
Rebirth of Wealth Rolling In

The story of Li Dong, a man who gets a second chance at life after being reborn in 2004. In his previous life, Li Dong experienced many regrets and missed opportunities. Determined to change his fate, he uses his knowledge of the future to make better decisions, rebuild his wealth, and achieve success in both his personal and professional life. The novel delves into themes of financial growth, business strategies, and the challenges of balancing wealth with personal relationships. As Li Dong navigates his new life, he faces various obstacles and competitors, but his knowledge of future events gives him a significant advantage. This story is especially appealing to readers who enjoy tales of financial success, strategic thinking, and the excitement of turning the tables on fate.

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · Urban
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275 Chs

Chapter 267: The Poor Son Tao

Li Dong's casual remark, "Money is not a problem," was incredibly open and generous. 

But shortly after, reality came to slap him in the face.

Liu Hongmei, the financial director, didn't visit Li Dong's office often, but when she did, it was never for good news—either there was an overspend or a cash shortfall.

This time was no different. As soon as Liu Hongmei arrived, Li Dong braced himself.

However, when Liu Hongmei finished speaking, Li Dong was still a bit stunned.

After a moment, Li Dong said with a strange expression, "How come I didn't know about this?"

Liu Hongmei looked up at him and replied emotionlessly, "You never asked, so we didn't bring it up."

Li Dong cleared his throat and asked, "Didn't President Sun mention it himself?"

"He probably felt embarrassed to bring it up, especially since Yuanfang is currently short on funds," Liu Hongmei adjusted her glasses and added, "Moreover, without your signature, the money cannot be disbursed."

Li Dong thought for a moment and realized he hadn't heard about this before.

Understanding this, Li Dong's expression grew more puzzled. He asked, "Did you ask about this, or did President Sun ask you to?"

"I asked on my own. President Sun generally doesn't concern himself with finances, and since this issue pertains to him personally, he wouldn't mention it. Mr. Li, I approached you for financial fairness, so please don't overthink it."

"I'm not overthinking it."

Li Dong shook his head in disbelief and said, "You know I don't usually concern myself with these matters. You should have mentioned this earlier."

Liu Hongmei smiled lightly and didn't respond. What could she say?

If it weren't for the upcoming New Year and the company's imminent holiday, Li Dong's lack of mention would have meant she wouldn't have gotten involved.

The situation was quite simple.

Sun Tao, the newly minted billionaire from last night, and a shareholder of Yuanfang, was currently nearly broke.

When he and Li Dong agreed that the general manager wouldn't take a salary but only annual dividends, it was fine at first.

Last year, although Yuanfang made a lot of money, they needed to invest in new stores, so by the end of the year, the balance sheet showed negative assets, with no revenue.

Thus, Sun Tao had almost zero income last year.

The only dividend he received was 86,000 yuan in the first month after the Dongping store opened, and it was the only payment he received.

Entering the following year, 2005, Yuanfang was in full spending mode.

By the end of December, Yuanfang had a profit of around 180 million yuan, but expenses were more than three times that amount, leaving the balance sheet in negative territory.

Li Dong usually didn't pay much attention to these details. When the company was short of money, he would simply transfer funds and didn't think much about Sun Tao.

In his view, Sun Tao shouldn't be short of money.

Even if the dividends were not substantial over the past year, with investments and expenses considered, Sun Tao should have managed with a few hundred thousand yuan.

But Li Dong overlooked one thing: without his approval, who would dare to spend company money?

Sun Tao didn't have a fixed salary, only dividends, which were usually paid once a year. Last year was a write-off, and this year, with no word from Li Dong, no one dared to bring it up.

Sun Tao wanted to mention it but felt too embarrassed to do so. As a general manager, it was even more awkward for him to bring it up.

In summary, since Yuanfang was established, Sun Tao, as a billionaire, had a total income of 86,000 yuan.

Previously, Sun Tao had also mentioned he owed a friend 800,000 yuan, had mortgaged his property in Pingchuan, and owed the bank a sum of money.

86,000 yuan wasn't even enough to repay the bank, let alone his friend.

In addition, living expenses in Pingchuan, though the company reimbursed part of them each month, didn't cover everything. As the boss, Sun Tao had private expenses to maintain his appearance.

Just a few suits had cost tens of thousands, and now his pockets were empty.

So Li Dong was surprised to hear Liu Hongmei mention these issues. It seemed that the general manager's life was even harder than a store manager's.

But it wasn't really Li Dong's fault; after all, he had no such experience.

Of course, Li Dong hadn't thought about this at all. With Sun Tao not mentioning it and the company's numerous affairs, it was natural for him to overlook this.

Shaking his head, Li Dong chuckled and said, "Here's the plan: transfer two million yuan to Sun Tao first to settle his debts. It's quite embarrassing for a general manager to owe money. People might think I'm being too harsh on him."

Liu Hongmei smiled upon hearing this, "I should have mentioned it to you earlier."

"Forget about it. In the future, provide Sun Tao with an additional salary. Every month… let's say 50,000 yuan. That should be sufficient."

50,000 a month wasn't too little, but for a general manager, it wasn't excessive either.

