

A tyrant with a blood-crazed fetish that would often lead to meaningless wars and countless death, he is the king of the beasts. He is the thirtieth emperor of the Bezarius Empire, the young prodigy, Emperor Hyan Rezenia Bezarius. He was known to be the most beautiful being in the empire with his silver locks that it would seem as if all the treasures of the empire reflected upon his long straight hair, cerulean eyes that could be compared to the glistening northern sea, paired with his ethereal features that even the priests of the Great Temple would compare his looks to the Goddess Rhea. Everyone failed to recognize the psychotic glint in his eyes. Everyone got fooled and died. Though born as a bastard among the eight princes of the empire, he rose to the peak even with the disadvantage amidst the power struggles between the eight heirs. With no faction to side him and no maternal support to lean on, the bastard fourth prince, along with his trusted aide, struggled for many seasons. Like a predator, he patiently waited to bear his canines behind his privileged brothers. He bowed his head and turned a blind eye even after the seventh consort, Lady Amina Tesero of the Nomadic tribe of the south. Lady Amina Tesoro was the seventh consort of the twenty-ninth emperor of the Bezarius Empire. She became the twenty-ninth emperor’s favorite because of her calm demeanor and astounding beauty that could compete with the bastard fourth prince’s elegance. She also caught the attention of the predatory fourth prince. Her kindness penetrated the walls protecting Prince Hyan’s heart, rendering him immobile under her charms. His confession to Lady Amina Tesoro marked his twisted journey to being the emperor, and when he finally became one, he lost his most important one. The thirtieth emperor lost his love. He lost the ability to feel any ounce of emotion. And with every emperor comes an heir. To mock his officials, Emperor Hyan Rezenia Bezarius took the ugliest lady of the empire as his wife. Lady Ivynia Ilorde Rosehil is the laughingstock of high society. With half of her face covered with dragon scales, the higher echelon dubbed Lady Ivynia as the beast among the beautiful Rosehil sisters. Her rare charcoal-colored hair and amber eyes that reflected the setting sun as if its light remained in her eyes did not compensate for her dragon scales. Lady Ivynia Ilorde Rosehil suffered ever since birth but suffered more during her reign as the empress. Watching her husband, whom she came to love, wallow in self-pity as he mourned for his lost love. While making sure that the noble faction and the aristocratic faction would not attack them underhandedly, Empress Ivynia Ilorde Bezarius suffered the greatest among anyone in the empire. And when the continent finally mobilized to take their revenge against the mad king, the empress became the widow who fought in loneliness for her unborn child, only to end up dying. And where does this bullshit crazy story take me? Oh yeah, I have become the thirtieth empress of the Bezarius Empire. And I will die again when the male protagonist of this tragic shit appears. Do I need to mention that I am inside the Netflix Series entitled “The Serenade of Death”? Of all the Netflix Series I binge-watched, do I have to be reincarnated inside the R-rated one that I loathe to the bones?

IceFontana18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The Royal Scandal

"Do not let him enter!" The crown prince's panicked voice resonated, disturbing the chirping of the birds. The Imperial Knights immediately mobilized upon the direct command while the butler immediately handed the seething prince two robes, his head respectfully bowing.

"Prince Ivynia, wake up. You must get dressed, or I swear I will copulate with you in broad daylight." The threat and the mischief drenched upon his voice sent an alarm inside Yuri's mind. The latter immediately sat as her hands secured the coat covering her naked body.

'Thanked fuck that they can stop the fourth prince from entering. I know he is up to something. He will not rudely barge in like that if he is not scheming something. I know him. In the series, that man only appears in front of the crown prince to manipulate his brother. What are you planning, you scumbag?' Yuri thought.

Standing before her, Crown Prince Leonedas wore a maroon robe. His hair was messy as the sun was shining exceptionally brighter than usual today. Yuri squinted her eyes, her hands reaching out for the robe he was holding – a smaller and white-colored one was for her. "This princess thanks you, Your Highness."

Slowly, Yuri let go of the coat – exposing her perky nippy as the white silk slid down. In one quick move, she wrapped the robe around her body that was still sitting on the carpeted raft's floor. The crown prince's deep aqua eyes followed her every move the entire time as if mesmerized by her act.

He never learns, huh. Yuri solemnly thought as she acted shy and fucking demure. A small gasp left her lips upon seeing the servants a few good meters away from the raft as she only noticed them now, which made Yuri internally roll her eyes.

The crown prince saw how horror invaded her fragile face. Her teary eyes now shifted to him. He expected her to scream and name him names after demanding a marriage – he was already used to this situation. Crown Prince Leonedas was about to taunt her but was stopped midway when the crown princess kneeled and bowed her head to the floor. The gasps of horror erupted from the servants, making him realize that what he saw was real.

"Your Highness, please forgive this princess! This lowly subject dared to touch you and caused your mayhem. Please punish me!" said the princess with her humble and remorseful voice. His attempt to throw her went to the drain.

