
Rebirth: The Vengeance Woman

I was betrayed by love, so I shall betray love this time. Emma Windsor can't hold on to the excitement when she is finally about to marry the love of her life. However, her hope and expectation for the future crumble when the so-called 'love' betrays her in the cruelest way possible. What she believed was love turns out to be a mere facade of a malicious scheme toward her family. Drowned in grief and despair, Emma lost her life. Upon her final moment, she swears vengeance for those who had done her wrong. "Do you wish for rebirth? You can have it if you pay the price." She thought everything was over when an eagle-like deity descended before her. It offered her a second chance, in exchange for something important to her. "Since you played me for a fool, then watch how I'll obtain my vengeance." Thus, the death vow has been rewritten.

Idczhen · Fantasy
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8 Chs

True Enemy

Ikaros was completely speechless when he witnessed her decisive and bold action of Emma. 'No wonder why I chose her as the host… the path that I carefully laid for her was ignored completely. But that doesn't matter, I'm getting more and more interested in what Emma will do next.'

Time slowly passed by, and Emma had arrived at her villa. The villa had three levels in total. The first level was the living room along with other necessities, the second level was for the guest room to stay, and the final level was for Emma only.

It was a villa under her name, a gift from her father, Carlos Windsor. Since Carlos Windsor was always busy managing the company, there was practically no time for him to take care of Emma. Hence, there are approximately 5 maids employed in the villa, with a chef and a few other workers to manage the maintenance.

"Welcome home, Miss." The maids hurriedly greeted Emma the moment she entered. "There is tea ready for the Miss if she wants to quench her thirst and the chef is ready to prepare any dishes if the Miss is hungry. If the young Miss wishes to take a shower, then we'll prepare some hot water for you right away."

The maids were surprised by an eagle standing on Emma's shoulder, but they acted like they had seen nothing. Since Emma didn't say anything about the eagle, then they would keep a blind eye as well.

Meanwhile, Emma gave a slight nod as she walked on the marble floor with the materials imported from the finest country, Avalon. The Avalon country had the wealthiest resources and conducted numerous trading with other countries, making them extremely powerful.

Carlos Windsor's company, Windsor Enterprise also had close ties with businesses in the Avalon country. Thus, it could be said that they have a close relationship and were able to access the most luxurious brands and materials from the Avalon country.

Emma glanced at the luxurious decoration in her villa, from famous paintings to ceramic artwork, each piece of furniture here was worth at least 10 million each or even higher. Her eyes were teary slightly as she had never really thought about how fortunate she was to be the daughter of Carlos Windsor.

She had everything that everyone had wished for yet she had wantonly thrown them all away for a superficial thing called love.

"Truly… I might have been brainwashed to be so foolish." Emma muttered in disgust. Disgusted at her past self naivety and ungrateful attitude.

As she said those, the maids were confused by her attitude. The Emma they knew was always cheerful and lighthearted, but today, they felt like she had become a new person.

However, not a single maid dared to speak their thoughts aloud and instead, waited for her further instructions. They were standing still in a uniform manner, befitting of their professional behavior. After all, these maids were all trained beforehand, making them extremely pricey to hire. Not only that, one must have a certain prestige to be able to hire such maids to work for them.

Emma calmly found a comfortable couch to sit on as she took out her laptop and placed it on the desk. Her legs were crossed in an elegant manner as she ordered, "Today, I'll have some relaxing tea matched with a sweet tiramisu cake as dessert. After that, you may all do your own things since I'll be busy working here."

"Understood, Miss. The tea and dessert shall be ready to serve in 10 minutes," one of the maids said and started leaving Emma alone.

As the maids left one by one to do their own tasks, Emma began searching up on her LacBook. A website that is known for trading and selling stocks of companies.

Stock in companies is a security that represents the ownership of a fraction of a corporation, meaning that you'll become a partial owner of a company and can earn a percentage amount of money that the company has made.

Although it sounds delightful and amazing, playing with stocks without sufficient knowledge could be deadly to an amateur. One mishap and they could leave all of their wealth and even end up racking up a huge debt.

However, the greatest part of buying stocks is that one can gamble with 90% certainty of earning big as long as they have inside news.

(Ikaros, since you said you know magic, then can I receive your help?) Emma asked him in a sound transmission. If Ikaros was willing to assist her, then Emma would gladly use all the help she could get.

Currently, the only person or bird she trusts is Ikaros and no one else. They both shared a similar secret that no other people knew.

A few seconds passed by, and Ikaros finally responded to Emma's question. (Tch, I knew you weren't going to start from the bottom. No wonder you were so bold to rip the internship form. All along, you wanted me to give you the inside news so that you can earn big through stocks.)

(Of course, why else did you think I would throw away such a great opportunity like that? My father might be the owner of Windsor Enterprise, but the shareholders are a bunch of wolves, waiting to devour the company. If I have to fight against such wolves, then I must be stronger and more ferocious than them.)

With that said, Emma opened her bank account to check on her savings. She might not have worked in her life at all, but thankfully, her father would regularly send her a fixed amount of money each month.

'200 million huh… that should be enough for me to play around with the stocks and earn tenfold the amount back.' Emma thought, curling her lips upward in the process.

Ikaros' tiny eyes rolled up as he felt like he was being played by Emma. It was clear that from the start, Emma had been planning on using his magic to earn big for a fast vengeance.

(Emma, realistically speaking, just earning money from stocks alone wouldn't help you achieve your real goal…) Ikaros said, hoping that she wasn't blinded by anger.

(I know what you mean, Ikaros.) Before Ikaros could continue, Emma suddenly exuded a cold aura as she smiled lightly.

(Jason was never my main target, to begin with. At best, he was just a stepping stone that I would demolish in the process. My true enemy is the one that commanded Jason from behind the shadow.)

Ikaros flapped its wings slightly when he heard Emma's words. He was a fool to mistakenly believe Emma was being irrationally and acting out of anger. 'That's the correct mindset, Emma. What you see on the surface might not be the real fact.' he thought.

In the beginning, everything seemed like it was Jason cheating on her love and betraying her to swallow the whole Windsor Enterprise. However, if one were to carefully think about the incident again, then Jason alone would never be qualified enough to swallow Windsor Enterprise.

If the shareholders currently were able to deny her entrance to the company to help her father out, then what makes you think Jason could control it?

Thus, the conclusion could only be one thing.

"My father's company has a traitor and a scheming bastard that is secretly trying to steal the company. And it's most likely one of the people with the highest share, Hugh Jackman." Emma muttered coldly.

Hugh Jackman was a wealthy person that had always been eyeing the position of President in the Windsor Enterprise. It was also due to his influence and manipulation that prevented Emma from working in the company, stating that she should work from the lowest level possible. And that was being a cleaning worker.

Working as a cleaning worker might not seem like a big deal to someone, but don't forget, Emma was the heiress to the Windsor Enterprise. An Enterprise that was worth multi-million in terms of value and assets combined.

As an heiress, his suggestion was nothing less than an attempt of humiliating her, and Emma had no interest in getting her hand dirty. If it had to be dirty, then it would be the blood of her enemies.

(So Ikaros, are you going to help me out or idle around like a lazy eagle?) Emma asked again, clearly hoping that he would lend her a hand.

Ikaros shook its head for a few moments as he flew onto her lap. (Sigh, I can't directly give you inside news regarding this since those damn gods would definitely find out and punish us both. However, I can impart you an ability- the mystic eyes.)