
Rebirth Of The Strongest Domain Owner (VRMMORPG)

In a society where Devin grew up at the bottom, he never expected anything good to happen to him. Abandoned as a baby, he knew nothing of his parents and felt society's indifference weighing heavily upon him. Despite tirelessly working, fate seemed to overlook him, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair. But destiny has a way of surprising even the most unsuspecting souls. Everything changed when Devin discovered the immersive world of the Virtual Reality game, OASIS ONLINE. Within the depths of this digital realm, he found an escape from his bleak reality. It was a place where he could shed his limitations and forge a new path beyond the confines of his circumstances, if only for a fleeting moment. However, fate had other plans in store for him. As Devin's virtual life began to flourish, his closest friend fell gravely ill, thrusting him into a treacherous game where powerful adversaries lurked at every turn. Forced to navigate through a dangerous web of alliances and confrontations, Devin had little choice but to confront the challenges head-on. Just when it seemed that darkness would consume him, an unexpected twist of destiny intervened. Devin stumbled upon a peculiar seed known as Origin, unleashing a sequence of events that would forever alter his fate. With each step taken alongside Origin, the world around him shifted, and his life's trajectory transformed in ways he never thought possible. Embark on an extraordinary journey with Devin as he defies the odds, in this virtual reality game that blurs game and reality. Support me on ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl https://discord.com/invite/FdHPZDbvFG ------- WSA 2024 ENTRY! PLEASE SUPPORT IF YOU ENJOY. DROP A REVIEW, COMMENT, VOTE, POWER STONE, GOLDEN TICKET, ETC. #WSA2024

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As Harrington, Devin and Ethan arrived at the exclusive auction house in Harrington's luxurious carriage, they presented their invitations to gain entry. Led by an elegant lady, they were directed to a specially appointed room that exuded an atmosphere of opulence and appreciation. The room was adorned with exquisite furnishings, not overly spacious, but enough to make each attendee feel valued. Platters filled with a variety of fruits and drinks were available for guests to enjoy, adding to the overall sense of indulgence. From their seats, they had a clear view of the stage, eagerly waiting for the auction to commence.

After a few minutes, everyone took their places, settling in anticipation for the imminent start of the auction. A sharply dressed man entered the stage, immediately commanding the attention of the audience. Introducing himself as the auctioneer, he proceeded to explain the two phases of the auction—first being the regular auction, followed by the market auction. In the latter, individuals would set up stalls to showcase items for patrons to purchase. If multiple buyers showed interest in the same item, a bidding war could commence between them, initiated by the stall owner.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Exclusive Auction," the auctioneer proclaimed, his voice resonating throughout the room. "Without further delay, let us begin with the first item of the day—a remarkable piece of glass fruit. Resembling a larger-than-life strawberry, this extraordinary fruit holds the power to assist warriors in gathering energy. The starting price for this exquisite item is set at 10 gold coins, with each bid requiring an increment of 1 gold coin."

As the room filled with anticipation, the bidding for the glass fruit was about to commence, sparking excitement among the attendees eager to acquire this unique and advantageous item.

As the auctioneer announced the glass fruit, the attendees in the special room seemed uninterested. It was the individuals in the general area who eagerly engaged in bidding for the unique item. Eventually, the glass fruit was sold for a whopping 20 gold coins, purchased by a fellow adventurer.

Devin couldn't help but let out an inward sigh, realizing that the price of the glass fruit surpassed his own net worth. He longed to reach a level of wealth where he could casually toss around gold coins. However, he knew he had more pressing matters to attend to, including completing his task and claiming Sun Haven. Only then could he entertain the idea of seeking out a potential gold mine.

The auction continued, showcasing various items up for bidding. Next up was the rejuvenation potion, crafted by the esteemed Master Cade. As the bidding intensified, the price quickly escalated to a staggering 200 gold coins, demonstrating the value that pharmacists and their potions held in the market.

As the auction progressed, reaching the middle stage, the attendees in the special room began to actively participate, perhaps enticed by the exclusive items that were yet to come.

As the auctioneer announced the next item—a scroll containing an Earth-grade thunder spell crafted by Master Faust of Gilly Kingdom—the atmosphere in the room grew more intense. Devin's attention was piqued as he had heard of Master Faust's formidable reputation, having even attained the status of Grandmaster in his previous life.

Even Harrington, usually composed and lighthearted, seemed to become more serious. However, they both refrained from immediately bidding, as the attendees in the general sitting area continued to compete for the item. The tension reached its peak when a voice from one of the boxes called out a bid of 5000 gold coins. The general crowd fell into silence, recognizing that it was time for the high rollers to step in.

Devin observed Harrington, who wore a sneer upon hearing the voice. To everyone's surprise, Harrington countered with a bid of 5100 gold coins. The voice persisted, raising the bid to 5500 gold coins. Showing no signs of hesitation, Harrington confidently called out, "6000 gold coins!" The voice in the box retaliated with "7000 gold coins!" This time, however, Harrington chose not to bid again.

