
Rebirth: Redeeming the Past

Li You was reborn and returned to forty years ago. Looking at Tang Ying in front of him, his heart was filled with guilt. In his previous life, he hurt this kind-hearted girl, causing her to lose the opportunity to return to the city and also plunged his own life into pain and regret. In this life, he decided to use his actions to make up for his past mistakes and win back Tang Ying's heart.

Ciyou · Urban
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57 Chs

Chapter 17: Li You Proposes Marriage

"Bang!" The door of the women's dormitory was pushed open forcefully, and then, to everyone's surprise, Li Na ran in out of breath.

Seeing Tang Ying secretly crying, Li Na immediately walked over!

"Xiaoying, don't cry. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Xiaoyi will be here soon!"

Hearing Li Na's words, a glimmer of hope appeared in Tang Ying's desperate eyes, and she asked in a trembling voice, "Will he really come?"

"Of course. You don't know how much he cares about you. To save face for you, that guy took me to the supply and marketing cooperative and spent a lot of money, which scared the salesperson there!" Li Na said with a smile.

"You came so late because you went to the city to buy things?" Tang Ying hurriedly asked.

"Yes, but it's not all because of shopping!"

"Then what's the reason?"

"When we came back, we saved an unconscious old man and sent him to the hospital. That's why we came back late!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Ying's best friend Zhang Xinyao said, "It turns out that it's because of saving people. That's really understandable!"

"I said it must be because something happened!"

"This is a good deed of accumulating blessings and virtues. Xiaoying, you are really blessed..."

Hearing that Li You was delayed for several hours because he saved someone, Tang Ying's mood improved a lot.

Seeing this, Li Na hurriedly said again, "Xiaoyi is afraid that you will worry, so he asked me to come and explain the situation to you first. He and my parents will be here soon. Xiaoying, you should get ready!"

Tang Ying thought that she had been crying and laughing just now, and must look very ugly.

So she hurriedly got up and, with the help of several female educated youth, quickly washed her face and straightened her clothes.

Just as she was ready, there was a knock on the door outside, accompanied by the noise of conversation.

As the protagonist of today, Tang Ying opened the door!

Outside the door, Li You's family, as well as the village elders and matchmaker, were all standing there, each holding one or several things.

Today, Tang Ying clear dressed up carefully. She wore a simple floral shirt, black trousers, and semi-new cloth shoes, but she wore them with a unique charm.

Tang Ying's face seemed to be smeared with vanishing cream, looking fair and shiny, with a light fragrance.

But what attracted Li You the most was those smart eyes with a hint of melancholy, as if they could attract people's hearts at a glance.

To be honest, Li You was really amazed by Tang Ying in front of him.

Although the girl in front of him didn't have expensive and gorgeous clothes or heavy makeup, she still amazed the time.

Looking at Li You staring at her straight, Tang Ying's face turned red immediately, and she lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

The matchmaker was experienced and immediately stepped forward and said, "Tang Educated Youth, we are here on behalf of the Li family to propose to you! Although you are in a free love relationship, the Li family will not miss any of the procedures that should be followed!"

"Next, let the Li family elders read the marriage certificate!"

Elder Li Qiuye is one of the few literate people in the village, and his seniority is also the highest in the village. Naturally, he was asked to read the marriage certificate.

I saw the white-haired Elder Li Qiuye holding the marriage certificate written on red paper, and reading it aloud with the weak light from the flashlight, "The marriage of two families, the conclusion of a contract in the same hall, a good match for a happy marriage. Looking at the blooming peach blossoms today, it is suitable for a happy home, and looking forward to the continuous growth of melons and fruits in the coming years, prosperity and prosperity. I would like to make a white-headed covenant and write it in a love letter; I would like to make a red leaf alliance and record it in a mandarin duck spectrum. This is the certificate!"

As soon as the words fell, the matchmaker Zhang Pozi said again, "To marry Tang Educated Youth, the Li family is willing to offer a bride price of 88 yuan, as well as two catties of rice tickets, flour tickets, and oil tickets!"

