
New Alpha Couple

Jax and Hope woke up late so when he saw it was 7:35 he quickly woke up Hope who was sleeping comfortably on his chest they planned to go to sleep last night but their nightly activities kept them up later than expected. Getting up he watched her shimmy into skin tight black jeans that hugged her a** with a light blue sky shirt and her signature leather jacket, she put on all her accessories before urging Jax to get ready since he was just watching her. They weren't late per-say but still school started in twenty five minutes and then they would be, after he got ready Jax gave her the new helmet he bought her for the new Kawasaki Ninja 1000 it was all black with a green racing stripe.

After a quick breakfast (of course made by Jax) the set off, when they got to the school everyone looked over at them even Stiles and Scott who were talking on the stairs about Lydia's disappearance and stuff. Hope leaned over drawing the attention of every male when she got off the bike since it was obvious she had a great body, when she took off her helmet multiple people sucked in a breath at her beauty even Jax was kind of in a trance but he got out when she chuckled at him. Smiling inside his helmet he turned off the bike and pinched her cheek for laughing at him.

"Dude who is that? Is she new?" Jax could hear Stiles as he talked about her Scott's heartbeat also accelerated when he saw her but he was able to smell his brothers scent on her so he held himself back.

"Don't try anything with her but yes she is new." Is all he could say.

"Why not I mean it's not like I'm having any lucky with my current 'women' why not try and see if I can get the new—-" his words cut off at what he saw next.

Hope tired of waiting for Jax to take of his helmet did it for him and they both heard the girls in the area immediately start talking about his good looks but they ignored it and only looked at each other. Hope leaned in and kissed him when she heard a girl asking another well more like begged the other to go see if they were siblings and if she had a shot, she wasn't jealous she just wanted to claim what was hers in front of everyone so they didn't get ideas. She wasn't opposed to other women since she knew wolfs mate for life but she didn't know how Jax felt about it all so she didn't want any problems on their first day here.

Taking her hand Jax lead her over to Scott who she didn't get to meet last night but Scott stiffened when he sensed what they were and how strong they were he could immediately tell they were alphas. "Hey Scott I want to introduce you to Hope my Wifey we are joining you guys this year can't wait to get along."

Hope reaches out her hand for a handshake but Scott was still frozen in place so Stile tried to take her hand but seeing Jax's death glare he pulled his hand back, "This is Stiles his best friend by the way." Jax said in a dismissive tone not that he didn't like Stiles but he just had to calm down after Stiles thinking he had a chance with his girl.

Scott came out of his little shock and grabbed her hand that was still outreaches for him, "Nice to meet you Hope." He said gulping there were to many eyes on them right now so he couldn't really come it and ask about their status as alphas so he decided to wait until they were alone somewhere.

"You too Scott." Her smile lit up the whole place and Jax could see the guys who wanted to talk to her but one glare from him sent them away.

Leaving behind the dynamic duo Hope and Jax went into the school they still needed to meet the principal and get their schedules so they could really stand around like everyone else. When they got to the office Jax suddenly remembered something, "Oh I forgot to tell you don't do anything strange at this school.... the principal is literally a wolf hunter while another is going to become a teacher sometime soon." Hope only smiled she was to worried about any of that she knew with Jax around no one could hurt or bother her. Jax could see it in her eyes too so he laughed and kissed her on the cheek, he wanted to go for a full kiss but Gerard came at that time.

"Hello Mr. McCall and Miss. Mikaelson, I just wanted to have this little meeting to let you know that this school might have had some rumors about last year but this time we are rebranding." His smile was filled with promises of deceit and lies but neither said anything just looking at him with a 'friendly' expression wanting to get this over with. "McCall? You wouldn't happen to be related to Scott would you?"

"Yes sir I am he is my brother." Jax answered not really worried about him.

"Ah well lets hope you don't get the same grades as him and we will get along just fine." With that he sent them off but they both caught his mumble as they were walking out, "I could use him for my plan to pressure Scott if I need to, this will be easier than I thought."

When they were far enough away Hope broke out into a laugh along with Jax they couldn't help but honk he was an idiot for thinking he could trap them, Hope looked at Jax her eyes turning a bright pink, "If he even tries to touch you I will end him." It came out in a growl which he found sexy but it was to bad they were still in school or he would have done something about it right here and now.

They were going to head to class but came to a stop in front of Scott, Stiles and Allison who looked all over before dragging them into a empty room. "What happen to you?" Scott asked looking at Jax with a questioning gaze.

Hope and Jax looked at each other smiling before looking back at the little group, their eyes flashing their respective colors, "Alpha and..." Scott couldn't finish because he had never seen anyone with pink eyes.

"She is also a alpha just naturally born but also with her family line it make it bright pink instead of red." Jax said making up a lie on the spot. They all nodded but if course still couldn't hold himself back from saying something.

"An Alpha Couple!"