Everyone did not see the grinning face of Crown Princess Ivynia Ilorde Rosehil as her forehead touched the carpeted floor. She knew how the crown prince usually acted after he was done whoring. He would heartlessly throw the women and accuse them of treason. But by doing this, a crown princess lowering her pride, would stroke his ego in front of the Imperial Knights and the servants. He would forget his accusation and doubts as he knew her as a noble lady – nobility valued honor above all.

When his warm, calloused hands touched her shoulders to guide her up, Yuri stopped herself from showing the malicious smile she wanted to crack up.

'But no, not in front of this man.'

With her eyes drenched with tears, his thumb wiped them off tenderly. It took a lot of restraint for Yuri not to flinch from the sudden affection. But she decided to use this situation upon seeing the butler standing ten meters away from them with the wretched fourth prince in tow.

Pretending to be groggy and lightheaded, Yuri held her forehead as if she was nauseous. "Your Highness, I –" Yuri tripped herself, her body falling as a gasp left her lips for the second time today.

"Your Highness!" exclaimed Riza from the other side. The other servants were also frantic upon witnessing the crown princess collapse.

With only the two of them on the raft, Crown Prince Leonedas caught her before her frail body would hit the floor. "Are you alright, Princess Ivynia?"

Yuri did not answer. Her eyes remained tightly shut. And the next thing she knew, her body was being lifted by the crown prince. "Call the Imperial Physician, hurry!"

"Yes, Your Highness," answered the butler, leaving the fourth prince alone as the crown prince and the servants panicked as they headed to the crown prince's palace.

The hurried thumping of footsteps around her and the regular cussing of the crown prince fanning her supposed unconscious self were all heard by Yuri. She knew that the crown prince could not afford to lose her, or he would incur his father's wrath. After all, had been sealed the moment the twenty-ninth emperor saw the raft and the two people on it.

Servants talked. And by now, the news of the scandal and the rushed wedding would be known by the Rosehil Duchy. Indeed, Charlotte would be seething and grinding her petty teeth. After all, her supposedly stupid sister just removed her one chance to become the empress. Now, she had set an opportunity for Charlotte to rebut, but Yuri highly doubted it. The emperor ordered the royal marriage, and it was an absolute command not to be meddled by petty whines.

"Open the door," said the crown prince after a few minutes. Yuri could conclude that she was now inside the crown prince's palace.

The butler hesitated, "B-But Your Highness, we already prepared the room for the crown princess, and the Imperial Physician is waiting there already."

A dead minute passed. "I said open the door." The warning laced upon his voice was evident, but unlike his other angry remarks, this one held a chill that even Yuri, a skilled criminal, shivered unknowingly.

'I guess the Bezarius blood truly runs in his veins.'

And so, Yuri closed her eyes and continued her farce.

YURI'S FARCE BECAME REAL when she soundlessly fell asleep atop the comfortable king-sized bed of the crown prince. The butler's hesitation giveaway who owned this room, and it was the least of her concern.

The soaring dragons perfectly drawn on the canopy were the first thing Yuri saw upon opening her eyes. Her robes now changed into a comfortable chemise and the bed's drapes stopped her from knowing if it was still daylight.

With no choice but to pull the bell, Riza's voice immediately resonated inside the room. The way she rushed haphazardly towards her clearly indicates that the crown prince was not with her in the lavish room. "Your Highness, you're awake!"

Two more handmaidens from the crown prince's palace entered.

"Send the other handmaidens away, Riza dear. I want to talk alone with you."

The other two handmaidens did not need to hear it from Riza since they heard it clearly from the crown princess herself. Bowing their heads, they silently left the room. Now left alone with her accomplice, Yuri shredded every ounce of pretense in her.

Her once sweet smile was gone, replaced with a predator-like expression as she stood up from the bed. "Where is the crown prince, Riza?"

The edge upon her voice sent warnings to Riza, who was now kneeling in front of her. "He was called by the emperor, Your Highness. I believe it is about the coming royal wedding with you."


"He did not meet with the fourth prince?"

Riza's head shook. "No, Your Highness. He was here the whole time before the emperor called him."

'The Crown Prince Leonedas, is he scheming something? Perhaps, he already met Charlotte?'

"Riza, dress me up. We will visit the Rosehil Duchy today. I terribly miss my family." Her words were the opposite of her expression – it was as if she would visit them to devour them.

'But no, not yet.' Yuri thought maliciously.

YURI WAS FRESH FROM THE bath when a handmaiden knocked on the door before entering. The servant was flushed and urgent that it made the two of them stop whatever they were doing.

"What is it?" Yuri asked. Clad only with her robe, she took a seat on to center couch of the crown prince's receiving area.

"Blessings to the Empire's flower, the crown princess. The fourth prince is requesting an audience from you."

'Hmmm. Perhaps I underestimated you too much, Prince Hyan.'

Smiling at the handmaiden, Yuri answered. "Let him in." Yuri glanced at Riza, who was now standing behind her. "Riza, leave us alone."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The two servants left the crown prince's room, leaving her alone with only a robe covering her body and her wet hair in disarray.

"Announcing the arrival of the fourth prince, Prince Hyan Rezenia Bezarius!" And the double doors creaked open.