
Chapter 188 First Visit Sweet Egg

Chiang Songhai and Ge Liutao drank Ganoderma water several times, but were unaffected and slept exceptionally well.

Chiang Xiao heard it, though she just listened with her chin propped up as if she were listening to a song.

This was something she should have done sooner—Chiang Baohe was like a venomous snake, never knowing when he would strike them. It was better to take care of it early.

No matter what, she had to ensure his foot would not heal.

Tomorrow she would inquire further—if his injury was serious enough, that would be the end of it. If not, she didn't mind doing something more.

After learning of the wonders of the Magic Brush, Chiang Xiao spent half the night drawing in the Space, only coming out to sleep at midnight.

The people of the Old Chiang Family indeed had no time to care for Chiang Xiao.