
Reboot: Mechanic

In the year 2139, the world changed. Fundamentally and irrevocably. Everything happened too quickly. The sky cracked like an egg and armored dinosaur-like monsters lurched out of the fissure. The split, though small at first, quickly widened. Within a few short hours, these beasts had overrun the world. Countries, even those who had been enemies for centuries, sounded a global alarm. Political differences were cast aside as humans scrambled to find a solution—any solution—to what became known as the Great Disaster 1.0. Human experimentations began, first in reluctance, then in earnest. As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, failure rates remained high. Desperate for results, global authorities started turning a blind eye to how experimental subjects were sourced. Countless victims were kidnapped and trafficked to state-run laboratories. Shi Tian was but one of them. But unlike those who died nameless, in pain, and unrecognizable, he had the fortune of surviving after being injected with humanity’s last hope—an integrated chip. Except… the chip remained dormant. It seemed that certain circumstances must be met before the chip could be activated. What those circumstances were, even the scientists in charge could not answer.

Idczhen · Sci-fi
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439 Chs


Old Man Chao didn't bother to beat around the bush now that he had come clean about recognizing Shi Tian. To work with one another, it was best to be honest with each other so that there would be no misunderstanding in the future.

And given that Shi Tian didn't react much in anger as most people would have done, Old Man Chao was pleased to find another great customer.

"Since you know that I'm a foreigner and have only recently arrived in Gearits City, then you should know I have no place of residency to reside in currently. I hope that you can assist me in finding a suitable place and I'll pay you back." Shi Tian calmly explained his dilemma.

Old Man Chao nodded his head.

"That is a small matter. I can get it done in about 2-3 hours or so, but the price won't be cheap. After all, it won't go through any of the legal procedures from the blood-sucking leading organization."

Nowadays, the government could be considered an old terminology for a party that was in control of a safe zone city. Instead, they are now referred to as an organization party, mainly to separate the old era from the current era.

Even the military personnel and law enforcement team currently are under a leading organization, which is responsible for the safety and management of the safe zone city.

"What's the estimated cost, Salty Rogue?" Shi Tian asked, referring to Old Man Chao as Salty Rogue.

There was a reason why Old Man Chao used a code name for himself, so Shi Tian wasn't going to be dumb and call out the name he used in public. That would be equivalent to calling out a fugitive's real name in public places.

Old Man Chao pondered for a few moments before flashing 3 fingers, "At the very minimum, you should have a deposit of 3000 Eons to be able to rent the place. Of course, the price might seem a lot, but it's worth the price."

The populated residence renting price charge was usually around 5000 Eons and above whereas the less security residence place charge was around 2500 Eons.

Thus, Old Man Chao found the need to explain the price charge of 3000 Eons, which is at least 500 Eons more than the less guarded residence area.

"Are you sure that some of the price isn't your broker's price?" Shi Tian raised an eyebrow and asked. He was sure that the price should be lower than the 2500 Eons, but because Old Man Chao needed to earn some money for the assistance, there should be a separate price charge.

A broker was no different than being a middleman or a bridge between two different subjects. And in this particular case, Old Man Chao would be the bridge between Shi Tian and the possible residence owner that would rent the place out to him.

Meanwhile, Old Man Chao didn't have any shame after being exposed by Shi Tian and even flashed a big grin.

"Hehe, this old bone of mine can't really exercise much or move around casually. Hence, this kind of money is needed for me to sustain life within Gearits City. Young Sir, please understand my predicament as well." Old Man Chao said in a not-so-sorry tone.

"If you're going to charge me that much, then the place better be decent. Otherwise, don't blame me for not paying you anything." Shi Tian snorted coldly, warning him to not attempt any foul play.

What he wanted was a somewhat secure residence that also provided some good comfort. In other words, a neutral residence that was balanced as average would be fine for him.

After all, he didn't wish to have to sleep on the concrete cold floor again. The concrete cold floor would always remind him of his previous struggle to survive after awakening.

Old Man Chao nodded his head vigorously.

"Rest assured, young sir. If the residence I found is not up to your taste, then there shall be no payment. As a broker that maneuvers around Gearits City, my reputation is on the line." He said confidently, reassuring Shi Tian of his quality work.

"Then you may text or call me once you find the residence." Shi Tian then said, directly disconnecting the call without giving Old Man Chao a chance to speak any more gibberish.

Being called young sir repeatedly had given him quite the goosebump since he wasn't used to that kind of gesture.

To him, it was better if people were more honest and showed disdain for him outright. Such people are usually the ones easy to predict and manipulate whereas the type of people like Old Man Chao are a pain to deal with. They are extremely shrewd and could smell profit from a mile away.

After disconnecting the call with Old Man Chao, Shi Tian stored his Cellos in his pocket and began to ponder his next goal.

Although Old Man Chao was a shrewd man, Shi Tian could tell he was someone that could get the job done. Hence, the matter of finding a temporary residence to reside in could be considered finished.

As for the mechanical right arm, the payment had been paid in full, so all he needed to do was wait for it to be finished. Almost all the priorities on the list of goals were completed, leaving only a few matters.

'Maybe I should use this time slot as a break…' Shi Tian thought to himself, feeling exhausted and fatigued mentally.

His physical body was fine- to the point that he felt that there was an enormous amount of energy gushing through his inner body, allowing him to remain in a perfect state. He had felt this kind of change occurring ever since the impurities were extracted, but despite so, his mind was exhausted.

From the time he had awakened, there had not been a time where he had rested properly. It was always him remaining vigilant, afraid that someone would come up from behind to harm him.

"I should relax my mind a bit…" He murmured, finding a quiet place to calm his mind.