
Rebirth Of The Strongest Domain Owner (VRMMORPG)

In a society where Devin grew up at the bottom, he never expected anything good to happen to him. Abandoned as a baby, he knew nothing of his parents and felt society's indifference weighing heavily upon him. Despite tirelessly working, fate seemed to overlook him, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair. But destiny has a way of surprising even the most unsuspecting souls. Everything changed when Devin discovered the immersive world of the Virtual Reality game, OASIS ONLINE. Within the depths of this digital realm, he found an escape from his bleak reality. It was a place where he could shed his limitations and forge a new path beyond the confines of his circumstances, if only for a fleeting moment. However, fate had other plans in store for him. As Devin's virtual life began to flourish, his closest friend fell gravely ill, thrusting him into a treacherous game where powerful adversaries lurked at every turn. Forced to navigate through a dangerous web of alliances and confrontations, Devin had little choice but to confront the challenges head-on. Just when it seemed that darkness would consume him, an unexpected twist of destiny intervened. Devin stumbled upon a peculiar seed known as Origin, unleashing a sequence of events that would forever alter his fate. With each step taken alongside Origin, the world around him shifted, and his life's trajectory transformed in ways he never thought possible. Embark on an extraordinary journey with Devin as he defies the odds, in this virtual reality game that blurs game and reality. Support me on ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl https://discord.com/invite/FdHPZDbvFG ------- WSA 2024 ENTRY! PLEASE SUPPORT IF YOU ENJOY. DROP A REVIEW, COMMENT, VOTE, POWER STONE, GOLDEN TICKET, ETC. #WSA2024

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A Birthday Riddled With Intrigue

The city of Serene was bathed in an ethereal glow as the Kramer family prepared to celebrate their patriarch's grand birthday. The luxurious mansion was adorned with shimmering decorations, cascading flowers, and the flickering glow of countless candles. Influential family heads from all corners of the city arrived, creating an atmosphere brimming with intrigue and grandeur.

The Covington family, revered for their wealth and power, arrived in a flurry of maroon velvet and silver thread. Beatrice Covington, dressed in an exquisite gown embroidered with intricate designs, exuded an air of sophistication and authority. She exchanged curt nods and polite smiles with the other family heads, while concealing her true intentions behind her piercing gaze.

"My husband couldn't be here as he received an emergency notice this morning. I am here on his behalf," said Beatrice.

"It's fine. Your presence is enough," replied the Kramer family head, warmly welcoming the other family heads.

The Kramer family head engaged in pleasantries with the Callan family head and his daughter, Ariel Callan. With a genuine smile, he also welcomed the smaller family heads without discrimination, winning favor with everyone present.

As the celebration commenced, someone voiced the absence of the city lord. The Kramer family head dismissed it with a laugh, attempting to maintain the jovial atmosphere.

However, amidst the merriment, the atmosphere took an abrupt twist. The deafening roar of guards storming the Kramer mansion shattered the fragile peace. The city lord, accompanied by his most trusted warriors, took control of the situation, surrounding the Kramer house with a contingent of heavily armored troops. Panic and confusion rippled through the guests as whispers of treachery and dark dealings spread like wildfire.

Everyone was stunned by the unexpected presence of the city lord. Weren't there rumors circulating that the young city lord had been involved in his father's death? The air was thick with uncertainty and suspicion, plunging the once-glamorous event into a state of uncertainty and intrigue.

"Are you all surprised to see me? Don't worry, it's not my turn to die yet," said the city lord.

"City Lord Phillip, I am glad you are doing well, but today is my celebration. You storming my house with guards is inappropriate," reasoned the Kramer family head.

"Drop the hypocrisy. I am not buying it," replied Phillip.

"This is my Kramer family mansion. You brought guards to surround my family without cause. We may have our issues, but not to the extent of you using your power as the city lord to threaten me. I have to defend myself," said the Kramer family head, attempting to take the higher moral ground as he called upon his own guards.

"Arthur, don't pretend like you wouldn't attack the City Lord's mansion. You are only waiting for a cause. I don't mind giving it to you. I have always ignored your schemes and shenanigans, but to think you would involve the entire population of Serene City," said Phillip, his anger evident in his gaze.

"Don't put a big hat on my head. I don't know what you're talking about," replied Arthur.

"It doesn't matter," the city asserted. "As the city lord of Serene City, I have information the Kramer family is involved in nefarious acts that will be detrimental to the lives of the people of Serene City. I order the city guards to search the whole Kramer house," Philip commanded.

The city guards roared in acknowledgement of the order. However, the Kramer family were not defenseless, which led to a confrontation between the two groups.

"City lord, don't you think you need to give us an explanation before attacking?" shouted the Callan family head.

"I don't need to explain anything to carry out my duties, but if you must know, the Kramer family is practicing dark magic and has a magic circle that is about to harvest all your lives. How's that for an explanation?" Philip retorted.

Chaos ensued at the once joyous party, providing Devin and Alex with the opportunity to enter the area where the secret circle was hidden. Unfortunately, they were not the first to arrive. Upon entering, they discovered a gruesome scene with guards massacred and bodies strewn about.

