
Rebirth of the Third Party

Eunice Lin is the happiest woman. She is about to marry the man she worked hard to get and she is even carrying his child. But everything crumbled when she received a short video of him entering a hotel room with her cousin and also his rumored girlfriend before they met. Unfortunately she died on a car crash while driving towards the hotel to catch the cheating couple. However, before she breathe her last, all her anger vanished. What remain is regret. She should've known that karma is gonna get her. After all that man was not hers. She only stole him because she loves him too much. She even lost all her loved ones because she insist on having him. When she opened her eyes, she return back to two years ago before her accident. But this time she would never covet him and let him be happy with her cousin. But why does he still insist on marrying her?! What is his purpose? WPC #237- Female Lead- Getting Back Together entry Note: cover is a free template from Desygner book cover app... sorry for the amateur edit

Sheng1207 · Urban
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19 Chs

Avoid Them At All Cost

Seeing her getting paler, Eugene who is eagerly waiting for a sweet apology from his baby sis suffered a fright. "Baby sis are you okay?! Does it hurt anywhere? What's wrong? I will give you the gift, don't worry. You're scaring your brother!" He exclaimed while feeling her hands and forehead to check for a sign of fever. But instead of heat, he noticed that her hands are unnaturally cold yet her forehead is sweating. The three families who were laughing as they watch the siblings bicker earlier not long ago also changed expression. Emily and Victor rushed to her side as well to check on her condition.

Knowing that she had zoned out again, Eunice pacified them again but she didn't say she's fine because she is obviously not. She really find it hard to control her emotion. She just experienced rebirth. Nobody could remain calm in her situation. "Sorry I worried you all. I'm just really tired. It's nothing serious. I just probably need food and rest."

"I knew this would happen. I told you not to attend that gathering because we have a flight to catch first thing the next day. But you didn't listen to me. Now your body is complaining." Emily suddenly tattled.

Eunice completely forgot that happening. Now recalling it, she did attend a gathering with their classmates. It was like a farewell party. As a result she didn't sleep that night and went straight to the airport without rest. She at least took a bath of course. Emily didn't go because she is not good with staying up all night. She can only compromise during exams. But if for liesure, she rather not. In her memory however, Eunice remembered that she slept enough in the plane at that time so she is rather energetic when they arrived.

Still with Emily's reminder she finally found an excuse for her unusual behavior. Acting like she is betrayed, she pouted and squinted her eyes at Emily. Only to be greeted by the other party's raised eyebrows. She sighed in defeat and pointed at Victor's direction. "I was with Vic. Why don't you scold him too?"

Victor who is currently standing with a trolly filled with five suitcases, a backpack on his back and two female shoulderbags on both hands only showed a small smile. Yes, he's still carrying his two bestfriend's carry ons until now. Everyone looked at his handsome face, rosy complexion and bright almond eyes. Then compared him to the pale Eunice. The contrast couldn't be more obvious.

"How can you compare your stamina with Vic? He is an anomaly among all the computer geeks. He exercise everyday and even joins marathons. The only marathon you participate in is movie marathon." Emily taunted Eunice causing laughter to erupt in everyone.

"Stop teasing Eunice. And stop abusing Victor. You could at least carry your own shoulderbags. His good looks is ruined." Madam Zhang interjected with amused smile. She then adressed Madam Lin. "I suggest you still bring Eunice to the hospital after resting for check ups. She might have vitamin defficiency. It is common among students especially in universities to neglect their food and rest for good results. Not to mention Eunice graduated Cum Laude. She must've suffered a bit."

"That's a good idea. I think our baby does need it. Thank you Madam Zhang." Madam Lin answered gratefuly. She then faced her husband. "Should we head home first? Alice's flight will not arrive for at leat an hour. I don't think our baby can wait that long." Master Lin also thinks the same but he is still concerned that Alice might feel disappointed if no one welcome her at the airport.

"I will stay and wait for them. Don't worry, with that guy with her Alice would never feel disappointed even if the sky falls down." Eugene said laughing. "My manager, assistant and bodiguards are just outside. I'll just call them to accompany me. You go ahead and let my baby sis rest."

Eunice felt a pang in her heart hearing her brother mentioning Alice and "that man" being together. That man is no other than Zach Lu. From the moment she stepped out of the plane earlier she's been thinking of an excuse to avoid meeting them at all cost. Not only because she vowed to not get in their way but also because she still love him and it would certainly hurt seeing them together right now. Fortunately a convenient excuse presented itself.

In her previous life her first meeting with Zach Lu was here in this same airport. Both him and Alice arrived at S City from Country F and shared the same flight. Alice went there as the country's representative for classical music festival since she is labelled as the national treasure in classical music in the current generation for her talent in playing the piano. The title that Madam Han possessed in her youth. And Alice is her successor and disciple.

Zach on the other hand went there on a business trip. But some are sckeptical. Even Eunice's parents thought that he went there to support Alice. A few days later it will even be shown in the gossip magazines that Zach was spotted in the front row of the concert while Alice is playing on the stage. It was one of the red flags that Eunice ignored and still blindly chased the obviously taken man.

The memory of the moment when Zach Lu appeared in front of her is still fresh in Eunice mind. He was breathtakingly handsome on his dark grey customized suit. His fox eyes looks peircing and was able to hook her soul away with one look. Even his polite smile rendered her mute for a long time. His six feet five inches stature was so imposing that everyone around him seemed invisible. Thus she didn't notice the ambigous air between him and Alice while they were walking side by side. She was trully blinded that time.

"That make sense. Well then I'll leave you to it. But be careful. Go ahead and call your people. We will leave once thEy're here." Mater Lin warned. He then faced the Zhangs and Guans. "We wanted to invite you all for lunch but with Eunice like this we can only bail out. Why don't we gather for dinner at our home in a few days instead?"

"We understand CEO Lin. The children needs rest more anyway. A gathering would be nice. We gladly accept your invitation." Master Guan acquiesce.

"We will surely come CEO Lin. We are thankful for Eunice's help and guidance to our daughter. If not for her she would've failed countless times." Master Zhang also added while giving his daughter Emily a teasing look.

"Papa! You make it sound like I'm stupid!" Emily rebuked with bulging cheeks.

"Of course our little Emi is not stupid. She just needs to exert a lot more effort." Madam Zhang consoled to soften her daughter's imaginary puffed up feathers.

"Mama! It didn't make it sound better. Plus Eun-eun and Vic are the abnormal ones not me. I'm just surrounded with geniuses that is why I seemed stupid in comparison."Emily defended making everyone laugh.

They bicker and laugh a bit more until Eugene's people arrived. Then one after another they boarded their own cars to return on their respective homes. Eunice sighed in relief as the distance between them and the airport increased. Right now she needs to consolidate all her memories of her past life and avoid anything that caused harm to everyone around her and herself. She also have to figure out the truth abouit her death.

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