
Rebirth of the Silent Knight

In a world ravaged by war, the elite warrior Rodrick leads his squad to victory but loses his hand and hope when a blood-soaked, possessed boy massacres a stronghold. Ten years later, Rodrick, now the Silent Knight, is betrayed and murdered, only to awaken in the weak body of Kent Jhonson, a despised noble's son. As Rodrick/Kent trains to regain his lost power, he uncovers dark family secrets and prepares for a showdown with the White Demon, a deadly enemy from his past. With his former skills and a new identity, Kent must confront his past, protect his homeland, and reclaim his destiny. **Rebirth of the Silent Knight** is a pulse-pounding tale of redemption, power, and an unyielding warrior’s quest for vengeance and justice in a fractured world.

Nagra01 · Action
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20 Chs

The Fall of Akasha

The Arrival

The night was calm, with the moon casting a silvery glow over the sprawling estate of Johnson. Kent was in his study, immersed in plans for the city's development when a disturbance outside caught his attention. The sound of hurried footsteps and muffled voices reached his ears. Sensing something amiss, he rushed to the courtyard.

There, he saw Akasha staggering through the gates, covered in blood. His once emotionless eyes were now filled with pain and exhaustion. Kent's heart clenched at the sight of his loyal follower in such a dire state.

"Akasha!" Kent shouted, rushing to his side.

Akasha collapsed into Kent's arms, his body limp and trembling. "Doctor Edy!" Kent called out urgently, carrying Akasha towards the infirmary.

The Struggle to Save Akasha

Dr. Edy, a physician with a deep knowledge of both traditional and arcane medicine, quickly assessed Akasha's condition. The room was filled with tension as she worked tirelessly, her hands moving with practiced precision over his wounds. The minutes felt like hours as Kent watched, his heart heavy with fear and helplessness.

After what seemed like an eternity, Dr. Edy stepped back, her face etched with sorrow. "I've done everything I can," she said softly. "His injuries are too severe. I'm sorry, but he cannot be saved."

Kent's knees buckled, and he gripped the edge of the bed for support. "No... there must be something... anything!"

Dr. Edy shook his head, tears brimming in his eyes. "I'm truly sorry, Kent."

Akasha's Last Words

Akasha's breathing was shallow, his strength waning rapidly. He opened his eyes, searching for Kent. "Master..." he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Kent leaned in close, holding Akasha's hand tightly. "I'm here, Akasha. I'm here."

"I found... 'Death'... the boy you encountered at Mount Swan... in your former life," Akasha said, each word a struggle. "He has become the leader of the new empire... 'Divine Death'."

Kent's mind raced, recalling the dark figure from his past. "Describe him to me," he urged gently.

Akasha's voice grew weaker, but he continued. "He has an army of strong dark aura emitters... they are powerful. The coordinates of his empire... are in the eastern lands, beyond the Black Mountains."

Kent listened intently, absorbing every detail. "What else, Akasha? What else do I need to know?"

"He has no weakness... he is extremely strong. It will not be easy to face him. He will bring destruction... to all who oppose him." Akasha's eyes flickered with a brief flash of emotion. "He is not to be underestimated."

Kent's grip tightened on Akasha's hand. "I understand. We'll be ready."

Akasha's breaths were becoming more laboured. "Thank you... Father," he whispered, a single tear escaping from the corner of his eye.

Kent was stunned. For the first time since the ritual of Eurothis, Akasha showed a flicker of humanity, a moment of pure, unfiltered emotion. "Akasha... you..."

But it was too late. With those final words, Akasha's body went still, his life slipping away.

The Agony of Loss

Kent felt as if the world had stopped. He clutched Akasha's lifeless body, his own emotions finally breaking free. "No! Akasha!" he screamed, the sound echoing through the silent night. Tears streamed down his face as he wept, his cries filled with anguish and sorrow.

The loss of Akasha hit Kent harder than he had ever anticipated. He had always seen him as more than just a follower. Akasha was like a son to him, a testament to the bond forged through shared hardships and unwavering loyalty. The sight of his lifeless body was a stark reminder of the sacrifices made in this unrelenting struggle.

