will be releasing a Marvel X D.C system fanfic and Akame ga kill this week.

( Best Pa.treon deal. Donate to any tier and a mass release will be sparked for any of my novels. Simply message me on Pa.treon the novel you want a mass release on. You can also choose which harem girl you want. )

Tiers start as low as 5 dollars. Thank you for your support.

( Support: https://www.pa.treon.com/ghostybones )

Take out the pa(.)treon To see the link.

Mass release will begin tomorrow if I get any kind of donation. Daily release rate is 1 or 2 chapters a day.

I plan to keep on writing for a while.

>>This chapter will be deleted after the new chapter is up<<

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