The auctioneer repeated, "7000 gold coins, going once, twice, sold."

Curiosity piqued, Devin turned to Harrington and inquired, "Do you have a problem with that person?"

Harrington's expression turned even more disdainful as he replied, "No problem per se, I just like to see him lose money."

Surprised by Harrington's response, Devin pressed further, asking, "Who is he?"

"He is the owner of the High Sea Merchant Group, Dalton Ford," Harrington revealed. Devin's memory instantly recognized the name—an influential and wealthy merchant group with branches spanning across Oasis. In his previous life, they were ranked as the third richest merchant group.

"Don't be deceived by that guy's handsome face and hypocritical smile," Harrington cautioned. "He's a shark, thriving on deception before going in for the kill."

Devin absorbed this information, realizing that there must be a history or rivalry between Dalton Ford and Harrington. The auction continued, but Devin couldn't help but wonder about the untold stories and conflicts that lie beneath the surface of this seemingly serene event.

As the auctioneer announced the next item—an enchanted Earth-grade robe made by Master Lily, capable of protecting the wearer from damage caused by a Spirit Adept—excitement filled the air, especially among the warriors. Devin understood that while Oasis had yet to establish a definitive structure for power levels, the introduction of the first evolution would likely lead players to adopt a grading system similar to that of the natives.

The auctioneer proceeded to disclose the starting price of the coveted robe: "10,000 gold coins, with each bid requiring an increment of 500 gold coins." The exorbitant price dampened the enthusiasm of many in the auction house, causing Devin to gaze towards the heavens, silently pleading "God when"

"10,500 gold coins!" called out one determined bidder.

"11,000 gold coins!" countered another.

The bids continued to escalate: "13,000 gold coins!"

"15,000 gold coins! Please, everyone, our young master Alfred Kramer has developed a keen interest in this item. Kindly show him some face," a prideful voice proclaimed.

Concerned and slightly incredulous, Devin turned to Harrington and asked, "Is this allowed?"

Harrington chuckled, "Technically, it's not allowed. But in a world where wealth and power reign supreme, rules often bend. Just wait and watch—soon, the Kramer family will come to understand the meaning of a frog at the bottom of the well, who thinks the sky is only as big as the surface of the well."

The auctioneer frowned at the comment but chose not to intervene, asking instead, "Is that the final offer?"

"16,000 gold coins," a lady's voice intoned.

Harrington smiled mischievously, saying, "I told you the show was starting. The woman who just bid is from the Callan family."

"18,000 gold coins," another voice chimed in, the smile evident in their tone.

Harrington continued his introductions, "And that one is the young master Declan from the Covington family."

"20,000 gold coins," yet another male voice entered the fray.

Harrington raised an eyebrow in intrigue. "Ah, it seems even the City Lord's family is participating. That's the son of City Lord Master Muriel Mercer."

Unfazed by the presence of the influential Kramer family, Harrington decided to join in the fun, bidding, "21,000 gold coins."

Devin couldn't help but inquire, "Do you actually need the robe?"

Harrington shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't really need it, but it's not a waste either. I could gift it to a noble to gain favor. Moreover, it's entertaining to poke at the Kramer family. They need to be taken down a peg or two. Lately, they've been exerting too much influence, all because the City Lord has neglected his responsibilities concerning the city's affairs."

In a particular box, a blond-haired boy seethed with anger as the bids for the robe continued to rise. The woman accompanying him, provocatively pressing her ample bosom against him, cooed in a flirtatious voice, "Young master Alfred, these people clearly don't take the Kramer family seriously."

Alfred Kramer's anger intensified, and he yearned to unleash his fury, wishing he could eliminate all these individuals in an instant. Consumed by his rage, he called out in a fit of frustration, "30,000 gold coins!"

This time, no one dared to challenge him as the auctioneer swiftly announced, "For 30,000 gold coins, the Earth robe is sold."

Alfred's servant, concerned about the significant dent this bid would put in their budget, mustered the courage to express his worry, "Young master, 30,000 gold coins will strain our financial resources. What if we fail to acquire what the master has requested?"

With a deadly glare, Alfred snapped back at his servant, his angry eyes sending a shiver down the servant's spine. He knew all too well how wicked and ruthless Alfred could be. Terrified, the servant stammered, "I-I-I'm sorry, young master. It was not my intention..."

Interrupting the servant's feeble attempt to explain, the lady interjected, seeking to shift blame away from herself, "Young master, please do not blame him, as it was a mistake of mine as well."

Alfred, reveling in his position as the heir of the Kramer family, boasted with a smug sense of superiority, "Don't worry, as the heir of the Kramer family, I can still afford it."

His words dripped with arrogance, as if the wealth of the Kramer family was an unlimited resource that could shield him from any financial consequences. Little did he realize that his overconfidence and impulsive spending might have dire consequences for their future endeavors.

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