
Prince of Darkness (III)

"YOU..." a voice echoed in the storm-like wind, heard by all but directed to one—Ossa. The latter stood on his feet, his face expressionless under the pressure that brought all those present to their knees.

The pressure was immense but not so overwhelming that he had to kneel. Calmly, he resisted, his mind racing with various ways to fight the creature.

"I WILL DESTROY YOU..." The voice echoed once more, malicious and brimming with killing intent.

"We should leave, or we will die here..." The commander sent a telepathic message to his comrades. They knew they were no match for an ancient being like the Prince of Darkness, a figure said to be a fallen god.

Hurriedly, the mages mobilized their mana amidst the torrent of miasma, sweat pouring down their faces under the storm-like wind.