
found them

"Son! We can't afford to offend these people!"Mather Hold Mahan and cry!

At this moment, a quiet voice sounded, "There are no people we can't afford!"

Everyone turned to look at the slim figure standing at the tent door.

This sentence comes from a peaceful mouth. She pursed her lips. Although she didn't say much, she didn't mean to blame Mahan and others. On the contrary, she expressed her support for her people.

Mahan looked at her gratefully. He naturally knew that he was in someone else's camp now. If things were serious, it would be hard to end. It would not only be difficult for him to end the scene, but also involve peace and others.

But now, Ma Han, as the leader, expressed his support for him, so he naturally had no worries behind him. He strode forward immediately, picked up the big man again, and waved a heavy fist to his cheek!

There was a dull thud, and the big man suddenly fell to the ground. His face was almost silent, and his teeth were covered with blood.

The big man climbed back a few steps with trembling lips, and his mouth was full of blood, dripping to the ground with saliva. He was very embarrassed.

The other man, who was thrown out of the tent by the fat fish, was white faced and looked at the peaceful people with frightened eyes. He was trembling and speechless.

They used to run wild before. Where have they been cleaned up like this? Which one is better now? m. Wucuo mobile phone reading website has lost its mind. I don't know what to do. I have nothing but fear in my heart.

In the camp, there were only women's sobs at this time, some were frightened and some were excited.

Mahan's mother has been standing in the same place for a long time and is at a loss. Now she has caused such a big trouble. I'm afraid the camp can no longer accommodate them. What should we do.

Mahan suddenly heard something. He turned around and walked quickly to his mother. "Mom, are my dad all right?"

****Stunned, he immediately covered his lips and sobbed, which made everyone's heart sink, but Liu Hai hurriedly said, "Brother, don't get excited, there are several people with her, but they were seriously injured, not dead! Not dead!"

Hearing what Liu Hai said, Mahan immediately took his mother's arm and said, "Mom, Dad, is he all right? Where is he?"

****Wiped a tear, looked at the bangs helplessly, and the latter hurriedly said, "Go, go! It's OK, here... here I come!"

****Then he said, "Your father and your brother are all right, but... Come with me first!" It seems that there is something unspeakable. ******************************************************************.

Mahan quickly held his mother with his back hand. They walked out quickly. He took a peaceful look at the tragedy here and patted the fringe on the arm. "Don't worry, we won't run away. Let your leader come to talk to me if something happens."

Liu Hai nodded with an unlucky face. He knew that he could not escape, but what could he do now?

After finishing his words, An'ning also took everyone to follow him at a quick pace.

Around several detours, several people came to a dilapidated tent, looked at the dilapidated tent, and calmly wondered whether it could serve as a wind shield.

Mahan opened the curtain, and the scene immediately made him shout, "Dad! Brother!"

An'ning and others looked inside from outside the account, and their faces suddenly changed.

In the tent, two men were lying on a ragged blanket. The older man was as thin as firewood, and his body was only skin and bone. Another middle-aged man, Mahan's elder brother, had a broken leg and his body was as thin as a stick.

Two emaciated girls are taking care of them, holding two broken bowls with only white rice soup in their hands. They wave with spoons, but they can't even see rice grains!

The two men lying on the bed had just swallowed a mouthful of rice soup. Hearing the sound, they turned their heads with difficulty. The four people in the tent were stunned on the spot!

Mahan did not step forward, but flopped down on his knees and sobbed, "Dad! Brother! Sister! I'm late!"

Don't turn your head and sigh heavily.

Mahan's mother's eyes were red again. She lifted Mahan up and led him into the tent.

The skinny old man in the tent shivered and stretched out his arm. Mahan held it in his hand. "Dad!"

"Just come back! Just be fine..." The weak voice repeated the same words as Mahan's mother, and the picture was so touching.

The peaceful people did not enter the account, but stayed outside to make room for their family to speak.

Outside the tent, I heard the sound of choking and pain from time to time. In the end, it turned into the laughter of family reunion.

Gao Wei and Xiao Tian, two groups of people, followed the crowd silently from beginning to end with heavy sighs.

Anning suddenly turned around and said, "Go to the kitchen to get two pots and let's cook some porridge."

"But where did you get the rice?" Gao Wei and Xiao Tian are both wondering about the tranquility. Although the kitchen is a place for cooking, there is no rice in it. It can be seen that the camp is very strict about food.

