

"So, which one of you wants to die first?" Karyan asked calmly while Sera wrapped herself around his hand.

"Ttscch, what is a kid doing here?"

"Forget him, let's go."

"The first one! kill the first one!" The girl shouted from her lungs.

She had a little bit too much faith to think that Karyan could kill anyone right now; he could, but how would she know?

"Please!" She yelled, "kill the guy who´s standing right in front of you!"

Karyan glared at him like there was no going back, "release the girl," he whispered.

"Or what? You will attack me with your toys?" The man mocked; the other two also laughed.

"The man has no elements, but somehow it doesn't affect him with mine!" The girl shouted again.

"Shut up!" One man turned around and slapped her.

"Before we start, I will ask you, where are you taking her?"

"Brat, you really have no manners," the first man sneered.

"He's probably a noble, we should bring him with us!"

"No fucking way!"

"Grab him too, we don't have any time to waste."

When the first man approached Karyan, he tried to grab him by his shoulders, but not noticing Sera on his arms, he was immediately bitten by her venom.

"Ah! Fuck!" He yelled as he retreated his hand, "what is this? A snake? Are you kidding me?"

Karyan ignored the man and repeated his question, "once again, I will ask nicely, where are you taking her?"

The man growled, "and why should I tell you? You think because you have a snake wrapped around you, you´re invincible?" He raised his tone.

"No," Karyan replied, "the snake doesn't make me invincible, but her poison does."

The thick tension hung in the air as Karyan pulled out a dagger. The man mocked, "Poison or not, you're just a foolish kid."

Ignoring the taunt, Karyan lunged at the first man, dagger in hand.

Sera coiled defensively. The second man circled cautiously.

Sera, recovering from a bite, hissed threateningly. "Come here, you little-"

Karyan managed to disarm one attacker, briefly turning the tide.

He asked again, "Where are you taking her?" The man scoffed, refusing to answer.

With a cruel grin, the first man landed a powerful punch on Karyan's face. The impact echoed, causing a small daze. "Hopeless child," the man sneered, "you're just a pathetic creature."

The second man chimed in, "What did you think, waving that little dagger around? You're out of your league, kid."

Karyan shook off the disorientation, "fuckers!".

Undeterred, he dodged another blow and countered with a swift kick, regaining some ground.

The taunts continued, the men belittling him. "Give it up, brat! You can't protect anyone," one of them taunted, while the other laughed mockingly.

Sera, sensing her master's struggle, hissed menacingly, ready to strike if needed.

Feeling the weight of the punches, Karyan realized he needed to turn the tables.

As the men continued their assault, he subtly signaled Sera. With a quick, silent command, Sera unhinged her jaw, revealing her venomous fangs.

As the first man prepared for another punch, Karyan skillfully redirected his attention to Sera. "Meet my friend," he said, a sly grin formed on his face.

The man was confused for a moment, he barely had time to react as Sera struck.

Her venomous bite caught him off guard, and he recoiled in pain. "What the hell is that?" he shouted, holding his wounded hand.

Karyan seized the opportunity, dodging the second man's attack and delivering a precise blow that left him staggering.

"Yes. I'm a Hopeless child, meet a real threat!" Karyan retorted, using the distraction to his advantage.

Sera, coiled and ready, hissed menacingly, dissuading the men from launching another assault.

"Now," Karyan declared, "tell me where you're taking her, or you'll experience more than just a snake bite."

The men were wary and on the defensive, hesitated, creating a brief standoff in the dimly lit space.

As the venom coursed through their veins, the assailants stumbled, paralyzed, all three collapsing to the ground with vacant, white-eyed stares.

Sera's venom had taken effect, rendering them helpless.

The girl, witnessing the sudden turn of events, seized the opportunity.

She rushed toward Karyan, her eyes wide with urgency. "We need to go, let's go!" she shouted, grabbing Karyan's arm.

With a nod, Karyan followed her lead, leaving the poisoned men behind. Sera, sensing the danger was averted, slithered gracefully by Karyan's side.

Both kids were out of breath, but finally safe.

"Th-thank you," the girl spoke, "thank you for saving me!" She breathed in more air.

"Where were they dragging you and for what reason?" Karyan wasted no time.

"For experiments," the girl replied.

"What experiments? Human experiments?"

"Yes, but I escaped now. I should be going."

"Go where?"

"To find my mom, I know she's somewhere safe."

Karyan scanned her bruises, "what is your name?"

The girl chuckled and frowned her nose a little, "you seem so curious now."

"I think I've deserved to know your name after all."

She breathed in and out, "my name is Reverie."

"Reverie?" Karyan lifted a brow.

"Yes, now if you'll excuse me, I need to go," she looked around if no one was watching, "and your name?" She looked in a rush.


"I will remember this, until we meet again, Karyan," she shouted as she started to run straight without saying anything else.

"What a strange woman," he muttered as Sera wrapped herself around his neck.

"Let's go, we have a funeral to attend."

As they were making their way back, Karyan immediately stopped, "wait a minute…" 

He looked back to see if she was still running, "the third man wasn't bitten by you, Sera…" he turned his attention to the snake and then looked back at the space where he last saw her, "so why did he…?" 

Karyan shook his head, "who was she?"