
Chapter 295: It Can't Be Fake Anymore

They were concerned about hosting the engagement banquet and inviting guests because Meng Xinian, as the prospective grandson-in-law, would have to pour drinks and offer cigarettes to the elders, perhaps with onlookers coming to gawk. There might be gossip and criticism from the village women, their words possibly harsh, and they feared Meng Xinian might not be willing.

"Sure, my grandparents and uncle can decide," he said.

Unexpectedly, hearing this, Meng Xinian felt a secret thrill.

He had somewhat grasped the thoughts of that young girl, Chiang Xiao. Despite seeming acquiescent the night before, actually, she likely wanted to treat the engagement as just a charade, accepting only the superficial title of fiancée, to stave off rumors and act as a shield.

No doubt, she didn't take their engagement seriously at all.

If she didn't truly regard him as her fiancé, it'd be highly possible for her to fall for some "brother" or be spirited away by someone else.