
Rebirth Of The Serpent Master

“Seal his magic, keep him in the dark!" These words were spoken when a new baby joined the Diverso family. The newborn, foretold to bring chaos and tragedy, now posed the greatest threat to the country. Little did Mateo Diverso know, the baby he had just grandfathered was the person he beheaded not long ago. Karyan, once a powerful wielder of snake magic, had been wrongly accused, stripped of his power, and put to death. Seeking revenge, he vowed to return and bring ruin upon his enemies. But fate played a cruel hand, as Karyan was reborn into the household of his sworn enemy, plotting a slow and deliberate revenge, ”Tell me, how do you plead…?” He asked calmly.

Jeri_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
122 Chs

Agree To Disagree

"Why children?" Nedeira's voice shook.

"It's not about the children," Karyan said flatly. "It's about the bigger picture."

"There's no picture big enough to justify that," Nedeira countered.

"Sometimes you have to do the unthinkable to achieve the necessary," Karyan replied.

"That's monstrous," Nedeira said, her disgust evident.

"Call it what you want. I have my reasons," Karyan stated.

"Reasons that involve killing children?" Nedeira pushed.

Karyan laughed, looking straight into her eyes, he couldn't believe that she was playing so innocent right now. 

Killing so many people because of someone, murdering them and sacrificing them to a sorcerer and his demon just to survive, and now she was worried about some children.

"Enough, Nedeira. It's done. Focus on your own thinhs," Karyan snapped.

"I can't ignore this, Karyan," Nedeira insisted.

"You have to. There's no changing what's already in action."

"So, I should just accept it?" Nedeira asked incredulously.

"Yes. Stay out of it," Karyan gave her a warning.

"I can't. I won't," Nedeira said firmly.

"Then you're a fool," Karyan's voice was cold and bitter.

"Maybe, but at least I'm not heartless," Nedeira shot back.

'Heartless, really?' He thought.

"Heartless or not, I'm doing what must be done," Karyan said.

"And I'll do what must be done to stop you next time," Nedeira declared.

"You can't stop me," Karyan stated confidently.

"I can try…".

"You'll fail," Karyan assured her.

"We'll see," Nedeira replied.

"Just pick a side you want to support. I'm getting tired of this…"

"Better than supporting a deadly one," Nedeira said.

"Think of your own safety," Karyan advised.

"My safety doesn't matter if I lose my humanity," Nedeira responded.

"That's where you're wrong. Survival is everything for you. You killed people for your survival before, why change it now?"


"You'll learn and understand, eventually," Karyan let out a long sigh.

"Or maybe you'll learn compassion," Nedeira suggested.

"Don't count on it," Karyan rolled his eyes.

"I won't give up on you," Nedeira said.

"You're really annoying…and a bigger fool than I thought."

"Maybe, but I have to live with myself," Nedeira stated.

"And you think I don't?" He kicked the rock in front of him.

"I wonder," Nedeira said.

"Don't even try to get into my mind," Karyan snapped.

"Why? Afraid I'll see the truth?" Nedeira challenged.

"There's no truth you can handle," Karyan retorted.

"Try me!" 

Karyan was surprised by her sudden change of character, it felt to him like she had some border disorder…

"Forget it," Karyan dismissed.

"I won't…" she clenched her fists.

"You should," Karyan looked at his surroundings slowly.

"I can't," Nedeira repeated.

"Stubborn…childish…and ignorant…that's who you are, Nedeira. I feel like I'm dealing with a child right now." 

"Determined," Nedeira corrected.

"Same thing."

"Not even close," Nedeira argued.

"Let's agree to disagree," Karyan waved his hand in dismissal. 

"That's the first sensible thing you've said," Nedeira acknowledged.

"Don't get used to it…"

"I won't," Nedeira assured him.

"Good," Karyan said and his eyes suddenly darted to the side, locking onto a face in the crowd. 

A woman's face, framed by a cascade of auburn hair, eyes wide with a spark of recognition that matched his own.

"Estera…" His breath hitched; he hadn't seen her in years, not since the day everything changed.

Nedeira noticed the sudden shift in his focus, the way his body tensed. 

She followed his eyes but saw only a blur of faces before Estera slipped away, swallowed by the sea of people.

"Karyan?" Nedeira questioned, her voice pulled him back to the present.

He blinked, as if shaking off a trance, and turned to Nedeira. His expression was tight, a frown creased his brow. "Did you see her?" he asked.

"Who?" Nedeira replied, confused.

"Estera," Karyan said, urgency lacing his tone. "She was here, I saw her."

Before Nedeira could respond, Karyan was moving, his long strides cut through the crowd as he tried to spot the woman again. 

Nedeira hesitated, then followed, she got curious. 

"Karyan, wait!" she called out, dodging people and stalls as she tried to keep up.

Karyan didn't stop; his eyes scanned the crowd desperately. 

He pushed past a group of chattering townsfolk, causing a small commotion as he went. 

Nedeira caught up to him just as he came to an abrupt halt, his shoulders slumped in defeat.

"She's gone," he muttered, the frustration filled his voice.

"Who is she?" Nedeira asked, reaching out to touch his arm.

Karyan shook his head, the earlier coldness returning to his eyes. "No one important," he lied. "Forget it."

But Nedeira wasn't convinced. "You're a terrible liar, Karyan. She means something to you."

Karyan's gaze met hers, and there was a brief struggle before his walls went back up. "It's not your concern," he said stiffly.

Nedeira sighed, knowing she wouldn't get more from him. "Fine," she acquiesced. "But you can't just run off like that. What if that brute comes back?"

Karyan's eyes blinked a few more times together, "I... I wasn't thinking."

Nedeira nodded, accepting his rare admission. "Just... be careful, okay?"

Karyan gave a curt nod and turned to head back to their spot in the town center. 

Nedeira followed, her mind raced with questions about the mysterious Estera and what her sudden appearance meant.

As they reached their tables, Karyan seemed to retreat further into himself, his interaction with the crowd faded again. 

Nedeira watched him closely, sensing a storm brewing beneath his calm exterior.

 She now knew Karyan well enough to understand that seeing Estera had shaken him more than he was willing to admit.

The day wore on, and the sun began to dip below the horizon. The crowd thinned as people returned to their homes. 

Nedeira packed up her cards and crystals, her thoughts still on the events of the day.

Karyan was quiet as they walked back together, his eyes occasionally scanned the surroundings as if Estera was going to appear again. 

"Do you drink?" 

"Like alcohol?" Karyan turned to her. 


"Not really…wh-"

"Let's go, you need to try something here!" She grabbed his arm and pulled him as she ran towards a bar. 

They sat down, many eyes looked at them as they were just simply not used to seeing Nedeira out of the bar she was working at. 

"This, you need to try this one!" 

"What is it!" 



An awkward silence filled the room, "I don't drink that…my body is immune anyway." 

"It was a joke, you silly!" 

A waitress came forward, got their drinks and then Karyan's ears heard a quite familiar voice.

"Hello, snake…"