Since Sun Tao had shares, this money was extra and should be enough.

Previously, Li Dong hadn't given a salary because he wasn't familiar with Sun Tao's capabilities and didn't want to pay a salary if Sun Tao didn't perform well, which was reasonable.

Now it wasn't necessary; with the shares already given, a bit of salary was fair.

Liu Hongmei agreed, and Li Dong waved her off, saying, "You go ahead and get busy. Also, call President Sun over…"

"Forget it. I'll go to his office myself," Li Dong changed his mind halfway through and got up to head to Sun Tao's office.


As soon as Li Dong entered Sun Tao's office, Sun Tao had just dismissed the personnel director after a work report.

Li Dong entered without speaking, took a quick tour of the office, and then scrutinized Sun Tao before smiling and saying, "Brother Sun, the equity transfer document is ready. Please sign it, and don't forget to register it at the industry and commerce bureau later."

Sun Tao nodded. This was what had been agreed upon last night.

Having settled that matter, Li Dong's curiosity was piqued, and he asked, "Brother Sun, I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"You've been single for so long—is it because you're out of money?"

Sun Tao's face darkened as he understood Li Dong's implication. He awkwardly replied, "I'm managing fine. My friends know I'm tight on money and haven't rushed me. But if you hadn't mentioned it, I was going to bring it up myself. Being poor and not repaying debts, I wouldn't have the face to ask."

"Well, that's no excuse. 'Pride before the fall' probably describes you," Li Dong teased and then said, "I've asked Director Hongmei to handle it. I'll transfer two million to you first. If it's not enough, we'll discuss it further."

"You know, the company has high expenses this year, so the dividends can't be fully distributed…"

Before Li Dong could finish, Sun Tao hurriedly said, "Two million is more than enough. A million would actually suffice. To be honest, the company hasn't spent much, and you haven't spent much either. I feel embarrassed asking for money."

This was why Sun Tao had been reluctant to ask for money.

Li Dong, aside from handling official matters, had spent less than two million yuan in the past year.

The car was a company vehicle, so that didn't count as Li Dong's personal expenditure. His personal expenses were minimal—just a property in Pingchuan.

Adding in the costs from the Wang Jia incident, some money sent to Qin Yuhan, and Li Dong's expenses were almost non-existent.

Scholarships and donations, while reflecting Li Dong's personal interests, were also company expenditures and didn't count against Li Dong.

If even the big boss was so frugal, Sun Tao, of course, had to be even more frugal.

Moreover, the lack of dividend distribution was for investment purposes, making money from money. Sun Tao didn't hold it against Li Dong.

If he weren't so strapped for cash, Sun Tao wouldn't have even mentioned it.

Seeing Sun Tao's reaction, Li Dong smiled and didn't say more. After addressing the main issue, he glanced at his phone and said, "It's about time. I need to pick up Yuhan later. Come to my office so we can finalize the agreement this morning."

Sun Tao nodded, tidied up, and said, "Yuhan is coming back now?"

He was quite familiar with Yang Yun and knew about Qin Yuhan's situation.

Li Dong shook his head and said, "She's busy with her dessert shop in Beijing. It's been delayed until now."

Sun Tao laughed, "You two can't sit still. You're one thing, but Yuhan is still in school. Starting a business might interfere with her studies. You should advise her to focus on her education first."


Li Dong sighed. However, advising her wouldn't be very effective. Qin Yuhan was stubborn and wouldn't change her mind until she faced some obstacles.

Though she seemed gentle now, she had a stubborn streak.

Seeing Li Dong's attitude, Sun Tao didn't push further.

After a busy morning, Li Dong and Sun Tao went to the industry and commerce bureau to make the changes and then drove to

 the airport.


As the New Year approached, the usually quiet airport was bustling with activity.

Li Dong waited for over twenty minutes before Qin Yuhan, smiling broadly, walked towards him.

Li Dong hugged her briefly, took her suitcase, and asked, "What did you bring? It's so heavy."

"Some local specialties from Beijing. I'll divide half of them for you to take back for Uncle and Aunt to try."

As they walked, Qin Yuhan asked, "When are you going back to Dongping?"

Today was already the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, and New Year's Eve was on the 29th, leaving only five days.

Li Dong thought for a moment and said, "In a couple of days, around the 26th or 27th."

Then he asked, "Didn't you say yesterday that you'd come with me to Dongping? Don't forget."

Qin Yuhan's face turned slightly red as she shyly replied, "Actually, let's forget it. Don't mention it to Uncle and Aunt. I won't go this year, but I'll visit them next time when I have a chance."

She regretted her impulsive statement from yesterday.

Now, Qin Yuhan felt it was awkward to go to Dongping with Li Dong without any formal relationship.

Moreover, she was still in college, not even graduated from her sophomore year. Going to Li's home so early might make her seem insignificant.

Li Dong chuckled and said, "Why worry? My parents know you. They even said last time to bring you back for a visit. It seems this year is perfect."

As he spoke, Li Dong opened the trunk and packed the suitcase.

Once they were in the car, Qin Yuhan said, "Let me think about it some more and let you know later."

Li Dong didn't insist, starting the car and driving towards the Qin family home.