
Rebirth:The Fantasy System

A man named Jaden dies and is granted 2 wishes and he wishes to be reincarnated as woman in a fantasy world and he wishes that the world he is sent to is filled with only other sexy women and the goddess of death grants these but the goddess is tricky and she actually granted both his wishes but he has been put in a world with a video game like system and he was level one warrior

Darkstar389 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

I lay dazed on the strange ground of my new world, the sun brightly shining on me and reflecting off a billowing mist. I'm in a forest, of this I'm absolutely certain. That's when I realize that I'm in a body that is not my own.

Confused and bewildered, I run through multiple emotions, perhaps this was the cost of granting two wishes from the goddess of death, I think to myself as I remember the words of the goddess.

'You may ask of me two wishes, any two, and if I deem them reasonable, I shall grant them unto you. Be careful young one, for the wishes you choose may offer a cost you are not prepared for.'

And here I am, a woman after asking to be reincarnated in a fantasy world filled with nothing but sexy women with a video game-like system to raise my stats. I look at myself in confusion. With large, bouncy breasts, a curvy waist and massive ass, I can't help but think back to my last life as Jaden, and how I did not possess these characteristics. Even my hair and eyes were different; I now have brown hair and blue eyes.

Just then, an odd thought crossed my mind. I'm a woman now, but perhaps I can still keep my name. After all, Jaden is a gender-neutral name. Cheered by my newfound nickname, I stand, ready to take on this new world that I found myself in.

The first thing needing my attention? Clothes. Every piece of equipment in this new world seemed to come equipped with a level system, and I was only at level one with stats of:





Just then I realize that I am completely nude, my face flushing with embarrassment as my massive boobs and fat ass are on full display. I immediately feel my vulnerability and helplessness in this strange new world, uncertain about what the future holds for me and what awaits me.

I look around and I see that the world I am in is a vast landscape full of trees, mountains, and rolling hills. The sky is a deep blue like I have never seen before, the sun is shining brightly, and there seems to be no sign of other people. I am completely alone in this forest, my heart beating rapidly as I think of what I can do to survive in this world.

I know that the first thing I need to do is find something to cover my body. I take a deep breath and start to scavenge for materials. I see a few leafy vines lying nearby and I carefully pluck off their leaves to craft clothes out of them. I tie together several of the leaves to create a makeshift loincloth,using my vague knowledge of sowing,and I do the same with a few more to craft a makeshift bra that fits my large bosom.

I use my newfound clothing items to cover myself up, feeling a little bit more secure now that I have some form of protection against possible dangers that may lurk in this strange world. With my newfound attire I make off for the nearest tree, looking for something else I may be able to use for protection.

I come across an old gnarled tree with long branches sticking off of it which I take as an opportunity to craft myself a makeshift wooden sword. I gather nearby bark from thmy e tree and some of its branches, shaping them with my bare hands until I am able to make a decent enough sword to defend myself with.My stats were updated to say:






As I examine my weapons, I realize that I am already a level one in what appears to be an untouched Fantasy RPG world. I feel empowered by the knowledge of my current level and feel ready to take on whatever lies ahead.

I take a deep breath and head out on my journey, my sword in hand and my strange clothing items providing me with a small sense of security as I begin my journey.