"We have some rice balls that can be boiled into rice porridge." Tranquility took out a pile of rice balls wrapped in plastic wrap from her bag. These were all made for them by Ann's mother before she left.

Gao Wei's eyes lit up and he nodded at once. However, his subordinates were arranged to surround the kitchen just now, in case the two people who had been beaten and Liu Hai ran to report. After all, Ma Han and others needed time. He was more thoughtful about this.

Xiao Tian raised his head at Yang Li. The latter glanced at the rice ball and then took two people to turn around and leave. After a long time, several people came back with a few not too big pots. Yang Li said, "Carrying a big pot is easy to attract people's attention, so is taking two more small pots."

She nodded quietly. At some times, Yang Li is still useful and intelligent.

At this time, the tent curtain was opened again, and Mahan came out from inside. His eyes were still slightly red and swollen. He grinned at everyone, "Come in, don't stand outside."

The fat fish took him by the shoulder and said, "Thank you for remembering that we all stood outside for two minutes!"

It was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon. After two or three hours, the sky was almost dark.

Mahan smiled with embarrassment and knew that Fatty Fish was joking. He immediately took everyone into the room and introduced them to each other. Mahan's father nodded weakly, "Thank you all! Without you, the second son doesn't know whether he can come back! The world has changed! Alas!"

He smiled and said, "Uncle, Mahan is our friend and our teammate. All of us survived by helping each other along the way. No one ever thanked anyone."

Mahan looked at peace with gratitude, but Mahan's father shook his head slightly

"When I say uncle, I will see the outside world. We have a relationship with Mahan from birth to death. What is that?" The fat fish smiled, which made Mahan's father nod and look at his son with relief. Unexpectedly, his son could still make such friends in this world.

An'ning also hurriedly ordered everyone to light a fire, light a small pot in the tent, add water, and throw the rice ball into the pot. Soon, the pot began to boil, and the smell of rice porridge slowly overflowed, which was immediately attractive.

Tranquility took out several bags of pickles, steamed buns, big cakes, etc., and put the hard and cold dry food on the lid of the pot to steam for a while, then it became hot.

"Gulu!" Everyone raised their eyes to the two skinny girls squatting in the corner. The girls immediately blushed and lowered their heads in embarrassment.

As Mahan has just introduced, these two are his own sisters and twins. If the end does not come, they are still in college.

She smiled peacefully and kindly, but just then, the grunts began to ring one after another. She turned to look at Yang Li and others, only to find that all the people behind Xiao Tian looked embarrassed and turned away.

Xiao Tian laughed and said, "We haven't eaten rice for a long time. These days, we have to eat some hard and dry food to live on. If it wasn't for peace, we wouldn't be able to eat bread and milk these days!"

He has a strong and handsome face. He is also very arrogant and does not show any self-consciousness.

Luke smiled, took the dishcloth beside him, opened the lid of the pot, and the aroma suddenly blew. All the people gathered around the pot. Yang Li personally served rice porridge and distributed steamed bread for them. Looking at the sticky rice porridge in the bowl, her preconceptions about tranquility gradually faded.

Today's peaceful and generous approach has really won people's favor. In the current world, who doesn't keep the food firmly, and who will share it with those who meet by chance?

In addition, for the sake of their partners, they all looked at what they had done. They did not say that the smokers took out cigarettes and beer generously, but that they were willing to beat up the villains regardless of danger. They all asked themselves silently, if they were themselves, would they do this?

After all, it has been six months since the end of life, and everyone has understood that this is a dangerous, bloody, violent, greedy, selfish, and dehumanizing period. All people are firmly guarding their own lives and property, and are alert to everyone. Even their partners will not hesitate to abandon each other when the danger comes.

This is already a survival instinct, and also a rule!

So there is no mistake in saying that environment can change and determine a person's character.

But the tranquility group overturned the truth that they had already confessed to death. They would not hesitate to fight and give each other a painful blow when they treat friends, loyalty, generosity, sincerity, and enemies!

There is a good saying that the other party is a mirror of yourself. How you treat others will be treated by others. Of course, those selfish and cold-blooded people will be treated differently.

The Mahan family gathered together to form a small circle, holding rice porridge and eating pickles. The atmosphere was warm and happy.

But at this moment, the tent curtain was suddenly opened, and a sharp voice sounded angrily!

"Did you steal food?"