
CHAPTER 38(The Angel)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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---2 Weeks after leaving Sunagakure...

Pouring rain can be heard outside, the cold saturated air causing Jin to paw his cup of tea as he sits at the end of a massive conference table. The grey walls of the room are bleak and bare as his current companion, the only other person in the room carefully reads all the papers before her.

She pauses once more to write on the scroll to her side, taking diligent notes undoubtedly as she ponders on the given contracts.

Brushing her long purple hair out of her face, one origami flower rests on her head matching the purple flowers on her red kimono. Konan 'God's Messenger Angel' of Amegakure carefully reads every word of the proposed deals as silence permeates the room.

Across from her the familiar transformation disguise of the humble old man representing Unity Trading casually sips his tea. His gaze never leaving the woman, as harmless as she would seem. He knows better.

'The only thing I know about her is she can use the paper for wings and projectiles, in the games she had paper bombs so I should be fine here,' he thinks to himself.

"These deals seem rather generous Mr.Unity, your company has quite a hold on the region already according to our sources." She says, a clear underlying message of 'We did our research' conveyed.

"Thank you, Ms.Angel"

"I must ask, why do you seek to reach out to the land of Rain, we don't have any notable trade or fighting power, from what I understand you have no interest in military power in the first place so I must ask, why these generous offers?" She questions, getting straight to the point.

"Hmm, my company offers food, medicine, and most importantly, connections. The main reason I would like to make a contract with your nation is inclusivity. Grass, waterfall, and Rain are my next acquisition prospects. Grass has uncultivated fields for wheat and rice but lacks the manpower to properly use it. Waterfall simply has the benefit of a coastal location for further trade and shipping."

"And the Rain?" She inquires.

"You have geography, the land of fire stands in the middle of the continent but you share borders with three major nations, two of which are already on my side. If the Rain joins us I can easily connect to the land of Birds, Bears, and Mountains to the west of here but that would make all the border nations of the land of stone part of this company. Lord Tsuchikage has refused every offer, this should change his mind," Jin says calmly, sliding a map across the table with nations marked off.

"You speak like a conqueror yet call yourself Unity" Konan quickly says.

"Hmm, I'm trying to remove the need for war, war through necessity. Skip to the last page of that pile of documents and have a look," he says, pointing to the stack of untouched papers beside her.

As Konan reads the contents of the page, her brows furrow as she looks back up to Jin.

"Mr.Unity, do you truly believe this little piece of paper will stop anything? The great nations will never stop going to war unless someone forces them to. Pieces of paper are exactly that, you must know they do not intend to obey this" She says while waving the page around.

"Of course the shinobi don't really care, but what about the regular people?"

At his words, Konan sits back in her chair.

"Enlighten me," she says.

"Hmm, enlightening the Angel herself, who would've thought. It's really quite simple, shinobi will always find reasons to fight, but the people of each nation are the ones who pay the bills, control the food, build the houses. If the people don't support the war, why fight." He says as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

"Obviously, but controlling a shinobi village is easier than controlling a nation, the people will support wars because in the great nations the wars never reach them, small countries like my home are made to suffer for their selfish wars." She says, he voice raising a bit as she glares at the man.

'He speaks as if peace is as simple as signing a piece of paper as if all our work was useless. As if our pain can be prevented with his words,' Her thoughts form, bubbling with a slow rage contrary to her icy facade.

"Yes, they will want wars, and because of that I will make their people starve, and the trade cut off. And they WILL submit to that simple piece of paper. I've spent the last few months working my hands raw making deals and setting up infrastructure to make the nations dependant on each other. The land of fire is the only nation that would be able to survive independently when I'm done. And whoever they decide to pick a fight with will have the rest of the word on their side."

As his cold emotionless voice reaches her Konan can't help but take a pause before she speaks.

"You, definitely sound like a conqueror. A far cry from this great uniter you pretend to be. I doubt you were this open in your other negotiations, so why reveal all of this." She questions with a solid glare.

"Because you know pain," Pausing to take in her surprised expression for a moment, he then continues," You who survived two great shinobi wars, in the first, Ame was decimated as a battlefield and your people starved while the great nations didn't bat an eye. In the second your forces barely diverted the enemies away from your civilian population to minimize the damage, Hanzo the salamander was all that protected your land from destruction because the great nations don't care who they step on. You, your nation, your people, above all others can understand the use of my plan. I'm not asking you to pay taxes, simply open trade. Ame doesn't have enough farmland or other trades to be properly assimilated, allow my trade convoys safe passage and protection to other nations and you will be given full benefits as a member of my company."

"You, hmm... You're willing to give these generous deals for no apparent gain aside from further influence. I can't say I'm comfortable with this deal."

"The going rates for food, medicine, and materials will still be standard even without you joining, but as an ally, you'd have discounts. Your people survive by living off military contracts currently so I don't have any real use for your nation."

"Hmm, I believe your contract is too generous and has some unforeseen danger, but on behalf of the land of Rain, we accept. I do recommend that you do not underestimate our nation, while we are small, we are still mighty. God stands with us." Konan proudly says before signing the papers.

"I assure you that this will be beneficial to all parties. There is one more point of order outside of the contracts," He says while packing away all the signed contracts.

"And what might that be Mr. Unity?" Konan asks, hiding her wary feelings.

"Would you like to come work for me instead? I'm on the path to end all wars, you'd be in control of more than just one small nation, how about it?" He says while extending a hand to her.

After a moment of internal pondering, Konan confidently answers.

"I was chosen by God to stand by his side, I will not abandon him."

"Hmm, a devoted woman, you really are a catch. My convoys are already in the land of Rain, expect them at Ame within a day." Jin abruptly says.

"Excuse me?" Konan asks, completely thrown off guard.

"What, you thought I wouldn't help your people just because you refused, helping people was always the plan Angel."

"Thank you for the kind gesture, Mr.Unity, the people of Ame will be most grateful"

"I'll see you again in... let's say 3 years, at that point you may come work for me if you want"

As Jin says this, he quickly rises to his feet and exits the room, not allowing her to get another word in.

'Hmm, something felt off about him, I must report to Nagato at once' Konan thinks as she peels away into small sheets of paper and flies out of the window.

Moments later, deep within the Kage building of the land of rain Konan can be seen standing before a sickly Nagato, his body seemingly encased in a large machine of sorts. With his paths standing against the far wall of the room, the God of Ame addresses his friend.

"How did the meeting go Konan?" Nagato asks in a deep, raspy voice.

"Unexpectedly well Nagato, however... I accepted" She hesitantly says.

"Why, that was not the plan Konan, what happened?"

"I believe we were mistaken about him. He isn't a pawn of the great nations, he... shares the same dream as us, a wish to end all the wars. But not through Pain like us. Peace through necessity is his approach."

"A truly impossible dream, what does he demand from us?" Nagato asks.

"Safety for his convoys, and a branching point to our neighbors. He intended to help our people even if we had not accepted."

"An idealistic fool, peace through necessity. Impossible. We'll play along for now, after our plan is complete we shall seize Unity Trading and all their connections, we shall usher in peace on two fronts, for now, however, help him grow... within reason."

"Understood Nagato," Konan says before disappearing in a cloud of paper.