"In addition, there are two feet of cotton cloth, two feet of floral cloth, two floral enamel basins, two thermos bottles, two towels, two bars of soap, two tubes of toothpaste, two bottles of vanishing cream, two catties of brown sugar, and two packets of White Rabbit Creamy Candy..."

All the male and female educated youth inside and outside the room were be shocked when they heard what the matchmaker said.

This bride price is really too much. Not to mention the 88 yuan bride price, just the things given by the Li family are worth a lot.

Although there are no big items such as bicycles, sewing machines, and radios, it can still be seen that the Li family attaches great importance to Tang Ying.

But what they didn't expect was that after the matchmaker finished speaking, Li You said again, "This is just a gift for proposing. I promise you that I will prepare three rotations and one ring before the wedding. If there is enough time, I will also build you a big house!"


Li You's words once again be shocked everyone. Although they didn't quite believe that the Li family had the financial resources, Li You's courage to make such a promise in front of so many people still made people admire him.

Tang Ying was also scared by Li You's words, and immediately said, "There is no need for those things. If you want to buy me those things, it's not too late to buy them after we get married!"

To be honest, she was really a little worried that Li You would Toss and turn Li Shan Kui and his wife to buy those things!

Li You knew what Tang Ying was thinking, but he didn't say much. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.

Seeing that Tang Ying had no objection, the matchmaker Zhang Pozi said loudly, "Then this engagement is settled. When the auspicious day is chosen, you can get married. I wish you a happy marriage, a harmonious relationship, an early birth of a honorable son, and a happy life together!"

Everyone immediately congratulated Li You and Tang Ying, making Tang Ying blush with shyness!

And Li You immediately took out the prepared sugar and cigarettes, distributed them to the people around, and let everyone share in the joy.

Although this proposal was full of twists and turns, the result was still good.

After tossing and turning until ten o'clock in the evening, everyone finally went back to their respective homes.

Li You didn't stay at the educated youth spot for long either, because there was still a lot of work waiting for him at home.


Li's family!

Under the dim kerosene lamp, Dongzi, Shitou, Qiangzi, and others either sat on small stools, or on small horse stools, or simply sat on the ground, and a group of half-grown children filled the Li's family.

These children were all called back by Li You. On the one hand, he wanted to distribute the money from selling mushrooms today to them, and on the other hand, he wanted to arrange tomorrow's tasks.

Li You took out a stack of change from his pocket and said, "Yesterday, everyone picked a lot of mushrooms, so each person can get five yuan. Dongzi, you can distribute the money to the brothers!"


With yesterday's experience, Dongzi didn't hesitate and distributed the money one by one.

After dividing the money, Li You said again, "We picked nearly two hundred catties of mushrooms in two days, plus more than one hundred catties today, I'm afraid there won't be many mushrooms in the woods behind. So I'll assign tasks to ensure the supply of mushrooms!"

"Brother You, what do you say? We will all listen to you!" Dongzi said immediately.

The others also echoed!

"Tomorrow, all of you will go to the woods in Xishan to pick mushrooms. But you should not only pick mushrooms, but also wild mushrooms such as black fungus, white fungus, inch mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, and white jade mushrooms!" Li You said.

"Brother You, can black fungus be sold for money?" Shitou asked.

"Yes, that thing is more valuable than mushrooms!" Li You replied.

"Really? Today, I saw a big dead wood behind the mountain. It was full of black fungus. If I picked them all, there would be at least ten catties. If so, I will go and pick them all tomorrow!" Shitou said excitedly.

"If you really get them back, I will give you more money the day after tomorrow!"

"Thank you, Brother You!"

Li You said again, "In addition, if there are other children in the village who want to follow you to pick mushrooms, you can take them along. But remember, don't take the youngest ones, and we must ensure their safety!"

"Understood, Brother You!"

"Well, deal with the impurities in the basket first and then go back. I will leave early tomorrow morning and have no time to deal with them!" Li You reminded.