A Promise of Vengeance

After what felt like hours, Kent finally composed himself, his sorrow replaced by a burning resolve. He gently closed Akasha's eyes, placing a hand on his chest. "Rest now, my son. Your sacrifice will not be in vain."

He stood up, his gaze hardening as he looked out the window towards the eastern lands. "Death... the Divine Death... you will pay for this, you will pay for every last one of them..." he vowed, his voice filled with cold determination.

Kent knew that the battle ahead would be arduous, but he also knew that he could not let Akasha's death be for nothing. The boy he had once known, the monster he had become, would be brought to justice. The people of Johnson, and all those threatened by this new empire, depended on it.

Dark Preparations

On the other hand, the High Duke's wing was planning to wage war on the estate of Johnson...

The Gathering of Malice

The conference room within the High Duke's Villa was an embodiment of foreboding. It was a vast chamber, lit dimly by flickering torches that cast ominous shadows on the cold, stone walls. The air was thick with tension and the scent of burning incense, designed to mask the stench of deceit and treachery that permeated the space. Heavy tapestries, depicting ancient battles and conquests, adorned the walls, absorbing the murmurs of the men within.

At the center of this oppressive atmosphere sat powerful figures around a massive, circular table of dark oak. High Duke Sith Servent, a man of immense stature and an aura that radiated both authority and malice presided over the gathering. His eyes glinted with a dangerous intelligence as he surveyed the maps and documents spread before him. His presence was overpowering, a living testament to his position as a person on the way to becoming one of the seven divine deities.

To his right was Duke Rid, a lean and sharp-featured man known for his cunning and ruthlessness. His fingers tapped impatiently on the table, betraying a mind constantly at work, always calculating. On the High Duke's left sat Count Dwayne, a burly man with a permanent scowl etched on his face, his demeanour reflecting a blend of tactical prowess.

The Strategies of War

"Johnson must be brought to its knees," the High Duke began, his voice low and resonant, cutting through the tension like a blade. "Kent Johnson has proven to be more than a mere nuisance. His actions have undermined our authority and emboldened others. This cannot stand."

Duke Rid leaned forward, his eyes narrowed. "We need to strike swiftly and decisively. His estate may be fortified, but every fortress has its weaknesses. We must find and exploit them."

Count Dwayne grunted in agreement. "We should cut off their supplies. Starve them out. Johnson's prosperity relies heavily on trade and resources. Disrupt those, and we weaken them significantly."

High Duke Sith Servent nodded, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Indeed. We will implement a blockade. Our fleets will patrol the waterways, intercepting any goods destined for Johnson. Our spies will infiltrate their supply lines, creating chaos and confusion."

Duke Rid's eyes gleamed with malice. "I suggest we deploy our most elite assassins to target key figures within Johnson. Sow fear and discord among their ranks. Make them question their leader's ability to protect them."

"Agreed," said the High Duke. "But we must also be prepared for confrontation. Kent Johnson is not to be underestimated. He has proven resourceful and resilient, and that bastard of the South [Duke Amber] may intervene. Our forces must be ready to engage them on the battlefield."

Count Dwayne's face twisted into a cruel smile. "I will assemble our best troops. We will ensure that Johnson's defenders are outmatched in every possible way."

The High Duke's gaze hardened, and he leaned forward, his voice a menacing whisper. "This is not just a battle for territory. This is a battle for dominance. Kent Johnson has dared to defy us. He must be made an example of. When we are done, no one will dare stand against us again."

The room fell silent as the three men exchanged grim nods, their plans solidifying. Outside, the wind howled, as if echoing the dark intentions brewing within the fortress walls. The stage was set, and the forces of malice were preparing to descend upon Johnson with the full weight of their wrath. 

In the dim light of the conference room, the High Duke, Duke Rid, and Count Dwayne finalized their strategies, their minds united in a single purpose: the complete and utter destruction of Kent Johnson and his burgeoning empire.