To their surprise, the woman who had been beside Alfred, controlling him, stood near the magic circle. Devin and Alex approached her, attempting to stop her, but two other men in dark cloaks intervened, forcing them to face these adversaries head-on.

Without hesitation, Devin and Alex lunged into the fray, their weapons clashing against the dark-infused weapons of their adversaries. The cloaked men moved with uncanny speed and precision, their attacks calculated and skillful. It was evident that these men were highly skilled fighters, well-versed in the art of combat.

Devin's movements were fueled by adrenaline, his instincts guiding him as he deftly parried each strike. His body seemed to dance through the air, his strength and agility amplified by the origin aura. Pressing forward, his attacks grew bolder and more relentless with each passing moment.

As the battle raged on, the lady by Alfred's side urged her allies to finish the fight quickly. "Finish these ants quickly. I don't want to mess up the master's orders," she commanded.

Just as the cloaked men increased their intensity, the guards arrived and swiftly eliminated them.

"Sir Devin, the city lord will be here soon," one of the guards informed Devin.

"We can't wait. We have to stop that woman who is controlling Alfred Kramer. I have a feeling it's related to the magic circle," Devin stated urgently as they hurried through the tunnel.

What they encountered was a horrifying sight. Dead bodies littered the area, their lifeblood draining into the magic circle. It was a gruesome and unsettling scene. The sheer amount of lives sacrificed to fill such a massive circle must have numbered in the thousands.

The guards, filled with rage and shock, grappled with the cruelty of the scene. How would the souls of these victims ever find rest?

"Those useless things couldn't stop you, but it's too late," the lady taunted, her voice laced with arrogance.

As the lady began to chant, the magic circle pulsated with an eerie light. In that crucial moment, Arthur Kramer, the head of the Kramer family, and City Lord Phillip burst onto the scene, presence almost palpable.

Fury ignited in Arthur Kramer's eyes as he fixed his gaze upon the intruders. "How dare you meddle in the affairs of the Kramer family? You will pay dearly for your insolence!"

Unfazed by Arthur's threats, the lady responded coolly, "I don't think you should be worried about that. Instead, you should be concerned about how many times you have ruined the master's plans. As a result, the master has decided to show you what it means to not measure up."

With a dark transformation, the lady's nails morphed into menacing claws. Without hesitation, she reached into Alfred's chest and ripped out his heart, gruesome and swift. In one motion, she flung the heart into the magic circle. Arthur Kramer's scream of agony filled the air as he desperately tried to stop her, but it was too late. Alfred was already lifeless. Despite his son's shortcomings and constant mistakes, he was still Arthur's flesh and blood.

An intense burst of a spirit disciple's aura erupted from Arthur's body as he swiftly attacked the lady, seeking revenge for his son's death. He successfully killed her, surprising even City Lord Phillip with the power of his aura. It seemed Arthur had been concealing his true abilities.

Facing everyone with a cold demeanor, Arthur used his aura to oppress them. "You all can accompany my son and be a sacrifice for the Lord's awakening," he declared coldly, instilling fear in those present.

Just as Arthur prepared to confront the city lord, another aura, equal to his own or perhaps even more powerful, intervened. It was one of the men sent by the capital. He engaged Arthur in battle, the clash of their auras and abilities creating a spectacle of strength and determination.

Meanwhile, Alex and Devin found themselves momentarily confused by a system prompt that appeared before them.

[Task release: You have discovered the Kramer magic circle. 8000 Exp awarded. Unfortunately, this is just a node for the real magic circle.]

[Task release: Find the real magic circle and uncover the plan behind it. The reward will be calculated based on completion. Failure to complete will result in a penalty, calculated based on the result.]

This sudden realization shifted their focus as they understood the importance of finding the true magic circle and understanding the sinister plan behind it. The stakes were high, and success would yield a rewarding outcome, while failure would come with severe consequences.

"City Lord, this isn't the real magic circle; it's only a power source. We must find the real magic circle before it's too late," Devin urgently informed.

The City Lord was taken aback by this revelation. "Devin, are you sure?" he questioned, seeking confirmation.

"One hundred percent sure. We must find it quickly," Devin replied confidently, knowing that the system wouldn't make a mistake in its guidance.

Addressing Arthur, the City Lord called out, "Arthur, there's no need for this futile struggle. It's clear that the Order of Shadows you've been working for doesn't value you. They not only killed your son but are also using you as a means of distraction from the real magic circle."

As the City Lord tried to shake Arthur's faith, the distraction caused the man fighting Arthur to spot an opening in Arthur's defense and deliver a fatal blow. Arthur laughed maniacally, coughing up blood.

"Tell me, what did Arthur Kramer do wrong? The heavens didn't grant me an opportunity, so I created one. I ended up dancing with the devil," Arthur proclaimed, his words laced with bitter disdain.

He continued, "Since the Order betrayed me first, then let everyone rot in hell!" Arthur mouthed a name, and suddenly, a voice resonated in the void. "I should have known you were worthless. What a waste of a pawn." Arthur froze, his soul harvested by an unseen hand.

The man fighting alongside Arthur's final moments revealed a deep anxiety. "This is not good. My fears have come true! The Order has sent one of their notorious elders, known as the Soul Eater. I'm afraid Serene City is about to face a devastating disaster."

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