
Rebirth: Redeeming the Past

Li You was reborn and returned to forty years ago. Looking at Tang Ying in front of him, his heart was filled with guilt. In his previous life, he hurt this kind-hearted girl, causing her to lose the opportunity to return to the city and also plunged his own life into pain and regret. In this life, he decided to use his actions to make up for his past mistakes and win back Tang Ying's heart.

Ciyou · Urban
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57 Chs

Chapter 15:Li You's Saving People and Water and Fire

Oh my, Li You really impresses me! One morning, he was awakened by his third sister, Li Na, and after hurriedly having a bite to eat, he started to get busy. He made more than two hundred Liangpi, cut the side dishes, loaded them onto the mule cart, and went straight to the county town with his third sister.

When they arrived in the county town, they first went to the state-owned restaurant to sell mushrooms. After peeling, the three large baskets of mushrooms weighed 137 catties and sold for 95.9 yuan. Liu Jingshan generously gave 96 yuan. Li Na was scared, but Li You was very calm. He told his third sister that with the development of the times, the state allows the existence of private economy, and the vitality of the market will soon explode, and their family will soon get better.

At the gate of the sugar factory, Li You's Liangpi stand was surrounded by workers, and it wasn't until after one o'clock that they sold out. They swept the garbage clean, left the sugar factory, and drove the mule cart to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy things. Li You bought fifty catties of white flour, two feet of cotton cloth, two feet of floral cloth, two floral enamel basins, two thermos bottles, two towels, two bars of soap, two tubes of toothpaste, two bottles of vanishing cream, two catties of brown sugar, and two packets of White Rabbit Creamy Candy. The salesperson thought he was getting married and congratulated him.

After buying the things, Li You and Li Na set foot on the way back to the village. Within five kilometers of Nianshan Village, they saw an elderly man with gray hair lying on the ground, with a bicycle beside him. Li You went forward to check and found that the old man still had breath, but his condition was critical. He examined the old man's body and found that he had abrasions on his arms, a few pieces of candy, a few dollars and some food stamps in his outer pocket, and a work ID that said the old man's name was Wang Guoguang and he was the deputy director of the county glass factory.

Li You couldn't find any medicine, so he asked Li Na to find a clean bamboo tube on the car and bring a Bamboo tube of brown sugar water. He asked the old man to lie on his lap and slowly fed him the brown sugar water with a small wooden spoon. After feeding for more than ten minutes, the old man's heart rate slowed down significantly and the cold sweat on his head decreased a lot. Li You knew that the brown sugar water worked, so he decided to take the old man to the hospital.

Li Na said worriedly, "Xiaoyu, what if there is no medicine? What if he dies here and blames us?" Li You frowned and didn't speak. His eyes looked at the pieces of candy, then carefully observed the old man's face. "Sister, go find a clean bamboo tube on the car and bring a Bamboo tube of brown sugar water!" Although Li Na didn't know what Li You was going to do, she did as he said. When the brown sugar water was ready, Li You immediately asked the old man to lie on his lap, and then slowly fed him the brown sugar water with a small wooden spoon. Because the old man had passed out, Li You was worried that he would choke, so he could only feed him slowly, bit by bit. It took more than ten minutes to feed half a Bamboo tube of brown sugar water. Then Li You listened carefully to the old man's heartbeat again and found that his heart rate was significantly slower than before, and the cold sweat on his head was much less. Knowing that the brown sugar water worked, he said immediately, "Sister, the old man's condition is temporarily stable, but for insurance purposes, we'd better take him to the hospital!" "Yes, let's hurry up and don't delay your engagement!" "Yes!"