
The Law

"Anaksu..." Karyan whispered.

"Yes, he kept your memories safe, but you couldn't protect him or yourself," Lanta pointed out.

"I didn't fail! I've come back to life, and I will have my revenge on them all!"

"You came back, but Anaksu didn't."

The forest grew quiet, except for the soft rustling of the leaves in the gentle breeze.

"I will..."

"You will what? You have no power in this new life, Karyan, and soon everyone will know you're the cursed one, not your brother."

"They won't find out."

"Yes, they will."

"I'll stay hidden until it's time to strike back..."

Lanta stopped speaking.

"I know what you're thinking, that I have no magic... but my real strength isn't fire, it's something that was stolen from me... my true power is over animals, snakes."

"And you believe you can control snakes again?"

"Yes, look at this one here," Karyan indicated the small white snake coiled around his neck.

"That one?"

"I still draw snakes to me, and I can feel my power is still here, so I'm not as hopeless and weak as you make me seem."

"I'm not making you seem that way, you are that way."

"I don't need your approval, then."

Lanta watched him closely, "You don't? And you plan to use your power without my help?"

"Not without you, Lanta. I won't use it because there are many other ways to get my revenge."

"You have been reborn, but your mind is still growing, like a child's..." Lanta shook her head softly.

"Don't act like you're the only one here with power. If you won't help me, I don't need you!"

"Dear Karyan, of course I'll help you, but not yet... you're too weak, and your body can't handle it."

"Then when?"

"On your sixteenth birthday, eleven years from now... I'll come back."

"Why wait so long?"

"You have to show me you're worthy of my gift. Now, rest." Lanta gestured, and Karyan suddenly found himself awake in his bare room.

The room felt cold, and lying on the floor, Karyan's body wasn't warm enough to change that.

"Why couldn't she just give me the power now?" Karyan thought as he slowly got up off the floor.

Standing up, he moved to the table, "I need paper..." he muttered, searching. 


Karyan, wanting to get back at those who hurt him, so started thinking about his plan.

 On a piece of paper, he wrote down the names of the people he didn't like – Mateo, who killed him; Enando, who turned his back on him; and the king, who didn't believe in him. 

Anaksu's name was important, "I will avenge you, my old friend…I will show them the real power of serpents." He whispered once again. 

He was determined, and most important, he was still filled with vengeance.

"I'm not done. I'm back and I'll make them sorry," he said quietly, his eyes were showing he meant it. 

He thought about staying hidden until just the right time to surprise them, showing that he was really good at talking to animals, especially snakes.


A little white snake was with him, this proved that he was friends with these critters.

Feeling sure of himself, Karyan looked at the snake. "I still like snakes, and I feel strong inside too, so why this stupid wait?"

He didn't need anyone's approval to do things his way. 

Karyan remembered his twin brother, Karlin, who was mixed up with him. 

He hoped Karlin got away with Estera to a safe spot. 

Estera could make water do what she wanted, but Karyan never told anyone that he knew about her powers, and now it came really handy. 

Karyan couldn't let go of hating at Mateo for what he did. 

He wondered if Barbara was alright after Mateo's attack too, "I don't love her, but for some weird reason, I do care about her, could it be because…?" He paused. 

"No…" Karyan shook his head, denying his thoughts. 

With a look of no giving up, Karyan decided he would make Mateo feel paranoid and slowly drive him crazy, bit by bit. 

He filled his mind with ways to make Mateo pay for everything.

Karyan remembered the little white snake with him. "You need a name," he said in a soft voice. 

He thought about names that sounded strong and tough.

After a bit, he chose, "I'll call you Sera." The snake moved a little, like it knew its new name. 

Karyan felt a bond with Sera, she was like a quiet friend in his plans for payback.

While he kept planning, Karyan liked having the quiet snake with him, it felt like he was brought back to his past once again.

 "We'll make them sorry, Sera," he whispered, making a promise to his new buddy.

A soft knock on the door broke into his thoughts. The door opened a little, and a nervous servant peeked in. "Sorry, sir," the servant said, shaking, "but you won't get dinner tonight. Our lord asked for this."

Karyan's eyes rolled together. 

This news made him even more determined to get back at Mateo, "son of a bitch."

The servant left quickly, and Karyan made a quiet promise to himself that not having dinner would only make him want revenge more, "I'm really hungry though, but fine…starve me."

Karyan's eyes shone with a sneaky kind of determination. 

Not having dinner tonight gave him a bad idea. A sly smile came to his face as he told Sera, "Mateo wants to mess with me? Okay, let's start."

He started thinking of a smart plan, something that would make everyone confused and worried.

"What if I'd dye my hair dark green once again?" He asked loudly, hoping for the snake to answer. 

"That should do…he sealed my fire, and he thought Karlin was me, but if I'll give him more resemblance to my previous-self, it should make him paranoid."

Sera yawned, "I know…but he can't kill me, not by the law at least."